If you're into this sort of low budget thing, check out;
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/search/movie.php?searchby=by+title&search=last+night .
Notice Last Night received a respectable +90% reviewer rating.
new york times .
we will be nuked!most people will be killed instantly and the rest will have a slow painful death.
what would you do if this was true.would you scramble around and try to build something to protect you?or would you just do something you always wanted(skydive or whatever turns you on)or would you eat all your favorite foods?.
If you're into this sort of low budget thing, check out;
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/search/movie.php?searchby=by+title&search=last+night .
Notice Last Night received a respectable +90% reviewer rating.
what, did i disturb your concentration with the above statement, "wha!
no, it can't be, i know what they believe in is a bunch of b.s.!
" well, guess what, it's true, and no, it isn't an oxymoron.
If a Jehovah's Witness appears to have everything going for them, in this case intelligence, it doesn't necessarily mean they want to be informed of all things and risk losing their family and friends who remain Jehovah's Witnesses for less.
On the other hand, if a Jehovah's Witness, who exhibits mental depth, allows himself or herself to be properly informed outside the confines of the Watchtower Organization and doesn't act ethically by passing on that information, intelligence and disingenuousness can still coexist.
Edited by - Flip on 10 September 2002 13:59:13
yes this was the good ole days when we hung on every word coming forth from a member of the gb-.
now we look at thier comments and want to laugh- you got to love it.
James, this Governing Body rep comments reminds me of an inspiration book I read once, only this guy's list title should be, "Chicken Soup for the Idiot."
Edited by - Flip on 10 September 2002 16:0:27
hi to everyone on this board - i have been around reading many of your posts for some time now but have only just felt strong enough to post my own thoughts.
the watchtower has left me with guilty feelings that i find hard to cope with at times.
my story in the "truth" started when i was 18 years old.
I feel I have no identity.
You do now!
Welcome GT, I'll keep listening, if you keep writing like you do!
i just got off the phone with the hospital, cygnus is listed in stable condition after his heart surgery yesterday.
i will be going to see him later today.
Super news about Cyg, PLH thanks.
However, while visiting Cygnus remember to wear something frumpy. The guys heart condition is only stable.
near death experiences,what do they mean?
anyway there was a resent disscusion of this phenonema on the telly.now i'm not concerning myself here with is there life after death but with this point, when people have near death experiences they are measured to be brain dead, no activity can be measured in the brain, yet many report seeing what was happening to them or voices and visions.if this is true then consciousness is continuing while the brain is inactive.this is not sleep , where the brain is active , but the brain is to all intents and purposes dead.
if, and i say if this is true, then consciousness is not solely linked to brain activity.that would have major implecations as to the nature of consciousness.where exactly doeas our consciousness reside?is the brain just a means for it to recieve information and in fact consciousness does not exist there but works throught it instead.this does not have to mean we have an imortal soul etc, but for example,maybe hidden dimentions in space could be the source of our consciousness,or someting else, not just the world we are aware of.
Nerve impulses at the junctions of an axon terminal to a neuron in an individuals brain are working overtime due to physiological trauma and subsequent shock.
... or do persons not yet conceived ponder near birth experiences?
Edited by - Flip on 10 September 2002 7:1:36
stop whining!
ok maybe that is a bit too strong.
but you read it.
Let the newbies do the ranting and raving and the rest of us be supportive rather then blah blah blah I hate this and I hate that and I hate them and I hate everything blah blah blah blah.
Poignant, to say the least.
its almost a year now since the horrific attacks on the wtc, everytime i see those news clips of planes smashing in to the trade centre towers i feel sick to my stomach.
to see innocent people jumping from windows to certain death and the courage of police firefighters and innocent people caught up in this horror truly humbles me as a jw.
its a terrible world we live in, and though my beliefs about the solution to this differ from most on this board, i sure you like me will take a few minutes out this wednesday 11 to remember so many good people who lost their lives, and those that gave theirs, unselfishly trying to help others.
Its a terrible world we live in ...
With an expressed attitude like your's, I suggest you remain one of Jehovah's Bystanders for as long as you possibly can and stay out of the way of those actually trying to do something worthwhile for their community.
Edited by - Flip on 9 September 2002 1:36:35
i am not, and never have been a jw.
my interest in them started 1 year ago when i started to 'study'.
going on to the internet, and searching ' jehovah's witnesses' led me to this board, (among others).
One point you may have overlooked searcher, is to remember that anyone who s spent a fair amount of time as an indoctrinated Jehovahs Witness, as you ll find here, is they ll give the appearance that rejection tends to roll off their backs like water on duck feathers.
And sometimes it can be difficult for them to recognize when the appearence of rejection is negitively affecting someone else.
People who haven t had the experience of being a Jehovahs Witnesses generally have a hard time understanding or competing with that kind of behavior.
So hang in there buddy and cut us some slack.
Sorry I missed your last post searcher. If you haven ' t already done so, ignore my last crack about cutting us some slack.
Thoughtful thread by the way.
Edited by - Flip on 8 September 2002 13:25:41
i've been thinking about changes in my world view lately and wonder if others have had a similarly subtle, yet profound, outlook on life.
not being a jw nor even a believer anymore has made a subtle change that ive observed.
to begin with, i read somewhere that people tend to bring their own standards to their religion.
Once I was able to free myself partially from my Watchtower Society indoctrinated childhood. I eventually learned to try and recognize how not to give respect and support to those who undeservedly assumed the role of authority figure.