JoinedTopics Started by Love_Truth
Are you a healthier person since you left?
by Lady Lee ini am healthier mentally - no more depression and i have the freedom to think and believe what is right for me and not dictated for me
i am healthier emotionally - i have the freedom to be happy or sad or angry or whatever it is i feel in the moment.
i no longer have to pretend to be happy to keep the congregation looking good.
U.S. Presidential candidate John Kerry
by Sneaky Russian inis very similar to
herman munster.
but looks aside, moscow is worried that kerry may defeat bush and the seemingly good relations between russia and the u.s built up by putin and bush could fade away.
"The Apostates Are Infiltrating The Congregations Now"
by minimus inat the circuit assembly, my mother mentioned to me that the society is warning of a new danger.
there are witnesses that are on the internet reading apostate things but are still members of the congregation.
they are slowly being infiltrated by the 'apostates' and are still amongst us.
Building on WT sand?
by Narkissos ina number of posts by recent and old members of jwd (i won't mention names) struck me as being only variants of the typical wt-stuff involving prophecies or chronology, based on mystical revelation and/or intensive personal study of the bible.
generally those posters did not adhere to any other church, nor went through the academic cursus of theological and biblical studies.
they seem to be quite lonely with their "truth", still persevere in it with remarkable consistency.
Is this Islam?
by Sirona in.
i'm always willing to give a religion a chance, especially when i don't know much about it.
does this represent islam's view of women?.
You Live in California when...
by AlanF inyou live in california when.... 1. you make over $250,000 and you still can't afford to buy a house.. 2. the high school quarterback calls a time-out to answer his cell phone.. 3. the fastest part of your commute is going down your driveway.. 4. you know how to eat an artichoke.. 5. you drive your rented mercedes to your neighborhood block party.. 6. when someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will .
take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.. .
you live in new york city when.... 1. you say "the city" and expect everyone to know you mean manhattan.. 2. you have never been to the statue of liberty or the empire state building.
A letter to the Parents
by SixofNine ina friend gave me permission to post this.
i think it's a good letter, it might help others formulate their thoughts; she understands it may not be read or considered deeply, but things can't get much worse with her family at this point anyway.
no contact is not that much different than contact once per year or less, and sometimes it's just really important to have the people who should know you, at least know you a little.
Things Learned Along the Way
by blondie ini have collected sayings, homilies, whatever along the way that crystallize something bigger i learned.
i will post a few every day.
if you have one, please share it.. if you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.. to belittle is to be little.. somewhere, i got the idea if i just took care of others, i would be taken care of.. blondie
Dark Night of the Soul?
by Ravyn in
the mystic's life lesson #28 .
dark night of the soul.
Question on the generation teaching
by expatbrit inwe all know about the wt's dramatic about face in 1995 on the generation thing.
it was a large nail in their coffin, as far as i was concerned.
after all, surely a verse so important, so relevant to our modern times would have been studied intensively at bethel.