This guy is an idiot.
Posts by zack
Governing Body on Higher Education Gerrit Lösch Talk
by Magick in"if you are currently going to college, why don't you currently meditate in prayer on the possibility of dropping out and doing something better?".
"what decisions will you make?
will you refuse or not?
They are quickly becoming the most uneducated people on Earth.
"Oh That Magic Feeling...No Where To Go!"
by new boy inthe beatles said it best.. this goes along with "momcrazy" thread on saturdays mornings....enjoying life and a cup...of coffee.. enjoying saturdays morning instead of dreading them....getting up and geting the kids ready for feild service....yea! know they loved was like hearding cats!.
if anyone said they enjoy going out house to house with their poor kids......they were nuts.
no one in there right mind can say they enjoyed peddling religion from door to door....with small children.. most normal people liked it about has much a the poor people we meet at the doors (some of which we woke up with our "awake " magazines .....we thought that was funny...we were the joke!.
I haven't been to a meeting since this year's Special Talk and I suppose I am officially inactive since I haven't reported any field service time in over six months.
I feel GREAT knowing that I don't have to do any of this BS. No guilt. It's all a crock. Liberating is the feeling of making your own destiny. I think my friends still
in envy me, though they do it secretly.
Bottoms up!
The Two Bibles
by ProdigalSon in[we are;] for we are not peddlers of the word of god as many men are, but as out of sincerity, yes, as sent from god, under gods view, in company with christ, we are speaking.
2 corinthians 2:17, new world translation of the holy scriptures.
heres what was translated as peddlers: kapeleuo from kapelos (a huckster); to retail, that is, (by implication) to adulterate (figuratively): - corrupt.
Maybe this is off point, but the NWT says : All scripture IS inspired.....
Many other translations say: All scripture THAT IS inspired is beneficial...etc...
It seems to me that Paul himself was telling Timothy to be wary of "Holy Writings."
My question, and not to hijack the thread, what is the correct rendering of what Paul said?
Sinning Against the Holy Spirit
by spiritboi injw is banned here.
a few years back, one guy (xjw) informed the police of their meeting place.
it was raided,the bros were fined and a few jailed.
I know what the WTS says about this having been such a strong advocate of all they said. (Please forgive me)
From a Christian standpoint, however, the blood of Christ covers "all sin." It is a "comeplete" sacrifice. It seems to me, that in the christian context,
if you repent, then you're forgiven. Other wise, what's the point of the "ransom?"
Opposite doctrines taught at the same time:
by whyizit ininsight on the scriptures volume 1: aaaron-jehoshua (copyright 1988 wts).
"jesus indicated that people of sodom and gomorrah would experience a resurrection to stand for judgement.".
compared to:.
These are great. No wonder Dubs are so confused.
I'm Starting a New Religion Too! (Help Me Choose Which Kind)
by new boy init's between one of the following kinds.. religion 1. we have these big churches with lots of money.
when we first start the church, we will kill people unless they join.. in later years there will brith control, no eating meat on fridays, we will confess our sins to a preist.
sex before marriage is o.k.
No hell fire, when your dead your dead, no sex before marriage, no college education (we may change that later) 5 meetings a week.....with no college....most of are people will be really stupid...thats a good thing. They'll need 5 meetings a week...or they may start to guestion...our believes....and if they do you....and change their minds and try to leave us.....we will shun them (cause we can't kill them legally, but we are working on getting the laws changed)... oh yes, there will be lots of GUILT!
Is the NWT really the most accurate translation of the Bible?
by godsgurl ini have heard jw claim that the nwt is the most accurate translation of the bible and the persons who translated the bible were inspired by the holy spirit.
but if this is so then why was the nwt revised so many times?
did the holy spirit get it wrong the first time?
The answer is "NO."
Rolling eyes
by 4mylove ini've always noticed that when jw's, my inactive hubby included, notice someone is christian, they hate it.
they roll their eyes, snort, or make snide remarks.
i really pissed me off once when my mom in law told my hubby that if she had known why the older ladies wanted to by some of her plants for, she wouldn't have sold them to them.
I recently told a friend of mine that she could not be a Christian. (She is a born in JW) She got a little mad at me for saying that. Then she asked me why I would
say something like that since she does everything the WTS asks of her. I simply asked her how she could call herself a Christian and yet NOT WANT to be with Christ?
JW's mind the flesh-- it is what they accept because it is what they want. Christians mind the spirit.
Not saying I buy it all anymore, but Jesus promised life in heaven not life on Earth.
An answer to "Snakes" prayer: Fresh JWD Meat. [inkling]!!
by Open mind insnakes started a thread earlier today asking about where jwd has headed since trevorgate and dannygate.
well, i'd just like to take this opportunity to call attention to a fairly new poster who truly has a gift for writing and, imo, great insights into the jw-experience.
with [inkling]'s permission i am sharing a pm he sent me re: how he and his wife have almost simultaneously "awakened".
I can identify with the emotional part. Most people only act or react when it becomes personal, thus emotional. I think when something
happens in a Witness' life that goes against the core of who they are, then that's what wakes them up.
I remember a PO saying to us the BOE at a quarterly meeting: "We are all expendable." And I remember thinking,
"So Christ died so that the Org. can consider us all expendable, like razors?" It was totally incongruent.
Thanks for sharing.