Cheeseburger (made with cheddar, not american cheese)slathered with mayo, ketchup, tomato & lettuce on a toasted bun.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Hamburger - fluff time
by larc ini have been very busy translating the dead sea scrolls and finding out how to explain to everyone what is the meaning of life, so i feel a need to take a break from my ponderous works to ask all of you a pregnant question, to wit, what is your favorite dish that is mainly comprised of hamburger, or contains hamburger as a major ingredient?
i do request that you only provide one, and only one selection.
(those who disobey this rule will be disfellowshipped and will not get a christmas present from me this year, even if i promised you one.
Im Scared
by Shytears inim trying to think for my self and make my own decisons on the jw religin.but everytime i go to meetings,they scare me with all the armaggendon bull,and makes me feel bad for wanting to date and do"normal things".i mean i want to think for myself,it just seems like they think for have to this and follow that because the wts says so.
and bullshit to loving and kindness in the congregation could have fooed me!!
I am so sorry for what you are going through right now! It is extremely difficult to swallow the fact that what we are raised with is not the bed of roses that we were led to beleive. And the fear is real - I do not discount that at all. Fear is an amazingly powerful motivator, but not the correct one. There is such a thing as healthy fear, but the fear cultivated in all of us as we grow up as a witness is the opposite- it is controlling and causes us to be handicapped, in a manner of speaking, regarding our ability to function on a normal level. I am by no means suggesting that it is an easy thing to do, but I can tell you that it gets better and easier to think for yourself and stand up for your beleifs as time goes on. Please recognize what a blessing it is that you have the ability to see the whole thing for the farce that it is at your age. So many people do not ever have the courage or personal strength to stand up and say no to that controlling restrictive way of life, and you have done that at 16, though you may not have made it official at this point, you have taken a major step in realizing that you do NOT want to live that way. You are already so far ahead of many people who's thought process is so warped by the fear that they never even get that far. Follow your heart and make a wonderful life for yourself.
Working hard at nothing all day
by RubyTuesday inim curious as to what some of you do for a living.
im an office manager for a communications co. in central califonia.
edited by - rubytuesday on 8 november 2002 17:47:45edited by - rubytuesday on 8 november 2002 17:48:25.
Accounts Receivable Administrator
by cellomould ini voted for only one republican in this mid-term election.
i do think that governmental positions should be filled by a diverse group of well-qualified people.. .
but it is very dangerous to allow one party (republican in particular) to have a majority, as has happened in the senate.
I certainly would have voted, but I did not qualify to vote this time around because I moved too recently to be allowed to by California law. However, of the 53% of ELIGIBLE voters who did show up at the polls, does anyone have a theory to explain why they would vote AGAINST a measure that could have made it possible for people who WANT to vote (but can't because of totally ridiculous, stupid restrictions) to register at the polls? Seemed counter productive to me, and one cannot moan about low turnout when there are all those stupid restrictions that keep many. many people from being allowed to vote. Not really ranting at you cello, just a general gripe to add to the pot! I certaily agree with the analogy of dumb and dumber regarding our choice for governor, but had I been elligible to vote I would have voted for Simon just to get rid of Gray Davis.
My grandma
by Vivamus inmy grandma was a remarkable woman, with a sense of humour that could crack me up.
and she had the determination to make everything she started a success.
she never gave up, and fought for everything she hold dear.
Viv - I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
by SPAZnik inlet's play "what if".... even if they *changed their ways*.... openly apologized.... and implemented drastic new policies.... would you go back?.
or are you "once stung, twice shy"?.
Not a snowball's chance in hell. There is no way that they can redeem themselves from the false prophecies or turn a lie into the truth.
Cheesy Question:
by Englishman inwhat's your favourite cheese, please?.
mine's gruyere, a swiss cheese that is absolutely scrummy.
of course, i still enjoy the noble stilton, danish blue and there ain't nothing to compare to a genuine parmesan with pasta.. but, gruyere takes some beating, i reckon.. englishman.
Blue cheese, especially in salad dressing, camembert (has anyone ever had it deep fried?Yum!) or a chunk of roquefort freshly crumbled onto a salad. Also love provolone or muenster on sandwiches, mozzarella, parmesan, mizithra on pasta, gouda cheese sliced up on a freshly baked baguette consumed while looking out over the carribean, smoked gouda, Vermont cheddar on crackers with a glass of red wine, ...
Absolutely cannot stand cheeze whiz - does not even qualify as cheese - real cheese does not come in a can, I do not care what the can claims is in there! American cheese is gross- ANYTHING that stays fresh THAT long should be labeled hazardous to your health. I think there is some in my refrigerator that my stepson bought in August that has yet to show any sign of mold!
Describe Your "STATUS" In The Congreg...
by minimus inif you were to describe what your status was in the congregation, what would it be?
were you viewed as mature?
in "good standing", a pain in the rear?
Allegedly marked (at 12?) and to mothers, a threat and distraction to the spiritual progress of their young sons.
What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?
by minimus inas a youngster raised in the "truth", i had my questions.
but anytime you ask a question that is unanswerable, you are told to just wait on jehovah.
as time passes, i believe that we store up a number of unanswerable questions that forces one to eventually think about everything.
Read Angus03755 reply - same experience, same people. I was about 15 when the witch hunts happened, and when we learned first hand that the bortherhood my parents had taught us about was a crock of s***, and those experiences among others totally destroyed any faith that I had. Once I became an adult, I began to have panic attacks about going to meetings and this led to very sporadic attendance (which when it did happen, was totally guilt driven). The final straw came when I got pregnant with my son. I realized that once and for all I had to make the break. Up until that point, my questions had only caused me inner turmoil, but I lacked the courage to officially come out and say that I was never going back.
VT/NH - Upper CT Valley ?
by rwagoner inanyone else from the vermont - new hampshire area ?
along the ct river valley ?
in from 1969 - 1989 - happily free of the org now.... it seems like my entire generation left the kh's in this area and i'm interested in seeing who may be online.. randyw.
ME!!!! (Well, you already know about me, but I didn't want your post to go without a reply!)