JoinedTopics Started by BEROEAN
Just reviewing my years of non-appointment as an elder.
by AK - Jeff ini had 'reached out' to be an elder for a decade before i finally understood the reasons why i was not, nor would i ever be one.. each visit of the co, my name was on the list of discussion.
i know this because i was told by both co's and local elders.
the vote was always close, sometimes i missed the cut due to 'low hours' on the part of my wife or daughter, othertimes due to some variation in the way the wts was looking at particular 'requirements'.
What if she hadn't eaten the fruit?
by michael downing inbased solely on whats available in the genesis account, what would happen if eve had not eaten the fruit but had continued a relationship with the "serpent" in perpetuity questioning god's motives?
would she be punished for this exercise of free will?.
i ask the question because my personal belief is that if the genesis account is in fact allegory, then what comes after it should be awarded no more acknowledged efficacy that what we prescribe to aesop, confucius or any other pragmatic, non-theistic value-set that has survived history .
Are ex-JW still gullible or serpent-like?
by BEROEAN injust wondering if ex-jws find it hard to trust others since their bad experience or are they still gullble souls?
just wondering because some of the stories i read about past experiences are off the charts!
some of you, your childhoods, your parents are seriously jacked up!
New Stupid Assembly Rules
by WTWizard ini have heard on this discussion board numerous rules that apply to upcoming a$$emblies.
some are designed to stop people from meeting the opposite sex; others, to make sure everyone is always ready to recruit new members into the scam.
i heard that some km inserts have been urging those whose congregation has cleaning assignments to sit in the section that they are assigned to clean.
Conversation with a JW
by VanillaMocha73 ini wrote: .
i saw your email address on the post about the arson at your church.
i was wondering if you could answer some questions about your church?
Curious about what ExJW's Preach and Teach
by BEROEAN ini've noticed many of you that have your own ministry.
i'm curious as to what doctrines you teach.
is it "jesus is love.
Arguments JW's can't argue with.....I think???
by Adolfius inthese are just a couple of arguments i think would cause any half sane jw (if any current and actively brainwashed "true believer" could ever be described as sane), to stop and think for themselves.. thinking person: is the bible and the events it describes true and factual?.
jw: the letter.. thinking person: could evolution be true?.
jw: no way.. thinking person: ok, so i just want to get this perfectly clear; evolution in no way happened, is happening, or possibly ever will happen?
"Mature" JW's READ THIS:
by Honesty in"mature" jw's, what do you "believe" you are accomplishing by coming on this board?.
page 371 paragraph 22 of the june 15, 1967 watchtower magazine says, "in addition to all of this, a persons faith can be weakened by what he reads and takes into his mind, dwelling upon "higher criticism," relying on worldly philosophers.
it should be remembered that, when we are reading a book, the author of the book becomes ones teacher, and for this reason great care should be taken in selecting reading matter.
Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Jehovahs Witnesses Are Settled
by Dogpatch inpress release 5/10/07.
sixteen child sex abuse lawsuits against jehovahs witnesses are settled.
I can't believe they just sat there...
by troubled mind insaturday i photographed a witness wedding .
during the part about the woman's role the speaker made the comment to the new bride ,"don't try to manipulate your husband .....we know how you women can be ...!".
my jaw noticeably dropped and i uddered " what the heck " as i looked around to look for support from other women there,.