JoinedTopics Started by Siamsa
Quote of the Day
by purplesofa in" it is never too late to be what you might have been".
i read this today and thought of you.
My Email Exchange with Trevor Spencer....
by AK - Jeff ini sent the following email to trevor following the revelation of trevorgate a few days back.. trevor [or whatever your real name is] - this is not hate mail.
and it won't be long.
i have like 5 minutes before i leave for work.
Lived through Danny H incident / Trevorgate? Do you feel a bit changed?
by nvrgnbk insurely these two events/situations/happenings mean little, nothing even, to those in the real world.. but since we're witnesses( some participatory) to them, they've affected us.. alot "went down" in a relatively short period of time.. do you feel the effects have been mostly positive, an opportunity to grow perhaps?.
or do you feel adversely affected?.
what about any lasting effects( positive or negative) you think they may have on the way ex-jws interact as a community?.
Jehovahs Witnesses are people too thead: Has it been removed ?
by Siamsa ini cannot find it at the moment.. can any one help ?.
Df'ing: Sister's Tears Wreck a Congregation?
by metatron ini'm relaying this story to show all of you how disfellowshipping can be made to backfire on the .
i have only changed nonessential details to protect anonimity of those involved.. .
The transformation from evil JW to freedom-fighter XJW- Instantaneous?
by nvrgnbk inthe degree of hatred being expressed by some here towards individuals in the jw cult is difficult for me to understand.. why?.
because most of us were jehovah's witnesses at one time.. how did this transformation from "evil, disgusting, murderous, bloodthirsty" jehovah's witness to "enlightened, free, open-minded, compassionate" ex-jw take place?.
were we bad the last day we were witnesses but good the next?.
Assaults Are a Bad Idea ( One exception?)
by metatron inassaulting jw's in the door to door work is very counter-productive.
it encourages them to continue.
believing that they are the true religion by reason of being persecuted.
How To Repel Jehovah's Witnesses at Your Door
by WTWizard inthe doorbell rings, and it is jehovah's witlesses.
this is not all that unusual, but in this case you have made it clear that you do not want to be called on.
there is a no trespassing sign prominently displayed on your door, and they know you are absolutely not interested.
Did Anybody Besides Me CHOOSE Not to Respond??
by journey-on ini saw danny haszard's video before it was removed.
did anybody besides me choose not to post an opinion to.
the many threads about it, especially those that got a chance to view it?.
In (partial ) support of Danny Hazard
by stillajwexelder indanny you have been fearless in your exposing jws for the cult they are and the harm they have done and are doing.
keep up the good work.
but please be careful in what you do as this board and recovering xjws need people like you who are fearless in exposing the wt.