what sort of things is he into?
has he recently come out of 'the truth'?
does he have a lot of friends who could celebrate with him?
does anyone have any ideas for a birthday gift/surprise/whatever for a 24 year old?
my brother turns 24 tomorrow and has never had a family member do anything for his birthday.
i would like to do something but really have no idea what to do.
what sort of things is he into?
has he recently come out of 'the truth'?
does he have a lot of friends who could celebrate with him?
what do you think would happen if someone where to have a bible study with the sole purpose of asking lots of awkward questions just to get the reaction of the witnesses?
what do you think would happen if someone where to have a bible study with the sole purpose of asking lots of awkward questions just to get the reaction of the witnesses?
well i had written up 30 or so questions for the elders.
i made it very easy.
ther were mostly simple questions with yes or no answers.
What if it was someone who was only studying that asked the questions?
When I studied at the end of the hour they always used to ask if I had any questions.
if you could go back to when you were 18, just out of high school, what would you do?
how often would you keep in touch with your friends?
graduation was both a momentous and sad day, hugging all my friends.
If I could go back to being 18 I would take complete advantage of education and get a university degree, I probably put too much emphasis on friends and having fun, which combined with being told by the JWs that I didn't need a decent education as it is all just 'vanity', has led to me being penniless most of the time.
I still speak to a couple of old school friends but thats down to Friends Reunited (I don't know if you have it in the States).
But you should just go ahead and get as many qualifications as possible!
yup..thats what my teenage daughter told me this week.. she's beautiful, witty, smart, funny and overall a wonderful person (if i do say so myself).
but she's feeling unworthy of love from the " friends".. so i had a long long long long talk with her about the other " witness" kids.. how i felt the same way as a kid, how as i got older i found out the other kids didnt want me around because they were doing things that they .
didnt want to be told on about.
You should be so proud of your daughter and yourself, you seem to have a great relationship, I wish my mum had been able to talk to me like that during those difficult teenage years.
I don't know your situation but would it not be possible for you to let her invite her 2 school friends over, let her socialise with them more outside of school?
I really feel for your daughter, she should never be made to feel inadequate or second class by a bunch of stuck up hypocrites.
Good luck!
i recently gave a public talk, and i really felt bad about it.. it was the public talk about the great flood of noahs days.
the is so much evidence that this great deluge never happened, but that is something you can't tell the audience from the stage.
(i will tell about that evidence if people are interested, but it is a bit off-topic now).
If you realise that its not the truth then you should leave straight away, otherwise you are only going to look back at all the waisted years and wonder what else you could have accomplished.
Get out and get on with your life!
bonus points if you don't mention wt publications!!
the first book that ever made me cry was the grapes of wrath by john steinbeck.
most recently, i was reduced to a blubbering wreck reading the five people you meet in heaven by mitch albom.
Angela's Ashes - an incredible story.
i have been with a witness now for 10 - 11 months, i am rather young, 17.. i dont know if i want to be with him but he's giving me all these reasons why i should and i dont know what to do, i broke up with him because he cheated on me and i couldnt cope..i really dont know what to do or what to say to him or myself to figure out what i want :(.
his mum disaproves and wont allow him to see me and he doesnt stand up for me..but i ont know if its worth it..i am sooo confused and i havent a clue how to sort my head out or weather this is worth it at this age.. please help!
If you really loved this guy then you would KNOW that you want to be with him, and if he loved you he wouldn't have cheated and he'd tell his family about you.
It just doesn't seem worth the hassle, but good luck with whatever you decide.
listen to this: the other day my wife was talking in her sleep and she said "sister xyz died".
i just thought, well she's dreaming.
the next day one of my friends told me "sister xyz died yesterday".
If your wife knew that the woman was in hospital at the time then I'm sure it was just purely coincidental.
i was never allowed to play sports, because it would be too much association with worldly people.
no skating, dance class, racquet ball, softball, nothing.
in my kingdom hall, only the "spiritually weak" played sports.
As a litle girl I was allowed to do ballet, however every Xmas I had to take a few weeks off my lessons as my mum didn't want me listening to Xmas music or taking part in any Xmas dances.
As a teenager I willingly gave up figure skating to attend meetings.