In 1977, I made the most utterly stupid mistake in my life regarding Susan McGraw. If I could take it back, I would do it in a millionth of a heartbeat...if I still had a heart after all these years without her.
anything that you've regretted, that "if only" you could take it back, you would??
In 1977, I made the most utterly stupid mistake in my life regarding Susan McGraw. If I could take it back, I would do it in a millionth of a heartbeat...if I still had a heart after all these years without her.
original thread:
depp says comments were not anti-u.s.. .
Country Girl how right you are about how quickly these large-mouth stars can change their stripes when their pocket books are involved.
And what's even more revolting to me is that the federal government AND THE POLITICIANS IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE would react just as quickly if the people of this country would react as powerfully to some of the bullshit those groups present us with.
The banks in this country can announce an increase of twenty-five cents in the ATM fees people are charged to use their machines and the public outrage is so loud you can't hear yourself breathe.
The politicians (especially those neo-Marxists calling themselves Democrats) can announce they are not going to approve a Republican tax decrease, or that they are going to increase personal taxes and there's not a peep out of the public. If we reacted like we do when the banks raise the ATM fees, we'd never hear from the neo-Marxists in the Democrat party. We actually have that much power, but we fail to use it. We fail to use it to our peril.
johnny depp likens u.s. to 'dumb puppy'
sep 3, 11:00 am (et) .
Alright Simon, I've been called a "right wing prick from Georgia" so where are you with your blue pencil that you so love to scribble with?
It's obvious that the lurker who finally was provoked into posting his first post consisting of a personal insult has an IQ the same as the number of his posts, but no matter. If you don't delete that post as being totally against your posting policy, you will win hypocrite of the week award. So what you gonna do?
And to the poster who deliver himself of the me outside?
in a moment of deep contemplative spirtual reflection (as in a mini micro second) it occured to me (perhaps driven by the holy spirit to be found in a bottle of johnnie walker blue label) that the time of the end has been revealed to me - is so simple to determine, yet hidden from the masses of unbelieving heathens aka the rest of mankind.. i am sure the right reverend canon will support me with this simple expose of bible chronology.. six thousand years of man's existence on the earth ended in 1975, but still not the time of the end, 'cause we didn't know how long it was before god became fed up with adam's fooling around with the animals (disgusted i should well imagine) and decided to give him a mate in his likeness.
goodness knows things would have been simpler if he had have put tits on a mans back.. since we know that the israelites determined that a man was not suitable for marriage until thirty years of age, then it is only right that eve was not given to adam until he was thirty.
1975 plus 30 years = (holy shit) 2005. the end is nigh!.
I can just see it now. God makes a world jam-packed full of he's and she's of each and every kind. Then one evening over dinner with Gabriel, he smacks himself on the forehead and says, "Shitsky (God speaks Yiddish in case you didn't know already), I didn't give Adam a mate! Where will he put his schmickel in de middle of de night, oy vay? What a dumkoff I am?
God as forgetful, slapstick Deity? I ain't buying it. And it took him thoity yeas for him to realize it. Mozel Tov.
If JCanon doesn't ease up on the preaching woik, I think we oughta recommend he be put in a home, a home for old vaudville players.
i will be posting some more "troublesome trinity" verses shortly.
i am trying to concentrate on the verses used by non-trinitarians to "disprove" the trinity.
"mighty god" is jehovah in isaiah 10:21, jeremiah 32:18 etc.
I really think this conversation is very like the ten blind men examining the elephant. Each one is CERTAIN that his version is THE correct one in varying degrees of pomposity, JCanon taking the prize in that department in a walkaway.
Little Toe quoteth "I especially love Deut.10:17 (Literal Version): "For Jehovah your God, He is the God of gods, and the Lord of lords; the great, the mighty, the fearful God who does not lift up faces, nor take a bribe."
I like this one too, LT, in that it is clear that back in the Bronze Age, in the time of Deuteronomy, there were MANY Gods conceived, but Yaweh, yes Yaweh, of all the Gods bumping around back then, HE was the mighty one, the one you should get fearful of; he's the one who does not lift up faces while those other dudes do, and Yaweh takes not a bribe where those other Gods do. Yaweh was just one of MANY Bronze age Gods and in addition, Yaweh had a wife according to very recent archeology.
I believe our understanding of God, the real one which informed the teachings of The Master, is very ill informed. Everywhere the old religion serves as scaffolding for the new religion which is being built upon it. This is why we see many features of Catholicism present in the Voodoo religions of the Islands of the Western Indies, and we see the olden features of Voodoo present in it as well. And we smile and tolerate these people not realizing we are doing the exact same thing, on a different level. We attempt to comport the Bronze Age God of Moses with the Loving Infinite Father of Jesus, and we mix up the beliefs about Yaweh with the Father of Jesus who has NO name.
For reasons of my own, I have become to believe that there indeed IS an existential trinity made up of a Universal God, an Eternal Son, and an Infinite Spirit; all persons, all unique, each one equal, each one a God, all united as one. But Jesus of Nazareth, The Master, is not the Eternal Son. He is a son of the eternal son. And I believe here is where we make our first and most basic mistake. And we will not give up the beliefs that make it up any more than the Voodoo priests of the Islands give up painting their houses around Blufton, SC Voodoo colors, and celebrate Voodoo customs in graveyards at midnights thereabouts, killing chickens and goats and reading the future in their blood and bones, and sending curses causing people to do everything from falling in love to becoming a part of the world of the undead. And their beliefs and arguments are no less intense nor well-defended than your arguments which you regard as so much more sophisticated. They're not. But, in case you've ever wondered, this admixture I'm talking about is the very reason why houses in and around Blufton, SC are painted in such a rich variation of blues, and purples, and yellows, and greens: to keep away the haints. Don't believe me? Read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. That is the real level of your arguments.
Frank Tyrrell II Savannah, GA
i have just finished reading for the 2nd time "who wrote the bible" by friedman and american professor but first published in london.
he gives solid evidence that the pentateuch was written by 4 writers who are called j, e, p and d --- and so on -- traditionally of course written by moses.
my question is 2-fold .
Everybody and his brother.
the account where the woman with the blood flow touched jesus outer garment and was cured interests me.. jesus felt the power leave him and looked to see who touched him.
if the holy spirit was an active force seperate and controlled by god why would jesus have felt a power drain.. if you consider most of jesus healings to be a placebo which only healed people who believed like present day faith healers do this account sheds a different perspective.. if you believe jesus was god and all powerful it seems strange that he would notice the insignicant power needed to stop a flow of blood considering the awesome displays of power which never seemed to bother him(calming a storm, replacing a severed ear, raising the dead, feeding thousands with basically nothing..although my mom could do that too).
what are your thoughts...yes you too mr canon...not too long though...ok...remember kiss
IN my understanding, the Holy Spirit, or Infinite Spirit as some call it, is the third person of the Trinity. As such, it is obviously a personal being and controls itself completely and totally not being controlled by anyone else, not even God. If we mortals, being made just a little lower than angles, have soverign free will with which even the Gods do not interfere, how much more so the Infinite Spirit?
The Master had his own personal force and free will controlled only by himself, just as each and every one of us do. Otherwise what is the meaning or use of free will in the first place? Additionally, I don't for a moment believe that the Master is the second person of the Trinity.
I do think that part of our problem today consists in confusion of identity, especially in that we confuse the Bronze Age tribal God Yaweh with the Universal Father introduced by The Master which contributes much to our inability to move forward spiritually and to understand some very basic spiritual truths.
would you reveal info about what you consider to be the worst turnoffs re: people you've dated?
frannie b
So, what you're asking is if we'd mind revealing the worst turn-offs we've found in people we've dated. (If you're going to write, you're just going to have to learn a certain economy of phraseology, m'dear). I suggest you read R.M. Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet. It's bound to help immeasureably.
AHEM. Yes. Well. Bad Breath is right on the top of my list. This is especially true since I usually plan on having my orabicularis oris muscles clamped rather firmly to hers for a goodly part of the evening and any hint, trace, nay - suggestion of even an off odor would bring those plans crashing down like unto Humpty Dumpty. Fresh, innocent, and even with a trace of mintyness would be just perfect now that you mention it. You DID mention it didn't you?
Alright, and bad shorts, rather skivies. New and right out of the package would be perfect. White cotton lined with lace would be just about perfect. And virginal panties as I have indicated.
I have watched in horror as my femme of the evening just past has used my deodorant in the morning, and has placed the nozzle approx. one INCH from her pit and sprayed until there was a white dot the size - I swear to God - of a dime under there. NOTE TO LADIES: Spray under there like you were spray painting a fence: 18 inches away and in small circular motions. Remember, the bacteria grow all over the place under there, not in that one selected spot. You will kill the hell out of those just there of course, but look my God at all the ones that get clean away.
And then of course, there is the piece de resistance. I suggest sitting in a warm wash tub 3/4 full of lemonade minus the sugar of course (I'll be bringing that in the form of Tupelo Honey). A nice, soft bottle brush and some lavender soap would be nice and I'll leave the technique up to you. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, remember dears, and remember one good turn deserves another.
See you in just a little while my heart and all that effort will be paid for in triplicate ravishments from head to toe - slowly, oh so slowly.
i just got a return visit from a couple of jw that visited me last month.
all was very nice and friendly.
i have inadvertantly agreed to a study of sorts and figure it might be an interesting challenge for me to try out my newfound knowledge/information with them.
Metatron, Yes Jesus used the phrase "Our Father..." in the Lord's prayer. He did this in part (to my mind) because it was part of his mission here to disclose the actual loving nature and adorable character of God, best understood by mortals as a father. He came to introduce God to Man. To do away with the Bronze Age fake the Pharisees had kept carefully propped up all those years in support of their dearly loved tithe. That one's name was and is Jehovah.
But his mission didn't stop there of course, in my opinion he further came to:
Introduce Man to God. In his ministry and his life, The Master showed God just how fine a of a spirit-led character a mortal man, the product of evolution, could develop.
Introduce Man to Himself. To show man what he could become if he would only apply the Master's teachings in his own life. Look at all The Master accomplished in just over 30 years on this planet. He showed us what we could each become, and showed us The Way to follow in order to do it. And it's simple really; to love God with a whole soul, and your neighbor as yourself.
And look at how the JWs have screwed it up with their constant, insistent study on new and novel ways thru which members of their organization can be kicked out and the expression of their real motivator be more fully practiced as they are the embodiment today of common, garden-variety HATE.
as you know, last year-7th grade was extraordinarily difficult for b (and me).
toward the end of the school year, i took b to an adolescent psychologist to try to sort out the problems because i just couldn't figure it out.
the psychologist ran a battery of tests related to add/adhd and b came up negative on both counts.
I have sleep apnea and it's a real problem. I snore so loudly, the screws holding the sheet rock onto the wall studs are slowly backing out.
However I was unable to use the standard CPAP machine (as are 50% of the people who are prescribed one) because I could not tolerate the masks, and I tried at least 6 different masks before giving up. People with apnea are far more likely to drop dead for no good reason, to die earlier than should be expected, to have heart attacks and strokes at very young ages, etc.
Just a few months ago, a new mask called the Breeze was released. It's a hard mask that fits on top of your head with a tube running down between your eyes and with little soft rubber pillows that fit one to a nostril. It took me about three weeks to get used to it. Now I wouldn't go anywhere without my CPAP machine and my mask, even for one night. I use it when I take naps in the afternoon. In short, if I'm sleeping, I've got on my Breeze mask.
And this new little CPAP machine is less than half the size of a shoe box. I got it in Georgia from Advantage Medical Equipment. The Breeze mask will go on any CPAP machine and I recommend it for any one. I'm finally getting some sleep and I feel better than I have felt in at least ten years.
Send a PM to me if you'd like to discuss this privately.
Here's the CPAP Machine
And Here's the Breeze Mask
Go get 'em