Hi Katie, this is AjaxMan here.
While I was never a JW, one thing I can tell you from my perspective as a worldly is that "Life is never easy". You always have to work hard for happiness and it always occur when you keep on trying and persisting.
I know that you grew up as a jw. All your life, you were dictated. You were trained to have a certain mindset different from us, worldlies. It is not something that you can change overnight. However, it seems to me that the JW mentality is setting you in. You are finding out that the real world is not easy, but you know, in the real world, you have more freedoms than being part of a high control group. Let me tell you, it's not gonna be easy, but in the end, it will be worth it.
You said that you are 18 years old. Girl, you still have a long life and a great future ahead of you. How about seeking a career or go to college? Believe me, as you age, you will change your viewpoints and perspective about life: The way you think when you're 22 yrs old will be different from the way thought at 18. There is still plenty of time before you get married and have kids.
I don't like and I don't mean to patronize you.
I am aware that you miss your friends and family. However, for there to be love from their part, they have to accept you for WHO you are, not for WHAT they want you to be.
If you are reading this, you can reply me with your feedback.
hugs and lots of love,