This is all in line with Christendom. In Touch Ministry, Joel Osteen, Dr. David Jeramiah, Crystal Cathedral---- all have 30 minutes "messages"
Posts by zack
30 Minute Public Talk-CONFIRMED
by stillajwexelder ini can confirm (as there seems to be some doubt) at the service meeting last night during the item about the new watchtower, a letter was read by the po.
the public talk is to be 30 minutes long.
this is to allow for more association and ministry.. lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed.
How many times does Jesus return?
by Watkins inplease - someone help me find the thread about this.
i've searched 'bible research and study articles' for a couple of days(dial-up - s-l-o-o-o-w!
) and can't find it - i know it's here somewhere - not too long ago it seems... there was a post from someone(s) that showed the society has claimed at least 6 different returns.
According to Jesus himeslf as recorded in the Bible, he returns once. According to the Watchtower, Jesus doesn't know what he's talking about and will return as many times as the Watchtower wants.
Did you get the personalized JW items?
by reneeisorym inthe bibles rebound with a reasoning book in the end.
the special bookbags made by a jw for jws.
the magazine holders.
I have a Bible, Song book, and the TMS Book all bound in matching leather and engraving. The quality of the rebinding is very good.
Safety and Bloodguilt
by WTWizard inyou may have heard about those thrill sports at the meetings.
it is wrong to go bungee jumping, sky diving, or scuba diving.
if there is a mishap, you might die (and miss out on all the thrill of going door to door preaching the same message--they might miss out on all those coming in) or get seriously injured (meaning less service, and they don't ever want to allow anyone to get away with doing less).. why would bungee jumping be so bloody dangerous that the watchtower society wants to ban it?
This is another great example of the fact that their teachings are abitrary. Don't indulge in thrill sports because there is a chance you might get hurt or die and this would show a lack of appreciation for the gift of life. Of course, under no circumstances is anyone to accept a blood transfusion because this would show a lack of appreciation for the SYMBOL of life, at the probable expense of actual gift of life.
Tortured reasoning? Speciuos logic? Perhaps Paul said it best: "artfully contrived false stories..."
More to your point, 5 individuals personally known to me have been killed in field service in my congo in the last 10 years. One was killed on her way to a Circuit Assembly. A sister driving in feild service killed a pedestrian during "evening" witnessing. She thought she hit something, stopped her car, looked all around and saw nothing. Two days later a newspaper story reported finiding the body of a woman on this road. She called the police and got some info, put two and two together, and after investigation it was determined that she had hit this woman but it was ruled accidental. These were all older people who were killed driving on country roads. These are real tragedies. I know of not one person who was ever killed sky diving. Not one. I personally have 32 jumps to my credit. It is a very safe sport. They just want to control everything and every decision a person makes in his life.
Do you think the GB was/is that smart?
by exwitless inin pondering all of the hundreds of examples of manipulation, lying, controlling the governing body is responsible for, i often wonder, are they really that smart?
what i mean is, did they set out 100 years ago to systematically gain this much control and power over its minions?
have they had an evil plan all along, with the purpose of absolute control?
J.F. Rutherford, the real founder of the JW religion, was NEVER an earnest student of the Bible. The GB continue his religion. Whether it is some kind of sinister conspiracy to destroy the lives of other fellow human beings, I do not believe they think that of themselves. The practical effect, however, is just that: the systematic destruction of human lives, the squandering of youth and ambition, the crushing of the human spirit. What difference does it make if they are "sincere" or not, when the results of their teaching is so obvious?
I can only say personally, that I don't think they are so smart, it is just that I was so ignorant. Thanks to so many others here and elswhere, that situation has been remedied.
China selling cardboard as a snack!!!
by sammielee24 inchina is selling hunks of cardboard off the street, seasoned with msg, as a snack!
this might be over in beijing but isn't anyone worried about what the heck is still getting into this country or if any of the 'snacks' we've aready eaten have been nothing but some fibre scraped off the sidewalk, slipped into plastic bags and sold as 'tasty treats'???
They recently executed their equivalent of the FDA chairman, didn't they?
Most Chinese, I would imagine, are desperate to make a living anyway they can. In a nation with 1.2 billion residents with a middle class of 200 million, it still leaves 1 billion people living in grinding poverty. The Chinese have huge problems and a government that is incapable of dealing with them.
Literal meal vs. "spiritual meal"
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inon page 103 of the revised flock book (1991 edition) where it discusses disfellowshipped ones (and social gatherings), it states that "loyal worshippers of jehovah will want to adhere to the inspired counsel at 1 corinthians 5:11.
" the "counsel" given there involves "not even eating" with a disfellowshipped one.
if the rank and file aren't allowed to have a literal meal with the df'd person, how come they're allowed to have a "spiritual meal" with that same person?
JW rules are basically arbitrary, which is why they are open to being pierced by reason and logic. It's a dictatorship. Things do not have to make sense, they just have to be in writing from the "slave." These guys are eveil.
Living forever in paradise earth...
by zeroday infor 28 years i believed in paradise earth.
it was my life.
i da'ed myself 3 years ago and with that i my life as i knew it ended.
It took me a while to "let go"; I have not taken the steps you have (of DA'ing) etc.... I live my life today. I plan prudently for tomorrow but am not anxious. I have made peace with the fact that I will grow old and die. After that, who knows?
Good luck to you, friend. Do the things you want to do NOW. Today. Do not wait. Learna new language. Make a new friend. Smile more. Hold the door open for a stranger. Buy a lottery ticket. Go scuba diving. Jump from a plane. Ride a horse. LIVE! Don't let the lies defeat you. You're free!
"Trinitarians" who is Jesus Father? God the Father or God the Holy Spirit?
by booker-t inthis is one question that seems to bother trinitarians because according to their definition of the trinity doctrine god the father is not god the holy spirit and god the holy spirit is not god the father.
they are seperate entities existing in one godhead.
but the problem with this is that in the bible the angel told mary that she would become pregnant by the holy spirit not the father.
If someone who beleives in the Trinity ends up loving his neighbors, living a quiet and peaceful life, loving his wife and children, what difference does it make? If you end up doing GOOD and fulfilling God's will in the process, why get hung up on something that no one can proove or disproove?
by fifi40 inreligion has taught that without a belief in god and in absolute standards there is no genuine moral conduct.
but for many alive today who do not hold a belief in god, is a moral and good life possible?.
not to be confused with sin, which is essentially a religous idea defined as disobedience to god, morality concerns itself with observed consequences, so a wrong act can be determined by the effect or harm it causes to others.. for example religion teaches that in the eyes of god homosexuality is wrong.
If those without law do by nature the very things in the law, they are themselves a law and are being either accused or excused in their own nature----- Paul, apostle to the nations.
Most people are moral and by nature do right by others. The ones that don't do right are sociopaths. Religion doesn't define or serve morality--- it perverts it.