JoinedTopics Started by jabberwock
Advantages of Using Whole Blood
by jabberwock inearlier this evening, i caught an interesting story on npr about some of the advances made by medical personnel working in iraq and afghanistan.
one such advance had to do with the benefits of using whole blood, particularly when used instead of saline to keep blood pressure up.
i thought i would share it with everyone here.. .
Why wait for a confession?
by jabberwock inthe recent post about a co urging confession of secret sins to the elders brought up an interesting question:.
why doesn't god or the holy spirit reveal the secret sins of the congregation to the elders?.
there are many scriptural examples of this kind of thing happening.. adam and eve, cain, achan, david, judas, ananias, and sapphira all did not confess their sins at least until their sins were exposed.. i think the most appropriate example is that of ananias and sapphira who were exposed as exaggerating the amount of a donation.
How far would you go to protect your fade?
by jabberwock intrying to fade inevitably involves some compromises.
still, i wonder how far i would be willing to go in order to leave on my own terms and not be disfellowshipped or pushed to disassociate.. at what point would you just give up and let them disfellowship you or send in a letter of disassociation?.
what would you do if someone found your copy of of crisis of conscience?.
Is there a higher standard for those seeking reinstatement?
by jabberwock init seems that more is required of disfellowshipped people who are trying to be reinstated than witnesses who are in good standing.. for example, i often hear that a disfellowshipped person must have a good record of meeting attendance before being considered for reinstatement.
if they are not regular in attendance their request for reinstatement will be denied.
but, witnesses in good standing are not disciplined or punished in any way for missing meetings.. and what if the disfellowshipped person is known to be socializing with coworkers or dating a worldly person?
Expansion at Wallkill
by jabberwock ina letter was recently read during the service meeting asking for volunteers for an upcoming building project at the wallkill printing facility.
the project includes a new residence building, a parking garage, and an office building.. .
skilled workers can apply to volunteer for up to 3 months.
Why weren't the rebellious angels destroyed?
by jabberwock innearly every living thing is drowned to death because of the badness and general mischief going on during noah's day.
why aren't the angels who materialized bodies and fathered a race of giant, violent freaks destroyed as well?.
i know that they, presumably, left their bodies just in time to escaped the flood, but that shouldn't be enough to escape the wrath of almighty god.. it's interesting that the genesis account says very little about them.
Other Points From the Annual Meeting
by jabberwock ini realize that the latest clarification of the generation teaching has been discussed quite a bit on this thread.. but i think that there are at least two other important points from the annual meeting that have been, for the most part, overlooked:.
1. the weeds of matthew 13 are not the churches of christendom, but apostates.. 2. showing love to our neighbors involves more than just the preaching work.
(thanks for mentioning this rubadub).
No need for science, just read the Watchtower
by jabberwock ini often hear scientists and others complain that some religious people are satisfied with "god did it" as an explanation for everything and are uninterested in what science has to say.. i never felt this way as a witness; i always felt that witnesses were very interested in scientific discoveries.. apparently, i was wrong.. r.stuart marshall is a witness with a doctorate from stanford whose life story appeared in the wt 08 12/01.
consider this telling anecdote from that article:.
the university of california wanted funds to compete with other states to win a six-billion-dollar federal project.
No simplified study material for children?
by jabberwock ini thought i would share some highlights from an interesting questions from readers (wt 52 6/15) that i recently cam across:.
why does not the watchtower society publish simplified material for parents to use in teaching their children bible truths?a question based upon frequent inquiries by readers.. .
...but from this we may not argue that the faithful and discreet slave class must publish special books for children.