I tried, for as long as I could, to resist the temptation of answering your post. This is because I firmly believe that conspiracy theories, in the form that you are presenting, should not be taken seriously. But anyway, here goes:
You don't think that governments don't have the power to withhold or even change information as we know it
Well, to a certain degree, ok. But much less so in our mass-media-world, with a constant and free flow of information, particularly in democratic countries. The relevant question would be: Why would they want to hide a "fact" like the existence of Noahs ark in that mountain? Unlike with the alien-conspiracies (that Bush and Blair are reptile-aliens, changing form now and then), all the major religions on the earth would welcome the existence of an ark. Bush and his christian fundy-buddies would love it, as it would prove the Bible. The jews in Israel would love it, it would prove the OT, and even the moslems would love it, as they too accept the "truths" of the OT. So I have to ask: Why would the existence of this "ark" be concealed by a (or more) governments? And what I would like to know, is: How do you know that a (or more) governments are doing this?
Governments must consider the impact on the masses when information is released
I doubt all these religious leaders (see above) would do anything but rejoice. It would "prove" all of them right. On the other hand, if it truly was a big old boat (or box) on that mountain, it would still nor "prove" anything right beyond doubt, it could have been dismissed as "just a bog old boat" (unless it had the skeletons of all the animals of the earth, including cangaroos and polar bears, two of each species).
I'm sure there are tons of scholars who have spent their whole lives studying what they knew to be fact that do not wish to be refuted
I wouldn`t say tons. Some, probably, but most hold to a scientific truth (a real truth) that says: A theory is only to be considered to be correct until proven otherwise. Had they found a big wooden boat or box on that mountain, the majority would be honest enough to reveal it. And, even if some of them would want to cover it up, do you really think all of them would want to? Because, you know, it takes all of them to agree, to ensure that noone will blow the whistle! And, in addition to this, there are plenty of religious archaeologists who would object if someone tried to cover it up (but I guess you`re gonna say that the CIA would probably kill them, so I`m not getting anywhere with this line of arguing either, I bet). But what I wanna know is: How do you know that this is the case? How do you know that these "scholars" have covered it up, or that they would want to cover it up, or that they would even be able to cover it up?
When they found the Ice man otzi, they came up with a whole concotion of how this guy died and were heralded as great thinkers. That was until they took a simple X ray and discovered that he was killed with a stone arrow. God did they ever look foolish. If they didn't take that X ray though, their analysis would have stood the test of time.
Ok, I don`t know that story. But anyway: They did take that x-ray test, didn`t they? So where`s the story here? Scientists are often wrong. Then, eventually, they gather more information, understand what they did wrong, and then correct their theories. Nothing new here.
Oh one more thing. Do you think I mentioned that my brother found a human footprint in stone for the good of my health. He still has it and no one wants to deal with it. Can you deal with it!
I`m not sure what you`re getting at here. There are plenty of footprints in stone around the world. It`s no big deal. If noone were willing to deal with it, it`s probably because they had enough of them already.
But: What I really want to know, is: How do you know there is a "cover-up" on this issue? Who told you? How did you arrive at the conclusion? And do you have any proof (and by that, I mean other than your arguments, which are easily refutable)? You should learn your basics: The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Present your proof.
One more thing: That air-photo showing a "weird rock formation" up on that mountain, is not considered interesting anymore, not by scientists, and not even by most Bible fundamentalists. It`s now considered just a rock formation by most.