I can never understand this American JW obsession about the Smurfs.
Here in Britain none of us thought anything about them. Nothing was ever mentioned by other brothers/sisters. In fact I think most of us watched the on TV with our children.
this is a topic in the new awake.
their thinking is that some of them are not upbuilding, crude, pornographic, filthy etc.
the implication is of course that since some of it is "bad", stay away from all of it.
I can never understand this American JW obsession about the Smurfs.
Here in Britain none of us thought anything about them. Nothing was ever mentioned by other brothers/sisters. In fact I think most of us watched the on TV with our children.
this is my first post.. when i was still a witness myself, there were some perennial stories regarding 'famous' jehovahs witnesses or ex's.
does anyone know any truth or have any proof about the following: hank marvin, cliff richard and more importantly, the man who hit the gong in the 'rank' movies?.
if you have anyone of note you want to tell me about, i'd most appreciate it too.. cheers, rush.
The Yorksire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe was NOT a JW when he committed his killings.
He started having a study, while in prison, a couple of years ago. Whether he eventually became one I have not heard.
many of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
Earlier it was stated that it was up to the believer to prove the existence of God. Surely if you believe God does not exist the same applies to you, provide the proof he doesn't.
To say he doesn't exist because some organsation who claims to be Gods, got their dates of 607/1914 wrong does not provide proof God does not exist.
There seems to be a mindset among some ex-JW's that because the WT organisation is wrong or had an effect on their lives, they have to prove that every other organisation/church etc, and the Bible must all be wrong as well.
If that were so then I must have the excuse to do so, seeing that my wife and daughters have not spoken or had contact with me for the last 3 years because I left. So should I not hate God for doing this to me or the man-made organisation that did.
How come I never see anything about say Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucious etc, being wrong. Everyone seems to love quoting from them, those enigmatic phrases "If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound, when no one is there." They all run round saying how wonderful and profound it is. Is it any better than saying "Love your nieghbour as yourself."
Someone wrote earlier that their wife was discovering how many differents things from other religions where similar to Christianity. Isn't that something the WT have been pointing out for years, about Christianitys "pagan" roots. Does that make the WT right about everything else?
I've been trying to find a reference , but can't find it. But it goes like this a well known atheist went to see a Jewish theologian , Rabbi named Bauber (I think) The atheist demanded that the Rabbi prove God existed, the Rabbi said not a word, just carried on writing. The atheist thinking he had won got up to go as he got to the door the Rabbi said "Prove He doesn't exist". The atheist still does not believe in God, but he said , that Rabbi's question has been in his mind everyday for 40 years and he still can't answer it.
Even after the fact that the WT has destroyed my family and split it in two, I have three children who live with me. I did not lose my belief in God. In fact I would say its stronger now than when in the JW's, because I now believe I deal with Him, not some organisation that says I have to go through them to get to God.
I have also a son (27) and daughter (21) both DA'd JW's who have become Christians. To see the change in them over the last couple of years has been tremendous, from young people with a lot of anger in them, to confident outgoing people, full of life. We are now closer to each other than ever we were as JW's.
At the church we attend I have seen peoples lives changed by God. Drug addicts, alcoholics etc changed. Even those with no problems like that have had lives changed and its effected others around them. A lady became a Christian last November, her mother came to see what had made such a change in her daughters life. The daughter went from being a "right misery" to someone full of life and happiness. The mother has recently become a Christian also.
Its hard to put in words something you feel inside, like trying to describe "love" and that many of you will just shrug it off as the ravings of some weirdo. (yes you will)
So just because the Watchtower made a mess of YOUR life. Just because a group of old men in Brooklyn got YOU to believe what they wanted you to believe. Don't think every ex-JW thinks the same way and needs to prove the non-existence of God.
What we need to do is prove the non-existence of an organisation that claims to be "Gods only channel of communication to man" and that by being a WT slave you will be saved.
for those of you who remained christians after leaving the wts... do you attend a church or bible study group?
what kind, and why?.
(i apologize if this subject has been done before... i couldn't find it in the archives.
You can't remain a Christian after leaving the WT, because you have never been one.
I left a man-made organisation, not God. I still had the desire to worship God, even after nearly 30 years as a JW. Not because they had got me that way , but because I did feel a need to worship.
On trying to find somewhere I soon discovered that there are lots of small groups who meet on fellowship as Christians. Like minded people who have set up their own fellowship. Usually mainly people from the Church of England and the Roman Catholic church, who had felt that those churches were losing their way and had turned aside from Christian teachings.
I ended up attending a Pentecostal church. Why? Because I felt that God was there. They believe implicity in the Bible and only use it, no magazines books etc telling you what to believe. I suppose the biggest thing was that I'm able to discuss with members your views without fear of being considered "apsotate" and bing kicked out. The Pastor is a great speaker and makes the word of God alive. But you can go to him and say you don't agree with him or as had happen point out he was wrong on something. Then he will get up next Sunday and admit he had got it wrong. It is similar within the Bible classes they hold, or at the housegroups. You can discuss your beliefs and not be afraid someone will run off and tell an Elder. My son (28) also an ex-JW also now attends, when a JW he would never speak about God etc, unless he had to, at meeetings or field service etc. He has been attending for about 2 years now, and you can't shut him up for wanting to discuss Christ.
I've been attending for 3 years now and have seen more love in action than I did in all the years as a JW. Towards me and to others, even those not of the church. A couple of years ago a man who lived locally to the church, was murdered in the street close by. That next Sunday afterwards the Pastor asked if we could give that mornings tithes and offerings to the mans family, as they would be facing some hardship. We raised about £500 and he took it round the next day. That family had no connection whatsoever with the church. This and similar ones shows Christian love in action, compared to the JW version.
The church is very evangelistic, and has even a program of calling on people homes!! They have a good youth program, clubs on Saturday morning and evening, open to all youths in the area.
I'm not saying everything they do is right or wrong or perfect, they even admit that themselves, but the freedom of it is refreshing after the JW's.
...always selected for those nauseating parts in the service meeting.
you know, the theocratic family's encouraging service experiences?
the theocratic family's example of a well-conducted family study?
We had an Elder who ALWAYS used his family on the platform for items. You just knew when you saw his name on the meetings list that his family will once more enact being the perfect JW family.
Yet one son has been reproved twice (other young ones in the congregation knew he was using cannabis as well), a daughter got pregnant before marriage. Also we just heard that the other son has just been disfellowshipped for smoking!!
What did the scripture say about an Elder keeping his family in good order as an example.
i was recently having a discussion with a jw on the extent to which the williams family are jws.
his statement was that only the mother is a jw.
I happen to be listening to BBC World Service about a week ago. They were interviewing Serena Williams about whether she will retain her Wimbledon title.
The interviewer asked how much a part did her religion play in her life. She replied that it gave a good grounding for life when she was younger, but now its not much a part of her life and plays little part in it.
Looking at the way her mother and other two sister were dressed in a photograph that appeared in the papers, I don't think it plays much a part in theirs either!!
i'm sure we have all heard this comment millions and millions of times.. "oh, we don't do that because its pagan origin".
whether it be christmas, thanksgiving, easter, birthdays, etc etc.. so who exactly were the pagans and when and where did they live ???.
they must have been worse then sodom and gomorrah.. so what things are pagan that the jw's may not think are ???????.
In line with Simplesally above.
I remember reading that anyone not a Christian was a pagan.
This was based on the verse in 2 Tim 2:3,4
" As a fine soldier of Christ Jesus take your part in suffering evil. No man serving as a soldier involves himself in the commercial buisnesses of life, in order that he may gain the approval of the one who enrolled him as a soldier."
Therefore a Christian was a soldier of Christ not a civilian, that is, not a "paganus"
daniel's visitor (dan.
"man clothed in linen, with his hips girded with gold" (dan.
10:5) "son of man, clothed in a garment that reached down to his feet, and girded... with a golden girdle" (rev.
Please could you clarify
From above
According to the book "Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophesy" pg. 203, this person who visited Daniel "was none other than an angel of high rank, one who served in the holy presence of Jehovah...". The footnote on page 203 calls him "this unnamed angel". It seems clear to me who this "unnamed angel" was, yet because of Dan. 10:13 (the "unnamed angel" sends Michael on an errand) the Watchtower seems to ignore the obvious conclusion. They have no problem identifying the person in Rev. 10:14-17 as Jesus, yet a nearly identical description is ignored in Daniel. More importantly the NWT references the descriptions in Dan.10:5-12 to the following: Rev.1:14, 2:18, 1:15, 19:8, 1:13, 1:17 and Matt.17:2. All of those references are to Jesus! So Jesus sent Michael on an errand and visited Daniel, therefore Jesus is not Michael.
Can you explain how this "unamed angel" sends Michael on an errand. Dan 10:13 says Michael "came to help" where does it say that the angel gave a command to Michael.
If this "unnamed angel" as is inferred Jesus, why did he need Michael to come and help.
on saturday i bought a book called ' the book your church dosen't want you to read'.. on page 217 i came across these words and i quote, one day while i was reading my bible,i made a startling discovery.
after reading 2 kings 19, i flipped a number of pages and read some more.
to my astonishment, i found myself reading the same words.
So whats new! This has been known for years.
Isaiah written 732 BC.
2 Kings written 580 BC
How often have you come across historical records quoting from earlier sources.
There are a few other passages also in the OT the same.
One I remember is:-
2 Chron 36 :22-23
Ezra 1:1-3
i can honestly say i never trusted the elders in my congregation; there wasnt a single one of them that i thought would be of any use what-so-ever in helping with a problem.
on the contrary, whenever i had to speak to an elder, i invariably felt worse afterwards!.
this brings me to the point of this post.
Used to have an Elder in one congregation, who would tell his wife, what had been discussed at Elders meetings etc. Who would promptly tell all her JW sister friends the juicy stuff.
Why did he? When discovered what he was doing, he said its because he couldn't handle the responsiblity of knowing what he knew, so felt it was safe to confide in his wife.