Satan misleads Eve > God punishes all snakes but not Satan.
Adam sins > He sentences all his descendants to death.
Cain kills his brother > Punished by wandering, getting married and building a city. (I think he wandered inside the city)
Angels rape women and have offspring with them > Most humans are sentenced to death by drowning. Also most animals, but no death sentence to spirits (children of god).
Noah is seen naked by Cam > Canaan, Cam’s, son is punished for the deeds of his father and his descendents are to forever be slaves of the descendents of the other two brothers.
Abraham twice pimps wife/sister > He is blessed by god “visiting” her and getting her pregnant.
Abraham worships god > god orders him to kill his sister’s son.
Lot is brave enough to offer his daughters to sodomites instead of himself, gets drunk, fucks daughters > Lot gets called “righteous” by the inspired word of god.
God hardens pharaoh’s heart so he will not free Israelites > God sends 10 plagues to all Egyptians, kills all first born of ALL Egyptians because pharaoh did not let Israelites go.