Topics Started by Liza
We are the other people (long but well formated)
by IP_SEC ini came across this piece some time back and thought some of you might find it interesting.. .
"we are the other people".
by oberon zell.
God in a nutshell (a historical perpective.)
by darth frosty inthen he is not omnipotent.
then he is malevolent.
then whence cometh evil?
Who is "us" Genesis 1:26
by BFD ina few weeks ago i started a thread explaining that i wanted to read the entire bible for the first time.
i had been reading the kjv and i read revelation, john i, ii, ii and then i read john, matthew, mark, luke using the kjv in that order at someone's suggestion here.
i further took the suggestion of the poster and purchased an niv bible.
Should suicidal or self destructive people have free will?
by The Dragon inbeen going through my head lately....if you try to prevent them from doing what they want...they see you as the enemy...but are you?.
if you take away their freedom to do so.....are they no longer free?
will they hate you...or thank you when they come to their senses?.
Catholics reverse teaching
by startingover in
The Catholic Church reverses it's teaching on Limbo
by moshe invatican city (april 21) - pope benedict xvi has reversed centuries of traditional roman catholic teaching on limbo, approving a vatican report released friday that says there were "serious" grounds to hope that children who die without being baptized can go to heaven.. .
will wonders never cease.
perhaps the wt society will soon open up the gates of heaven to all jw's soon, too..
Sincere Question to Anyone who Believes in God
by Big Tex inlately it's occurred to me that one day i will die.
being raised in a cult that teaches you, you will live forever without dying will warp perspectives.
and i've been working hard on coming to terms with that realization, and it's becoming more and more okay.
JWs and College
by cabasilas ini'm looking for recent information about the wt society discouraging jws from going to college.
i already have the 2005 wt article which went back to the old line discourging post-secondary education.
are there other statements from our kingdom ministry or more recent watchtowers since then?.
You Believe in God? Who cares?
by proplog2 ini think this is a good thread to post feelings about the various evolution/creation and atheism/theism disputes on this discussion board.. i don't really care whether most people believe in god or not.
all i care about is that science keeps doing its job.
most theists are going to contribute almost nothing to the next stage of scientific progress.