JoinedTopics Started by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH
My First Post!!!
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inafter a year of reading all of your experiences and expressions i decided it was time for me to start sharing some of mine.
hopefully they can benefit others, like many of yours have benefited me!
being raised in the wtbts, the jehovahs witness docrine and culture really was the prism from which all of my experiences and understanding of life originated.
The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses
by jambon1 ini have a few which still either anger me, make me sad or just make me grateful that i am no longer one of them.
1 - "well, everyone is going to die anyway, so if it at armageddon then ce la vie" 2 - "the disater today at the world trade centre is sad, but exciting" 3 - (an elder) "when armageddon happens, i want to be at a window, watching it all".
sick, sick, sick!
do you feel posting on JWD helps or hinders your recovery?
by burningbridges insometimes i wonder if posting on this site helps me "recover" from the trauma that the witnesses put me through, and have no doubt it does at times.
no where else is there such a support team of individuals who know personally what you've been through and how you feel.
but at the same time, i often wonder if coming on here causes me to obsess in a way, preventing me from "moving on" with my life.
Ever wonder how seemingly smart people can be duped?
by fern indoes anyone ever wonder how their seemingly intelligent family members can be so totally taken in by this religion?
i look at my parents and just wonder how in the world do you fall for this jw crap?
neither of my parents are college educated but by no means are they stupid and have good judgement and sense when it comes to a lot of things, but not this religion.
Was There Any WT. Teaching That You Never Agreed With From The Start?
by minimus indid you accept everything the "slave" said?
Consequences of being a JW
by Regretful_J ini've been thinking about what its like to be born and raised as a jw and the mistakes that parents make as an almost direct result of this cult.
for one thing, the children are not allowed to think freely, and if they say or do one little thing their parents disapprove of, they are chastised and basically bullied into abandoning that thought or action.
another thing is that no matter what you do, and no matter how good your reputation is among friends, teachers, administrators, etc if you don't want to go to meetings, and don't believe in this faith, they do what they can to make you feel lower then dirt for this and will often resort to verbal abuse, and sometimes violence to force you to believe in them and conform.
Banned from my sisters wedding
by LunaFing ini'm feeling rejected and hurt because i've just been informed that i am not invited to my little sisters wedding.
first, here's a little background story on my relationship with her: she and i are three years apart.
when we were younger we were very close (i was in the "truth" back then).
Why does the WTBT Society exist?
by Princess Daisy Boo inthey don't really have the truth so it can't be that?
unless "they" at the top truly believe it - do you think they do?.
is it for monetary gain?
ON NEWS WIRE "Illuminati-reptilian C.T. Russell "
by DannyHaszard inhitler etait-il un rothschild ?
" - david icke fait scandale.
imc paris, france - 10 minutes ago .