I'm so sorry Barb, wishing you love and strength though this ordeal.
Posts by carla
A message from Barbara Anderson re: the health state of her hero, her husband, Joe Anderson
by jwleaks infrom barbara:.
my dear husband, joe anderson, has had very real problems with his short-term memory for at least a year which really worried me.
as his mental health deteriorated, i decided to have our local longtime physician talk alone with joe during an office visit last september.
JW's home schooling over-representing
by joey jojo inspeaking to an old elder friend recently about his decision to home school his high school aged kids.. he claims that here in australia, about 30% of the students that log into online classrooms are jw's.
the others are disabled kids - who cant physically attend class and the rest are long distance students.. another generation of under-educated jw kids on the way..
I know people in the US who are not jw's and take their homeschooling very serious. They opted out of the classrooms when things like drag queens were being welcomed for reading hour with 5-7 year olds, when gender books were supposed to be normal and so forth. Some parents just don't agree with some of that and that is their choice.
That being said there is testing for these kids but that is state by state. Some states are more rigorous than others. In years past I would agree that many home school kids were just plain weird. sorry to say so but that is my opinion. Now there are so many options and programs for home school kids that is not necessarily the case. All depends on the parent I guess.
Pa. Has Charged 14 Jehovah's Witnesses With CSA Just Since Last Fall ! More Expected.
by Sea Breeze inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhwk6pxprkg&ab_channel=thethornbushwasblazing%26yetdidn%27tburnup.
Scully, how horrible, I'm sorry.
2025**S-147**January** Announcements.
by Atlantis in2025**pdf**s*147**announcements.. here.. https://pdfupload.io/docs/73dbf41c.
Thank you Petra, must be hard for you, in my thoughts.
Study Watchtower March 2025 - Ever heard THIS before.........
by BoogerMan in.........during the past 120 years???????????.
page16, par.
9 - "we are convinced that as the gibbering body prophecy indicates, soon - very soon -god’s kingdom will destroy human governments.".
This is for March of 25? are you kidding? if your not kidding, when will a r & f read or study this?
Merry Christmas Everyone
by jhine init's that time of year again .
in the words of the bard ( noddy holder ) " it's christmaaas " .
merry christmas everybody .
Merry Christmas Jan and everybody else!
I've done it: Christmas Lights Outside
by StephaneLaliberte inlets see if that causes a problem.
i've been inactive for a very long time now (like 10+ years), so, i don't expect to hear anything from it, but my parents are worried i'll get df.
lets see what happens.
I'm a ubm, I like to puts lights up while he is gone doing jw things. So yeah, like every meeting, fs or whatever in Dec he never knows what he will come home to as far as new Christmas decorations or lights. Bwahahaha, Merry Christmas everybody!
(don't judge, we all have our guilty pleasures)
Memories of Excessive Laughter
by Sea Breeze injw's are not known for laughter.
there are the rare exceptions.
they are more known for their fear mongering and doomsday scenarios where "the dead shall come to be as manure on the surface of the ground from one end of the earth clear to the other".
As a ubm I can tell you that once you join the cult much joy and laughter will in fact leave your life as well as those around you. Some things that were previously funny to my jw (pre jw) days now must first be thought out if they are against jw rules somehow, then you can decide if it is funny enough to laugh or not. Well, by that time the joke is gone.
We (all non jw family, never been and he is the only jw anyone actually knows) however find many things to secretly giggle about or laugh later when he isn't around. Such as when he lets swear words fly, when he mistakenly does laugh at something that might be not quite jw approved or when he is a total hypocrite (as jw's are prone to) and the list goes on....
Tis the season
by garyneal inseems like i just pop in here every now and then to see what everyone is up to.
just like the previous years, i check in during the holidays to let everyone know about the annual christmas card exchange.. blondie used to lead this several years ago and i was involved for about 3 to 4 years before it began to fall off.
for those of you who participated back then, i still have your addresses and have just sent off this year's christmas cards to everyone.
Hey Gary! Hope all is well in your world and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you.
2024 year Highlights: JWs hit 9 million Publishers
by Sanchy inwatchtower put out some highlights for the 2024 service year:.
average publishers: 8,828,124. peak publishers: 9,043,460. a 43.2 percent increase in "those who returned to jehovah", meaning 65,816 were reinstated.
baptized: 296,267. memorial attendance: 21,119,442. missing stat: number of partakers .. womp womp.
here is another read-
Highlights of 2024 Worldwide Service Year Report - how to manipulate the data