If you're asking "what will?" then my answer would be one word: proof.
What would be proof?
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If you're asking "what will?" then my answer would be one word: proof.
What would be proof?
then there is the always difficult matcup between superman, silver surfer, neo, and jehovah.
strengths: .
superman: really strong, really fast, loyal, x-ray vision, heat-beam vision.. jehovah: invisible, immortal, irradiates faces, can destroy entire cities (superman can also do this, but wouldn't of course), supposedly omnipotent and omniscient.
I just hope they dont start spitting out special editions that ruin some really great scenes (GREEDO SHOOTS FIRST!!!?!??!?!??!?!?!? WHAT THE F*** IS THAT S***??!?!??!?!) or prequels that have really shitty dialogue, no substance to the characters, and a director who has lost his F***ING mind.
i mean they are both imaginary, so do you think this wank-hovah god, who is so jealous, so pouting, so insecure that he needs our worship to be made whole.
could this loser in ever win a fight with thor???
he's pathetic,,i really mean it,,, what a loser!!
Reffering only to the deity of the WTS I have a strong belief that if Ares(Mars) were a real deity he would knock off hoober in ruthless bloody murder. Ares was the son of Zeus and God of not only war but yes murder as well.
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as I said, even if evolution were proven to be entirely wrong, it simply wouldn not prove that there is a God.
My Jesus thing is a way of saying "Then what will?"
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In the mean time, it's interesting to know that jesus is holding together each and every atom in the universe. Is there any proof, besides the little phrase in the jewish book of fables, that jesus is doing this.
Why are you asking me? When did I even say I agreed with Jack Chick. I have rarely come across a more raving lunatic. Maybe Apostle Eric. he could be called crazier than Chick.
even if evolution were proven to be entirely wrong, it simply wouldn not prove that there is a God.
I was making a counter point to this assertion. I dont understand what your point is. If you think I am trying to support Jack Chick I am offended.
1. raise taxes.
2. let the un handle national security.
3. provide daily body counts.
I want to be your friend... ya misguided republican fascist.
1: i can think for myself, and act for myself.
2: government should perform specific duties, but not encroach on inalienable rights of man.
3. consentual acts that harm no one are not criminal.
5. Taxes should be lowered, if not eradicated.
I was with you until that one. Eliminating taxes will not make you wealthier. It will make corporations even more powerful and destroy our infrastructure.
"There are only two sure things in life -- death and taxes."
--$100 bill guy
btw I have always been registered as Independent.
but why does the unitarian clergy dress in traditional Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopalian black priest/vicar/reverend shirt and pants with the collar thing. I mean what is that about?
i was talking to another apostate heathen bastard ex-dub the other day and he told me his son...also taking a college course in religions.
he said his son mentioned he learned of love and unity among many beliefs he's learning about.
i changed the subject and it made me think of the love and unity i have personally seen when i was doing the lord thing at various churches.
My grandparents started the Jehovah Quest in my family. They were both Catholics. JWs came to their house and the issue then was hell. They posed some challenges and my grandpa decided that they were right. He challenged the priest and said "the bible doesnt say anything about hell." and according to him the priest didnt know what to say. So they became dubs.
My dad for some reason I guess got suckered into the 1975 paranoia and converted. When 1975 fizzled he couldnt believe the retardation of everyone saying that it doesnt matter. He has been pissed off about everything ever sinced. But he seems ok now. I think he is happier than he has ever been. And he was not a pleasant person to grow up with.
He got his sister to join. I dont know how her husband got in. They all converted around the same time I guess. Her husband is a part of the deception. I have talked to him. He is into information suppression. The women are generally just sheepish but my mother was into information suppression also.
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If you agree then why are you rolling your eyes at me?