I have seen several people make comments that insinuated that their being a JW is the reason for all that is wrong in their lives. I find this simply unacceptable. Even if you could reasonably blame your religious experience on the past.. what is stopping you from growing as a person NOW?
I have the typical JW story, too. I wasn't special. I was raised as JW from birth, I had an elder father, regular pioneer mother and my older brother is a ministerial servant. I auxillary pioneered every summer. But while as JW, I traveled the country and the world and I started college when I was 21. I was never discouraged from these things (although I should have been because college REALLY DID "stumble" me).
Even after I got df'd at age 22 and suffered through several years of depression, I have since pulled myself up by the bootstraps and refuse to let that cult have any more negative influence on my life. I am currently working on my Master's in Public Administration and it's my plan to make a difference. I want to someday run (or start) a Non-Profit organization or possibly run for office.
I don't care if you are 60. You can make a difference in your own life and in others' lives as well. Don't wallow in your own self pity.. the world needs you to be healthy and happy.
Also, vote in November! Go Obama!