JoinedTopics Started by ChuckD
Blue Jeans BANNED by Jehovahs Witnesses Governing body
by Watchtower-Free infor anybody attending a international convention .. 5 body of elders letters just leaked .
"applicant instructions".. ********************.
applicants must be exemplary in every respect, including dress and grooming.
Pit Bull dogs
by Schizm ini want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
There are two reasons why I'd go back to the JWs...
by logansrun ini was thinking about this the other day in response to the question, "am i coming back?
" put forward by jw who called me (a former friend).
i said that i would not answer that question since it would put her in an uncomfortable position.
Black JW are Losing Out on Opportunities
by JT ina few days back a thread was started that dealt with persons who had given up things in behalf of the "truth" college, retirement, dreams, etc.
as a black man i see the impact that wt has had on me, thankfully i live in an area where if you are a black person you can have opportunities that as a black person you may not find in miss.. .
i look back at myself at all the job advancements i turned down due to being a jw, i used to work for a white guy who told me, james you have the abilities that would make you a good manager, i said to myself --no way-- i see you guys working 50-60 hours a week, and i got meetings and parts yes responisiblities in the congregation that are far more important than some "job" .
What are your thoughts on writing DA letters?
by mamashel inas most of you know, i have been inactive for about 2 1/2 yrs and completely out for about 7 months.
i am debating on wether or not to write a letter of da to the org or not.
in some ways i just want closure, and on the other hand i dont want to play by their rules.
Any proof of mankind before 6,000 years ago?
by back2dafront ini was just browsing through the creation book and it claims there's no proof of mankind before 6,000 years ago on the earth.
is this true?
the quote a lot of sources in that publication that are against evolution - just wondering if any of these may have been taken out of context possibly??
Analyzing evolution through Laws of Probability
by pomegranate inany of you evolutionists ever crunch the numbers?
Celebrety Witness Dies
by ChuckD inmy apologies if this was already posted.
los angeles (ap) - actress teresa graves, who starred as a sassy undercover cop in the 1970s television police drama "get christie love!
", died thursday in a fire at her home.
Demon at My Daughters House
by Undecided inmy grandson's wife is staying at my daughters with her newborn son(my great grandson).
they have a room in the basement.
last night she said something was holding her in the bed and wouldn't let her go to her new baby.
Sept. 30, 1955
by CC Ryder insept. 30, 1955 james dean was killed in a car accident.. sept. 30, 1955 cc ryder was born.. that's's my birthday!!!!!.
but i don't guess i turned into james dean at