Better see this while you can. I don't think it will stay very long! This will be the most incredible thing you have ever seen. It is awesome and shocking. It is beautiful until you know the meaning behind it. Then, it will become to you a signal of great danger. Sky over China 30 minutes before the earthquake (3 mins) 2 Thessolonians 2:9 The coming [of the lawless one, the antichrist] is through the activity and working of Satan and will be attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels--[all of them] lying wonders-- After viewing the above video, the following is a must see. This is the explanation for what you have just seen. I finally understand the meaning of "the serpent and the rainbow".
JoinedPosts by winnower
Better see this while you still can!
by winnower ini don't think it will stay very long!
this will be the most incredible thing you have ever seen.
it is awesome and shocking.
Looking at sin under the microscope
by truthseeker inthe apostle paul said that death spread to all men because we all inherited adam's sin.. the human genome was mapped in 2000.. advances are being made in genetics.. britain recently allowed the creation of human-animal hybrids.. do you think eventually that scientists will find "sin"?.
i've just finished reading the language of god, a book about a scientist who headed the human genome project.
he was a former atheist but turned christian.
truthseeker said: Do you think eventually that scientists will find "sin"? TS, It doesn't take a rocket scientist to find sin. All it takes is a good marketer with an advertising campaign. leviticus 7:7 7 " 'The same law applies to both the sin offering and the guilt offering: They belong to the priest who makes atonement with them. hosea 4:9 8 “When the people bring their sin offerings, the priests get fed.
So the priests are glad when the people sin! Then, it was animals. Today it is money. The more they can make you feel guilty, the more $$$ you feel obliged to give. It gives a "sense of absolution." I do not believe that all this crap about sin and blood sacrifice is from the true Creator. I believe Jesus came to expose the truth about a lot of those things. He was murdered for it and the truth of it is still hushed up today. In the Book of Enoch, we are told that when the Watcher angels fell with satan and came to earth they "began to hurt the animals". The blood of the sacrifice had to be carried into the temple, into the holy of holies. After the blood was drained and sprinkled on the altar, then the priests were allowed to cook and eat the meat. Do these demon angels require human blood to survive? What is this blood sacrifice about? It started long before Jesus ever entered the picture. So don't tell me it represents that! Jesus said "I come that you might have life more abundantly" and that was the purpose and focus of his teachings. Journey-on said: "... original sin involved Eve then Adam going outside their kind and copulating with the race of humanoids that was living in their midst ..." ...could those humanoids be "angels"? Genesis 5:1 "This is the book of the generations of Adam". Funny, it starts with Seth. There is no mention of Cain. Perhaps Cain was not of Adam. Luke 3:38 also supports this with no mention of Cain in Adam's geneology. Cain......baal...........Cannibal??? -
EXPLAIN THIS.......Real, mystical, or what?
by journey-on inall the talk on recent threads about what is real and what is beyond the explainable made me decide to reveal something that happened to me.
i usually keep these things close to the vest, because i truly do believe in the phrase: "he that knows does not speak.
he that speaks does not know.
JO, I believe that what you experienced is confirmation that your prayers are heard. Someone is listening. When you pray it does not have to be a spoken word. Prayers often come from the heart up into the mind. There is a supernatural communication. There is a link. He knows our heart and our hearts desire. I have had several experiences like that. I know Jesus hears prayers. I know the Holy Spirit was sent to give us comfort. And some of my experiences, like yours, have made me laugh and cry at the same time because the True Creator has an awesome sense of humor! Prayers are answered. We just have to learn how to listen. Winnower
For JW Apologists - What is Your Motive for Posting on JWD ?
by flipper ini was just curious about this - as i've noticed that when some on the board are trying to be helpful or assist some who have faded or exited the jehovah's witnesses to deal with their circumstances - whether it's dealing with believing mates, relatives, or in making an independent stand for their freedom - at times people will come on the board sticking up for the cult mind control ways of the jws and attempt to hinder some of us from assisting a person to attain freedom from the witness cult .
i guess my question is - what would make a person come join an obvious anti-witness discussion board to come and communicate positive vibes about the witnesses ?
correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't there jehovah's witnesses websites people can post on to find and enjoy those of like mind and faith.
Mr. Flipper says: What would make a person come join an obvious anti-witness discussion board to come and communicate positive vibes about the witnesses ? Perhaps they are sincerely misguided and think they are doing the right thing. OR Maybe they are not sure of what they have been taught and are hoping someone will refute them with something that makes more sense, like the real truth. Flippers, I think this is part of the "lost sheep" campaign and it started several weeks ago. It seems to be nothing more than a plan to antagonize and upset these abused sheep here with the same stupid rhetoric. I think a lot of these OVERCOMERS have been getting calls and letters personally over the past month as well as board infiltration. Also 2 Peter 2:16 tells us about a "dumb a$$ speaking with the voice of a man". I think we have seen scriptural confirmation that those things indeed do happen! The saddest thing is the predictibility. They have memorized about 20 scriptures and use one of those to answer any question whether it applies or not. They are seriously mentally damaged. And they are all like carbon copies. It is pitiful. Does it not make you all grateful to realize you broke away before the zombification became complete? I hope the apologists stick around for a little while, because very soon I have a message for them. They need to know "What God Requires of"...them!
"I see you are still alive"
by Honesty ini went to the local post office today.. a car pulled up with 2 men and a young woman inside.. i smiled and said, "hi.
" the man who was driving waved, backed out of the parking space and moved 3 spaces down towards the next business in the strip mall.. the driver walked over and said, "i see you are still alive.".
i said, "yes, god has kept me alive for the last 3 years.
Good for you Honesty! I am so glad to know you feel that way. Powerful words. I think you just "cast out" your first demon. Demons tremble at the mention of Jesus. See? It's true. (Sometimes demons do not leave the bodies they inhabit; but they will certainly run from you.) W
Is there anyone here formerly of the "Annointed"?
by Low-Key Lysmith ini'm sure this question has been asked here before, but i was wondering if someone would care to enlighten us as to the undeniable "sign" or occurence that makes folks believe that they are of the annointed class?.
....or am i asking too personal a question?.
i've always been really curious as to what happens to these people to make them believe this beyond a shadow of a doubt.. apparitions?.
I think many of you are confused about this issue. There are some people here who have done a great deal to expose the fraud in your organization. They have done great works and have sacrificed and given up whatever personal aspirations they may have had for themselves in order to pursue exposing the injustices done to all of you. You know all the people I am talking about. Others have given over their lives to helping you to heal and regain your sense of self. They have helped you to become the overcomers that you are now. These people have watched over you and guided you. They have given you comfort and vindication. Some have given you a voice and an arena. Jesus said "The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep." (John 10:11) These people have given their lives, in the work that they have done, in caring for you, the sheep. These are your genuine Annointed and it is no mystery. You know their names. There are Annointed from all walks of life, not just x-JWs. Most of these annointed do not even think of themselves as having been "annointed"; they only know they have a passion for truth, justice, protecting the defenseless, and just enormous love. They are always humble, self-sacrificing people. These people are not going to tell you stories about angels appearing and pouring oil on their heads. Nor will they ever speak about "how special they are to God". In their chosen path they are serving the True Creator and helping their fellow man by living in a manner that demonstrates the principles Jesus taught. They would never brag about "being annointed". Some may have never even thought about it. They just know in their heart they were commissioned to do a certain work because they feel so strongly about it and they have an incredible sense of truth and rightness. I don't think the annointed dwell on any thoughts such as "heavenly hope"; they are too busy and involved with the things they are being bombarded with here.The scriptures say they follow the lamb wherever he goes. So they would be willing to do whatever is asked of them whether its Heaven or Mars or Jupiter. They are not attached to earthly distractions; their attachment is to pursuing rightness, truth, love. If anyone tells you they are annointed and you do not see the fruits of the spirit, don't believe it. If someone tells you they are annointed and don't know why, don't believe it. If you see arrogance and an inclination to be "set apart" as someone more perfect or special, don't believe it. The genuine annointed would be someone you cannot help but love and respect. They would never weild power over you nor make you feel small. From what I have seen here, even those who are claiming to be annointed have an obvious selfishness and are more concerned about "what's in it for me (self-glory) " than doing anything self sacrificing for the flock. And some of you seem to be more concerned about your genitals than anything spiritual. One thing I can tell you for sure is that there are no annointed in any Kingdom Hall. The genuine annointed will not be found participating in satan's kingdom of religions.
Gopher's scripture is a Nephilim rendering
by winnower ingopher, i am glad you brought up this scripture in luke.
luke 14:26:if anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own soul, he cannot be my disciple.
this is not what jesus said.
From Gopher: So these contradictions in meaning/spirit found in the Bible must prove one of the following: (1) God wrote the Bible, but was unable to prevent alterations (2) The gross inconsistencies in the Bible mean that "God" had nothing to do with the Bible, but that it is the word of men or (3) God really meant to write inconsistencies in the Bible to test people (to see if they'd follow the hateful or loving course).
I think #2 is true. Gopher, you are somewhat correct. It seems to me that the Old Testament chronicles man's effort to explain his existence and chronicles his efforts to reach his Creator. I do believe that some indeed found a Divine Guidance and certain intellect reflects that, especially when I read Proverbs. There is a very interesting post here It's short. Here's a brief excerpt: At the time we were studying the Psalms and used a book called "Psalms For All Seasons" by John F. Craghan (1993 Liturgical Press) as a resource. Imagine my shock when we read the author's comments about Psalm 19, that it was "originally a pagan hymn honoring the Semitic god El...In its Israelite form the hymn naturally praises the God of Israel." Or his comments on Psalm 29 as follows, "Scholars generally agree that this Psalm was originally a pagan composition extolling the Canaanite god Baal, the weather god who through storms and rains brings fertility to the earth...The heavenly beings in verse 1 were originally the minor gods of the Canaanite pantheon. In appropriating this hymn for her worship, Israel substituted the name of her god Yahweh (translated "the Lord") for that of Baal." I firmly believe much has been "tampered with" in the scriptures. I see a lot of mythology in Genesis. I am not a bible scholar and I cannot discuss those things on an academic level. I only know that the Holy Spirit gives discernment and I believe that comes through intellect (study, reading, thirst for knowledge) intuition (indwelling of Holy Spirit) prayer (acknowledgment of a True Creator who tried to communicate with us through His son). There are some true guiding words in the scriptures, but alas the weeds have grown in among the wheat. When I read scriptures like you presented, Gopher, I just cringe. I know there is too much opposing information about the personality and mission of Jesus. And I know in my heart and my intellect that the scripture you presented does not fit. That's why I took it line by line and showed you with opposing scripture that it cannot be true. I don't know who this 'Jehovah' god is, but it is certainly not the True Creator. If the True Creator has a name, I do not know it. Maybe he does and it has been hidden from us. Maybe its just not that important for now. Maybe we are just supposed to concentrate on his Messenger Son. I think importance of the name is just a big distraction of watchtower to keep people in confusion and not focus on the real message from his son who was sent here in the flesh. Jesus was run out of the Temples and often run out of town. Why? He was exposing some things that were corrupt teachings even then. When he was crucified, it was the Temple soldiers who came for him. He was exposing some of the lies that are probably still being told today. I have a sense of much being amiss in both the old and new testaments. The guilt motive to control people has existed even before the time of Jesus. It's scriptural: Hosea 4: 8 Since the priests live off the sin offerings of the people, they want the people to sin more and more.
9 The priests are as wrong as the people, and I will punish them both for what they have done. I will repay them for the wrong they have done. The phrase "Jesus died for our sins" is something concocted by the religions to beat us over the head with guilt. Jesus came to live to show us how to "have life more abundantly." He was murdered because he was a whistle-blower. He exposed the "religions" for their hypocrisies. Here is another topic of interest and conflict. Cain was a tiller of the soil. Baal was the god of agriculture. The Caanities worshiped baal. Seems to me that's the origin of the world "cannibal". Were they cannibals because of low intellect or lack of feelings for one another? Or were they cannibals as part of a worship ritual to satan? I believe satan is a real entity; he is a fallen angel. Could Cain have been the offspring of Eve and Satan? Was that "the fruit"? Did Eve shake the peaches on Satan's tree? Could the "mark of Cain" be blood sacrifice ritual? I have just as many questions as you do. Look at genesis 5:1. "This is the book of the generations of Adam." Then, it never mentions Cain at all! Genesis 5:3:...."begat a son in his own likeness, and after his image; and called his name Seth:" It never says Cain was in Adam's image and nor any mention as belonging to Adam's lineage. This is also upheld at Luke 3:38. Go figure! I do not believe the True Creator would ask Abraham to kill his son. That just does not ring true to me about a loving God. I think Abraham was serving Baal at that time. Perhaps he felt a communication with the True Creator at the time his son was spared and that changed him. The True Creator did not send his "only begotton son" for the exclusive purpose of dying a tortuous death. He sent his son to teach us how to live better lives. He gave us examples of what it means to love one another. Maybe people were too barbaric to know how to express that. Maybe love which should have been innate was suppressed by dictates of a harsh societal environment. I don't know. I can only wonder. In so many religions the focus seems to be on the death of Jesus rather than the life of the man. Just like the big ceremony of Memorial. There has always been something about that that creeps me out. And especially since the witnesses make a such an ordeal about "No blood" and making a scene asking grocery store butchers how the chickens were killed, etc. Why would they participate in a ceremony that even represents blood drinking? Are they vampires for one night only? Gopher, I think there is actually something sinister behind that ritual. I think of Revelation 17:6 : Then I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God's holy people and with the blood of those who were killed because of their faith in Jesus. When I saw the woman, I was very amazed. I think the "amazement" will be when people realize that the "woman" is the religions of the world. And those who drink the blood are those who are worshiping the god of this world---Satan. In the WT congregation, they are told that they must be "Worthy." They would have you think that 'worthy' means living close to perfection. But by definition, worthy means "deserving". Now read it in that context. Revelation 16:4 They poured out the blood of saints and prophets so you've given them blood to drink— they've gotten what they deserve! The drinking of blood and using that ritual identify satan's minions. Who are they? They will come about through the "religious element" in the last days. Many of these people who are participating in religious worship will not realize that they have been giving homage to Satan until the very end. And I mean every religion is satan's domain. There is no "true" religion. There is only "truth in spirit". -
KING of the NORTH (proof!)
by winnower incan you not see that usa/uk is "king of the north"???????
here is documentation.
remember when we were referred to as western civilization?
Winnower, are you suggesting that the requirement a few months ago by each congregation to fill out complete personal information cards was more than just standard procedures? I am asking you to consider what motive an entity would have to collect all of your personal information and why they would keep detailed records on your behavior, habits, financial info, and keep your "sins" in writing (JC records) etc. You have no secrets from them. Do you think this kind of detailed census of people could be a good thing? Have you ever considered how that information could be used against you? How you would have no place to hide? The scientologists and mormons also keep detailed records on their people. Why do they need to have this kind of information? A couple of years ago christendom started asking members to sign "tithe contracts" so they could calculate their budgets. Imagine! Why do they need to know your salaries? Have you ever been given any guarantee that your records are confidential? Do you know exactly what info they have on you? Does the cong have a "freedom of Info Act" that would allow you to see what has been gathered or written about you? Suppose the gov enacted search and seizure of records. Do you think your info would be secure? Not that it would happen this way. I think it will be used by the org itself because they are still involved. And by the way, the new policy stated on website is that partnership is disclosed at their discretion! So I can't search to find out if Tower has another name for their listing. I don't have time to look it up, but there are scriptures concerning the wisdom of "keeping your own counsel" and about revealing matters that should be kept private. The Tower even has an eye-cam in your bedroom! Just suppose there were some "master plan" to rid the world of people who are dissidents that cannot be controlled? People who would object to the "order of the day"? Would this not be a concern to the faders and apostates? Didn't Hitler round up the Jews through registries and census? Another thing you may not realize is that there are some major changes going on in the world of christendom and they are starting to "disfellowship" members who won't go along with the program. They are ridding everyone who cannot be controlled. I will include a clip here at end to give you example of what's happening. Are you suggesting, in light of the WTS's association as an NGO with the United Nations that they are somehow in cahoots with them? The partnership of NGO's are much bigger than you can imagine. The NGO's are to implement the agendas of bringing about the "sustainable peace and security". There can only be "sustainable peace" when the beehive mentality can be accomplished and all are of one accord. No independent thinking. And the sustainable security can only be accomplished when "resources" (water, fuel, food) are balanced for everyone on the planet. Now I ask you...if all the $$$ given to churches and charities all through the years had really gone for those intended purposes, shouldn't things have been a little more balanced by now? Religions are satan's kingdoms of the world. That's why we have been called out of them. We have seen it. There is a "plan" to accomplish that sustainable peace and security and the plan is a lie because it is a scheme of man. The plan to accomplish that purpose is to depopulate the earth so that a few can live better, and the lesser ones will be slaves. (for more info see Prophecy thread) The "Day of Jehovah" is not the same as "Armageddon". The Day of Jehovah is the day of Darkness. And although so many horrible dark days have occured through the centuries and with much bloodshed, I do believe there will be a final one, worse than any before, and that Armageddon is a spectacular rescue that comes at the end. I don't know God's name and really, it's a moot point. The important thing is the message that Jesus came to deliver. He came to teach us how to love one another and how to recognize the behavior of love. He also promised that he would "go to prepare a place for us" and that he "would come back to get us". At his return he said the elements of this earth would melt. And I believe that is literal. He said "lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world." He said there would be an end to this world, this planet. Not "this Age". This "Age" is the new terminology being spread. He said there would be a "new heaven and a new earth." He did not say a "remodeled" or "restored" old earth. The religions will promote the new earth as simply "a new way of thinking." Does that sound like what Jesus said? From the descriptions I read in the Bible and even here on this board, I have a feeling that there is something very wrong about the name of Jehovah. The attributes in scripture do not fit the character of a True Creator. Everything about this "Jehovah god" seems to be destructive. You can't be both creative and destructive. I think the words and attributes of the True God and this jehovah have somehow become intertwined. The scriptures have been tampered. Are you suggesting, also, that the rumors regarding CO and DO changes are actually UN NGO-trained replacements? Yes. Absolutely. It has already begun to happen in the christian churches. I think it had a lot to do with the lay-offs in Bethel as these new characters were coming in. They are skilled in certain management techniques. This is what is needed now to begin this new phase. The local home-grown uneducated elder, and other rank, just won't do. These replacements will be slick manipulators with a purpose. And they will be well trained to execute the ultimate mind bending. They won't be people who have moved-up through the ranks, but you never know what kind of lies they may tell to gain your confidence. A new terminology for christendom is called "planter churches" and plants they are! I think of the way con-men use plants in a scheme. Do you know what I mean? Here is an excerpt: Like other members who questioned the new church management, he has been banned from the communion table. By declining a series of "counseling" sessions and by failing to attend a "Solemn Assembly" -- a special congregational meeting for the purpose of public confession, brokenness, reconciliation and healing -- he supposedly proved his "unwillingness to submit" to his spiritual authorities. There's only one way that "insubordinate" people like Bill would be welcomed back into fellowship: they must follow the steps to "reconciliation" determined by the new interim pastor. For Bill, reconciliation would mean compromise, for he could neither trust the new leadership nor agree with the proposed program. And disagreement was, apparently, unacceptable to the new leadership. As Jim Van Yperen, the "intentional interim pastor" would soon teach, "There's not a lot of things you have permission to disagree about." [4] What, then, was Bill's initial sin? During one of many "adult group forums" held to introduce and discuss the new church agenda, he had shared his lack of peace, called for spiritual discernment and asked some challenging questions about the psychological strategies that might be used to produce change. He had reasons to be concerned. About the mega churches we discussed, that will happen later in the future when the gov. begins to use the churches to implement all social programs. They will be the distribution centers. These churches will be the "new government". But that will be Phase 2. It's much later down the world. Probably a couple of years. That is designed to make the "compliant people" believe that there can be a one world peace through the guise of this coming one world religion. "All roads lead to god." Church buildings will be instrumental to subliminally enforce the concept that "this idea comes from god". (LIE) What this article says is not really important. The point is to get people used to the idea of "mega churches"; the article is just advance marketing. These places will be more impersonal. Later on, they will be the new S**'s Club and you will need the chip to get the services offered. (drop stations for social services) interesting article on mega churcges:
by winnower inpray that your flight is not in winter.
when i think of winter, the word barren comes to mind.
the squirrels can no longer find acorns.
Pray that your flight is not in winter. What does it mean? When I think of winter, the word BARREN comes to mind. The squirrels can no longer find acorns. The deer struggle through the cold snow to find a blade of grass. Sustenance is just not always available. The herds thin out. Some die of starvation; some die from the cold weather. Some become more vulnerable to predators as they come out into the open to forage. When there are no deliveries, the shelves become barren. Supplies may not be available, even if you have the money to purchase them. The Jews have a solemn ceremony called Kol Nidre. It means "Cold Night". It takes place on the eve of the Day of Atonement. (Although this solemn night is observed every year, it is intended to have symbolic meaning of a future event. That future event is about to come to fruition.) For those of us who will survive to see the return of Jesus in his glory, we must make it through the cold night that is coming. Go into your inner sanctum. Prepare yourselves for hibernation or running. Make plans for where you will stay "the night" and hunker down. Proverbs 22:3 The sharp man sees the evil and takes cover: the simple go straight on and get into trouble. Pray that your flight is not on Sabbath. During the time of Nehemiah, the city of Jerusalem was being desecrated on sabbath by opposers. Nehemiah ordered that the gates of Jerusalem be closed until the day was over. This became a law of the city and continued until the time of Jesus. What kind of desecration? Why? Opposers took advantage of the opportunity to show their hatred and ill will by vandalizing the city when everyone was inside the temple. What happened then is a foreshadowing of events to come today. As a reminder of this illustration, here is a story from a couple of years ago concerning vandalism on the sabbath in Jerusalem. The city has begun to lock up all payphones on the sabbath.,7340,L-3153991,00.html I imagine it was a similar sort of situation in the days of Nehemiah. How is this relevant to us today? There may come a time when crime, vandalism, and riots cause martial law to go into effect. This will result in curfews, lock-downs, checkpoints, searches and seizures. Any movement may be scrutinized or prohibited. The reference is made in that the gates of the city will be locked! WHY THE WORD FLIGHT? The reason you are told to "flee to the mountains" is especially important for you apostates and faders. The Watchtower has all of your contact information and has always kept records on you. They know your finances; they know your friends and family. Flee out of their range. To understand more about this, read my post on King of the North. I ask you all to pray without ceasing. Ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Comforter was sent to all of us and will give you discernment.
KING of the NORTH (proof!)
by winnower incan you not see that usa/uk is "king of the north"???????
here is documentation.
remember when we were referred to as western civilization?
When the KING of the NORTH "Comes Against You" What Biblical confirmation do we have on this King of the North? the people of God in their New Jerusalem faced an enemy, a foreign governor. He was called Sanballat, whose name means ‘bush’ or ‘secret enemy’. He was an idol-worshipper, who did not want God’s people to be strong again. At first Sanballat sneered. And Nehemiah answered: ‘The God of heaven, He will prosper us...
If you look up the meaning of the Biblical name "Sanballat" you will find this information: Sanballat, bramble-bush; enemy in secret from Directory of Hebrew and Bible Name Meanings It can also be found with the same meaning in "Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible" which was published in the late 1800's. What should this mean to you? The ultimate plan behind this is POPULATION REDUCTION. Only then can a "sustainable peace and security" be achieved. (That phrase is constantly used in the current literature concerning climate change programs and economic development. NGO groups are heavily involved) Phase 1. This country will come to its knees when there is no more oil. There will be riots and chaos. Many people will end up "missing". Preachers will explain that they have been "raptured out". Communications will be disrupted. You will never find the missing. If you would like deeper information on the plans, I suggest you google "Rex 84" and "Operation Garden Plot". This is not a conspiracy theory. This is the federal emergency plan in case of a civil unrest. All US military will be under the direct jurisdiction of the UN. There are over 800 prison camps; the majority can house 20,000 each. This is all part of the de-population plan! Don't forget, Watchtower has all of your contact information. They have files on you. They know intimate details of your life and have kept records all along. I am not a witness and they have a dossier on me because of JW contact. I was sent a subtle warning by a messenger of Rank revealing details of my personal life not publically known. My advice to you is change your contacts and change your plans. Not on paper---in reality! Get out of reach of the local cong. Even the elders that you knew and loved will not be in charge anymore. There are Rank coming in that have been trained under the UN NGO deals. They will be ruthless. Because they don't even know you, it will be easier for them to deal with you as simply a statistic. This is the meaning of the scriptures that tell you to flee ! "Do not come down from the rooftops" means that when you hear or see the not get involved; stay out of sight! Even if it is near you or in your household. "Flee to the mountains" means get out of their range. Whatever contact plans the Watchtower has about you, make those plans invalid. Make another plan they will not know about. Leave the area! This is especially of importance to you OVERCOMERS. They know the Faders and the Apostates will oppose them. They will come hunting you. The UN NGO plan is to get rid of all "subversive material" (that's you!) Matthew 24:16 then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.
(By your association with false religion you are "in Judea")
17 "Whoever is on ( W ) the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house.
18 "Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak.
(This means if you do not make some plans right now and get out, then when you see these things begin to happen, take flight immediately. You may have to "travel light")
Phase 1 is imminent !! Phase 2. This will be much further down the road, and will take place after the borders of North America have been extended. Organized religion will play a great part in this. For one thing, they will hold all the cards. They will be the distribution centers for food and medical care. What's important to know right now is that they will all tell their constiuents that Baptism sealed them into the Kingdom. (This is a LIE) They will say that the "mark of the beast" belongs to those who are not in the sealed fold. (This is a LIE) The "mark of the beast" belongs to those who, even though baptised, now reject the Kingdom Plan. (This is a LIE) The "mark of the beast" is invisible.(This is a LIE) The truth is that the digital chip is a definite mark and shows that you are owned by the political system.