JoinedTopics Started by saywhat29
Show The Love....
by saywhat29 inokay i think everybody here understands anger, sadness, and fear, but you know.... this is going to be the strangest thread ever, might be even out of place but.... what are some of the things you miss and/or love about your family and friends, yes the jws ones.
because only people who you love like hell can put a deep cut into your chest like that.
and no i don't think this is a jw apologist kind of thread, at least i don't think so because acknowledging the horrible stuff people do to you (us) doesn't mean that we have to forget about all the positive things and good qualities of a person.. like my mom for instance.
Birthday Party- an Attempt at Your First
by saywhat29 inokay, so i'm planning my own birthday party/get-together/something as i want to do something fun for my 21st.. the thing is.. i don't know what to do, besides go out and get drunk.
most of friends... okay the two or three i have... are now use to *not* having to get me anything because they are cheap and took advantage of knowing a jw kid.
but, now i want to do something and i have no idea about doing it.. it stil seems kinda silly to me, to celebrate a day that is like any other day, but i will be twenty-effing-one and i've never been a drinker or party-type-guy.
Halloween! Some Spoilers, but not that many!
by saywhat29 inomg!
tell me somebody else here has seen this movie- i think it was a great remake of a classic- i really enjoyed it and i'm not even a horror fan.. however, i have to say that the halloween series was "the movie i had no business atching growing up" but i just felt for jamie lee curtis and when i was younger i found myself unaware of what i was watching and was scared to death but not by much, so i kept watching.
it was a marathon, so i had watched a few of the later movies as well.
She Said It Again...
by saywhat29 inshe said that if i went out in that world and lived "like that" then she would never see me again.
instead, mine are of what is fantasy and what is reality.
reality is becoming more... "real".
They Actually Said it!- A rant Brought to you By sw29
by saywhat29 incan't quote word for word, but at the dc this friday, the last talk given, the speaker actually said "not to question the faithful and discreet slave" and everybody around me was eating it up like it was cake.
my insides were churning when that guy said that crap.. and the funny thing is that if i hadn't been reading this board, reading the evilomg!
apostate literature they 'warned' us not to, then i would have been feeling guilty for my doubt, for my lack of faith, for being different, and all the rest of that crap.
Dirty Field Service Moments
by saywhat29 inhey everybody!.
i thought it would be fun to share some of your nasty/funniest/embarrassing/messed up/dirty field service stories- witnesses get off on driving around and sharing their stories with each other since... they usually have nothing else in common with the people they are driving around in field service with- but field service itself.. and you know i'm right, driving around listening to brother and sister so-and-so tell you about their amazing study.. who will never ever step inside of a kingdum hall in their lives (smart folks i have to say).
so here's one of mine- a favorite:.
A "Captive" No Longer
by saywhat29 inokay, i recently read "captives of a concept" by don cameron and i am utterly shocked, yet i feel so i don't know- hell, free!
this guilt of believing in "god's organization" and feeling as if i was losing something that in reality never even existed!
at first i felt so guilty, as if it was my issues that led me to my path of not having faith in the organization and in a sense always believed that i was just immoral and couldn't uphold the standards.
Culture, Class, and Congregations
by saywhat29 ini know this is nothing new- the thought of the bible being just a story and a blend of culture and of how people interpreted the world around them and recorded it as such.
it's very athiest..y, even if don't consider myself an athiest.
because culture and class also affects how people look at the bible whether they believe it or not.
Kinda Bored- Lets Invent Future Watchtower Titles...
by saywhat29 insince being open to the truth abou da troof, whenever i read watchtower articles, their titles are always combinations of the same thing, just rehatched and modified to say teh same exact thing... does anybody get what i mean?.
serve jehovah and have ever-lasting peace!.
serve jehovah and keep and mild spirit, always remembering jesus christ is your lord!.
Out of the Family...
by saywhat29 inliterally and figuratively.... if you don't know my story, its the basic "i'm gay and from a family of jws" and lately it hasn't been going well.
i'm still saving up to move out, but that "meeting" i was suppose to have with the elders is scheduled tonight.
it was scheduled tuesday night but i dodged that bitch hard.