i was in for 30 years.....my ex was an elder...."holy spirit appointed" he tortured me....i was married 33+ years....you know,,,marriage is sacred...you can leave,,,i know,,,,if abuse is intolerable....but that starts a series of events...etc etc etc....i finally left everything...and moved far away.....people actually believe "holy spirit" appoints people,,,my ex would not pray unless there was an audience...you know,,,,people invited over for supper kind of thing,,,you get the point..... my best friend had a mental breakdown,,,,she basically became psychotic.....had to be hospitalized....she took up smoking,,,got disfellowshipped...and lost all emotional support....to this day,,,,as far as i know,,,she is still disfellowshipped...needs to be hospitialized every so often....she is on complete disability.....and still trying to get back into the org....her mother does support some what,,,,even though she is a witness herself,,,,,takes her to assemblies,,,,memorial,,,etc,,,,this has gone on for years.....she cannot mentally handle the organization,,,nor can she mentally handle not being a witness...lost everything....guilt....etc..... did not mean to ramble on so much......i have mental scars that will not go away....because i stayed in a "mess" for god,,,,i could write page after page of things like the above....as being my "last straw".......curious about you here on the board....any specific "breaking point" or a collection of many things..... thanks for your in put...peaches.
Out4good....I believe you did start throwing up. With me it was finding myself in a fetal position in my bedroom with my husband yelling at me that I "didnt love the friends" and "didnt love Jehovah" any more. I think that is what it takes, like an exorcism, to get it out of you and arguing about your reasons with a braindead JW creates these primal gut reactions in us.
And the reaction that the JWs give us when we TELL them we dont believe it any more? Fucking Jekyl and Hyde. They become unrecognizable.
i was in for 30 years.....my ex was an elder...."holy spirit appointed" he tortured me....i was married 33+ years....you know,,,marriage is sacred...you can leave,,,i know,,,,if abuse is intolerable....but that starts a series of events...etc etc etc....i finally left everything...and moved far away.....people actually believe "holy spirit" appoints people,,,my ex would not pray unless there was an audience...you know,,,,people invited over for supper kind of thing,,,you get the point..... my best friend had a mental breakdown,,,,she basically became psychotic.....had to be hospitalized....she took up smoking,,,got disfellowshipped...and lost all emotional support....to this day,,,,as far as i know,,,she is still disfellowshipped...needs to be hospitialized every so often....she is on complete disability.....and still trying to get back into the org....her mother does support some what,,,,even though she is a witness herself,,,,,takes her to assemblies,,,,memorial,,,etc,,,,this has gone on for years.....she cannot mentally handle the organization,,,nor can she mentally handle not being a witness...lost everything....guilt....etc..... did not mean to ramble on so much......i have mental scars that will not go away....because i stayed in a "mess" for god,,,,i could write page after page of things like the above....as being my "last straw".......curious about you here on the board....any specific "breaking point" or a collection of many things..... thanks for your in put...peaches.
Looking back of course I realise that this was just the final straw, every other straw, from 1914/1919 and silly explanations that a bible prophecy was fulfilled at some fart-arse assembly at Cedar Bloody Point Friggin Ohio,etc etc, was adding to a burden that I could no longer carry.
Wobble you may not have meant that to be funny but it made me laugh out loud so thanks LOL! Succinctly put my friend.
God peeps...what were we thinking??? I was a lonely, secluded divorcee, going on 30 coming out of an extremely physically emotionally spiritually and verbally abusive marriage and saw this group as an answer to my social black hole prayers. And for awhile they were. They occupied my lonely weekdays and there was always a big group to party with every single weekend. It was great. I enjoyed the assemblies in those days in 1984...BEFORE they told me that if I didnt get baptised they couldnt associate with me any more. I was like WHAT??? So my choice was memorize a bunch of stuff and answer 130 questions and get dunked...or be back to being alone again. It SEEMED like a no brainer because I guarantee you I did NOT understand the consequences of my doing that and the full impact of what would happen if I changed my mind. The irony was I got baptized on June 1, 1985. Do you remember what happened that day? THE NEW BAPTISMAL QUESTIONS TOOK AFFECT. So I committed myself TO THE ORGANIZATION. Who now owned my soul.
I hated field service. HATED IT......did I mention I HATED IT??? Gawd...what a fucking waste of time and a fucking humiliation and a fucking guilt trip every month to REPORT on that fucking activity and to have to fucking LIE about what I didnt want to do and HAD to do to remain "in good standing." Or face ostracism and internal shunning by these so called FRIENDS I had accumulated for 13 years in deference to every worldly person I had ever known and in deference to my neighbors or physical family ALL of who were better morally than the idiots in my congregation that I was forced to spend 5 hours and more a week with.
Seriously...we became robots. We became chattel. We became a source of funds for the bastards in Brooklyn Heights and we were no more than that to them. They could NOT care less about us. Never did and never will. They owned our thoughts. They owned our families and our friends and our time and our education and our careers and our homes and our money and our children....they fucking OWNED us and they knew it and they STILL know it. All they have to do is threaten to take it all away in a one hour judicial committee meeting and we succumb to them and we suck what we need to suck to stay in and keep our families.
I think I actually realized that in 1985. And I pushed it back and pushed it back like a wife who knows her husband is having an affair but wont admit it to herself....and it took until January of 1997 and marriage to a JW and three kids later...to grow the balls to DA myself to save my children from this cult.
as the number of xjws grow and they post on different discussion groups, in all the different languages,, this must strike many of the governing body with terror, that is if any of them use the internet, and for all we know they all may have their head so far up their ass that they stay off the net, being old and set in their ways, but there might be a few who do surf the net, hey they may even enjoy a little porno too while there at it.. so perhaps the real old geezers don't go on the net,, being even too feeble to punch the key or see any purpose to it and so the internet remains a big mystery to them because they just don't get it.. those in the legal department at bethel probably do more internet stuff and perhaps they keep the real dumb gb abreast of things from time to time in language their dried out low functioning brains can grasp.. so depending on how up to date the individual governing body member is with the power and uses of the internet, to that extent they fear the proliferation.
the governing body fears their being exposed to the world and its members, that fear increases as we increase and the internet grows and becomes more common through out the world.. fear of this world exposure will make the governing body make less and less trips to different branches because there is so much dirt on these guys passing around all over the internet they don't know which branch members are reading this stuff.
i'm sure they are not the big hit they once were before the net and it can only get worse and worse..
IMHO These guys dont give a shit about the internet. They only want the borg to hang around long enough to pay for their upkeep until they kick the bucket and certainly dont care at ALL about the sheeple. Where would they go if the Borg collapsed? They dont have jobs. No skills. No family. Theyd be screwed. Theyre all old and probably next to none of them even know how to operate a computer. Thats for their underlings to deal with.
I tell you what tho...the VATICAN aint so happy about it these days LOL.
This Mia...my basement cat. I call her my Evil Child. She firmly denied being the one who pulled ALL the tissue out of the box.
This is Weegie, short for Teegee which is a nick for TG which stands actually for thanksgiving which is when I found and adopted her three years ago.
And I have a tortie too!! This is Minnie. She was stuck inside Sams Club where I work at about 6 weeks old and we finally caught her and I took her home. She is about a year now. And is a super sweetie.
Id say "Do NOT get married you are too damn YOUNG!" And I would also have bought stock in Walmart and Microsoft...if it was around in 1974...not sure LOL!
But becoming a JW gave me my amazing kids so that part of my life, compared to never having them...I will keep.
Thats a very very normal reaction. You are conditioned to go and there is all this GUILT they make you feel when you DONT go. It will pass. The longer you are out. But if you are still looking over your shoulder for them to catch up to your fade then it might take longer. Once you are totally free of them, those feelings will go away.
I do still have dreams of having the book study and meeting for field service in my house. The JWs are all there but they shun me...my house and they still shun me...and Im yelling at them and they dont even acknowledge that I am there. Just pisses me off even more at them LOL.
"a friend sent this cover for new w..... and said at bethel they have been working on it for months, long before haiti and chile..... isn't this great?!
funny, when i saw the cover, my first thought was "they finally got it right!
Oh man...this is heinous. What are they trying to say? God LEFT the Haitians? God LEFT the Chileans?? What the FU--!! This could be YOU and YOUR house if you dont become a Jehovahs Witness? What about the BROTHERS WHO WERE CAUGHT IN THAT EARTHQUAKE? What were they? Sacrificial lambs for the Society? Collateral Damage?
Oh yeah..and all I hear about is how GIVING the JWs were because they "allowed" the use of their convention center in Haiti to be a hospital. Are you CRAPPING me??? They ALLOWED that???
Ugh...what a hateful MFing cult. Assholes....every last one of them. They should be ashamed.
Well at first I was in awe, then as I got to know who they were and that they were flawed like everybody else, and when I went to live with the PO and his wife for awhile...I saw that many of them were torn from their families with all the crap they had to do for the Borganization. I sat through a couple of JC meetings some for me some not...and it wasnt fear I felt, it was resentment that these men could decide peoples LIVES in an hour and most couldnt keep their own HOMES and their own KIDS in order.
Never feared them...but when I came in I was already 29 years old and one of them told me I was "very imposing" and nobody wanted to mess with me. I kinda liked that...for a sister to be imposing must have been really scary for them LOL!