I am not here to defend the GB… but how can you tell from a video whether a watch is a $20,000 Rolex or a $200 copy ?
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
New GB member Judy Jedele critizing Job's "humility" while wearing $20,000 Rolex, gold cuff links, coloured suit. Incredible!
by WingCommander ini swear, you can't make this shit up!
for years and years growing up in this cult, i had to constantly hear from my parents, from the stage, in the literature, about "keeping your eye simple", not being "materialistic", not "having a showy display of one's wealth.
" of course, this never seemed to apply to the wealthy business owning elduhzzzz who ran and lorded it out over the congregations, but i digress.
The org's failed last days predictions were "well meant."
by BoogerMan inw93 6/1 p. 15 par.
6 be sound in mind - the end is close - "of course, well-meaning, faithful christians in the past have sincerely tried to predict when the end would come.".
more than 140 years of a sincere & well-meaning "it's coming soon" from the org, can be swept under the carpet - nothing to see here!.
I believe it was well meant. Unlike some, I have never seen them as money grabbing scammers. But, so what, it was still wrong and we all made life decisions based upon what they said .. They claimed to be directed by Holy Spirit and they let us down..
NB. They make it sound like only a few members had forecast the dates . They should apologise on behalf of “ This Organisation “
Further Crisis looming for JW org re Safeguarding ?
by Phizzy inif you substitute j.w org for c of e this really hits home : (from bbc news site) :.
the church of england risks further crisis if it fails to adopt a sweeping new independent system to keep people safe, the former head of a national inquiry into child sexual abuse has said.
(prof. alexis jay).. "i think it's absolutely necessary because church safeguarding as it stands falls below the standards of secular organisations, and i do not think that can continue when it has also led to such serious weaknesses," she told the bbc..
It would be good if the WT could learn from some of the measures that Jan has described above… It is a case where they need to learn from “ The World”.
JW Vaccine mandate: The contrast between voices of reason and confusion
by ukpimo ini was reading an intriguing post on the exjw reddit, a forum i do not with to sign up for, as i'm not interested in the internal politics of reddit.
another post counteracted this one, driven by the "conspiracy theory" card.
Covid and other vaccines saved millions of lives . Anyone who disagrees is following unproven conspiracy theories.. Believe the Science.
U turn on LGBT
by ExBethelitenowPIMA infeb broadcast they have a drama about someone who works with a colleague who is gay.. they actually make it sound like the jws are the only ones who support him and is tolerant of him and everyone else is against him🤣.
after all these years they try gaslighting and saying we are the ones who are tolerant and everyone else is not!!!.
you couldn’t make this up.. after this monumental u turn now, what about all the gay people who were born in’s who have been shunned by their own family?.
Had a look at this on the website and, yes it presents a softer view of gay people. The point is clearly made that they reject the behaviour, not the person. It presents the view of “ worldly” people as being intolerant and treating the gay man rudely. That may be the case in some places but my experience of working in a large office block was just the opposite.
New Footage of the Kingdom Hall that Recetly Was Converted to a Mosque
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/2rovtysbopm?si=gqazzq-lowyk3js0.
with islam being one of the fastest-growing religions in the uk, there’s more need for mosques.
so when an old church goes up for sale, it’s not exactly surprising that someone might want to turn it into a mosque.
Wing Commander…..
In the U.K. , your words could be called hate speech ….even liable for prosecution.
New Footage of the Kingdom Hall that Recetly Was Converted to a Mosque
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/2rovtysbopm?si=gqazzq-lowyk3js0.
with islam being one of the fastest-growing religions in the uk, there’s more need for mosques.
so when an old church goes up for sale, it’s not exactly surprising that someone might want to turn it into a mosque.
I have. Mosque not 100 yards from where I live . It is purpose built and causes no problems to anyone.
The witness view of a Kingdom Hall is very pragmatic. It is a building, a material place to meet in . They have it , use it as long as they need to and then dispose of it… that’s all..
It is the congregation that matters, not the bricks and mortar.
NB… is there a hint of Islamaphobia on this thread.?
JWs and Christmas
by Rnadomchris83 ini have been lurking around here for years.
i'm not a witness, but my in-laws are.
my wife grew up in it but was never baptized.
Bah… I see no chance of them adopting Christmas.
Anyway , after abstaining all these years I , and I am sure many others have no wish to join the rest of them now.
Do children still get destroyed at Armageddon?
by Anony Mous ini know back in the day, that was taught, that if the parents were going to be destroyed, so would the children.
i just can't easily find reference to anything.
this thinking has been used to justify some egregious behavior towards children and their parents such as exclusion of children from jw family - why worry, the end is near, all will work itself out then - the end didn't come though.
This was a big problem for me and a big part of the reason why I awoke to the foolishness of it all.
However, at the last but one A GM they seemed to revise everything about the end ….Now saying “ We just Don’t Know “. The judging and decisions rest with Jesus.
IICSA Final Report
by Phizzy inthe english legal system's independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has issued its final report, and its recommendations.
to read the report in full just google iicsa report, if you search on the iicsa site you can find the specific investigation into j.w's.. but this recommendation from the final report is interesting, esp.
the first and last sentences.
I hope there are no exceptions in the final law. This will put the government on collision course with the Catholic Church who claim the “ sanctity of the confessional “ and the WT has clung to their coat tails. If there is a loophole the dubs will find it .