I don't know about you guys, but I took notes when I read this one. lol
1. "..not all their children continued to serve Jehovah." "...come back to Jehovah."
I think that is a typo, don't you think what they meant to say was- "...not all their children continued to serve the Watchtower, Bible, and Tract Society." "...come back to this publishing company."
2." ...Christian meetings" "...Christian elders."
????????? Since when did the JW's start associating themselves with Christendom. The word "Christian" was never used when I was a JW. That was like calling them a satanic worshiper. I was born in 1975 and went to the hall from birth till eighteen years old.
3. "...parents move away."
Who do they think they are???????? They should just tell all the JW parents that their children belong to them at birth.
4."...resist the inclination to find fault with the elders."
HAHAHAHA- they actually compare those numbskulls to Moses!!!!!!!! .........actually that shouldn't suprise me, when they also compare a magazine company to Jehovah God!