The picture you sent is seen by many as an astronaut. It was also featured in the book "Chariots of the Gods".
By the time the Spanish came to America, the Maya civilization had already declined, but they had contact with other tribes.
The reason that Hernan Cortes was able to talk to Moctezuma, king of the Mexica-Aztecs, is that on their trip of exploration along the Grijalba River they had a bloody battle with the Mayas. To their surprise they found that one of their lieutenants was a Spaniard who had fallen in love with a Maya girl and fought against the Spanish. They also rescued a Catholic priest who together with the Maya/Spanish Lieutenant had been taken prisoners in an earlier battle.
The Priest accompanied Cortes, and by this time this priest spoke the Maya language. The Maya chieftain gave as tribute to Cortez a girl who spoke not only Maya but also Nahuatl, which was the language Mexica-Aztecs spoke. Her name was Malintzin. The ending "-tzin" indicates that she was of noble ancestry. To make a story short, When Cortez arrived in Veracruz, Moctezuma's emisaries were there in a couple of days. When they wanted to talk to Cortez, Malitzin would translate from Nahuatl to Maya to the Spanish priest, and the Spanish priest would translate from Maya to Spanish to Cortez, which by the way was cousin to Francisco Pizarro, the conqueror of the Inca empire.
The Incas had sporadic human sacrifices, but the Aztecs periodically sacrificed tens of thousands of their Tlaxcaltecan neighbors in their "Flowery" wars, which only purpose was to obtain sacrificial victims to their war god Huitzilopochtli to give him their hearts. The rest of the body was consumed by the people in a ceremonial banquet on which the only person who was forbidden to eat from the sacrificial victim was the warrior who had captured him. This was because he was considered to be like the father of the victim.
Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.