I don't even know if I am wasting my time posting this, but here it goes.
I think what ever went on in heaven is huge... much bigger between these forces than we can possible imagine. I believe it is a real war....a spiritual war of great magnitude and we are caught up in the cross fire. Somehow....satan got ahold of the world and all that was in it. That is why it says that the world and all in it belong to the evil one. He gained control....took over and owned, not just the world but us too as we are in it.
He also set out to destroy what God had made and did an awesome job of it. We were made in God's image and God is spirit. When he made the earth, the things he made a spirit could not enjoy so he housed life (spirit) in awesome bodies that were made to last. We have God's spirit or life in us. So it is not our eyes that see... but our souls see thru our eyes.... it is not our ears that hear, but our soul hears thru our ears. Satan destroyed those bodies. If we don't get sick and die, the eventuality is that it will get old and die. But God said.....alright... you destroyed what I created and you can make the body die, but the spirit belongs to me.
God loved us long before we loved him. He bought back what satan got control of. The price was steep. I look at it this way. Say you were selling a beautiful table and I wanted it and asked what is the price, and you quoted me something ridiculous. But I wanted that table so badly, I chose to buy it no matter what. That is what happend. Jesus asked satan what is the price for their souls. Satan quoted him a very high price.... his life. Jesus wanted us so badly he chose to pay that price. That is what it means when it says we are saved by grace and it is a gift from God. It is like being on an aution block and we are allowed to be purchaced by Jesus. That is why there is no amount of works we can do that is greater than what Jesus already did. It never was a matter of what we can do to make it... but rather what God did for us. Jesus could have avoided paying such a price and grabed the out if he worshiped this god satan that took over. Satan offered him the kingdoms of the world and those in it,But he opted not to do that and pay that price.
Things that happen here are not tests from God. These things that happen here are from being part of what is owned by satan. That is why James 1:13-17 says that God does not tempt anyone but it is the evil one that tempts us. That every good and perfect gift is from God. The bad that happens to us becomes a test and it is our choice to see thru that. Do we continue to trust in HIM or do we blame him instead.
Thinking that hardships, hurt, suffering and pain comes from God is just what satan wants us to think. He is the great deceiver.
I remember being angry at God years ago. I believed in HIM, but was not sure I liked him. It wasn't until I got to know him that I began to understand the whole picture better. None of us on this side will ever understand a realm we don't live in.....but I know that once we are before HIM the clouded glass we see thru now will be clear.
Didn't want to sound preachy.....and I bet I will get some flack...but the post did ask what we think,so for all it is worth it is how I look at it.
Hope it just may be another way of seeing the picture.
agape love, Gold