Hey exjdub,
First of all, great thread. I have grappled with this same thing. Some days better than others... When I first saw the cracks in the foundation, I too became very afraid. And very depressed. Now it is much better...
Still, I am not sure what to believe --- in the Bible? in any organized religion? etc... The questions you posed are good, foundational, relevant points worthy of examination...
You might find this book interesting. I read it and felt like a major veil had been lifted from my eyes --- Reading the Bible Again for the First Time:Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally, by Marcus Borg.
What really struck me was the author's ability to look at the bible AS A BOOK, WRITTEN BY MAN, but still allow the bible to have relevance to me, in 2004. And no matter where I land (if I do land anywhere specifically), I will still be able to put the Bible into a proper perspective.I enjoyed Marcus Borg's book so much, I bought a second copy for my wife. I know we will both be making notes in the margins as we each go through it again.
In the big picture of things, does it really matter if the Bible is historically true/ prophetically true/ truly inspired of God? I don't believe so. Otherwise, if God put SO MUCH importance on us believing it blindly, why would he have given us a brain to think? And why would he allow so much human meddling to mess up the message.
Just my 2 cents.