Too bad for all the floods in some regions when many areas others are too dry. Hope the rain stops soon.
Hey outlaw looks like you're from BC too. Sure a beautiful part of Canada.
we needed one today.
we woke up to flash flooding this am, .
the first two pics are the front yard i had just jumped out of bed, in my nightgown and grabbed the camera.....took some pics, battery went dead....ran in the house, .
Too bad for all the floods in some regions when many areas others are too dry. Hope the rain stops soon.
Hey outlaw looks like you're from BC too. Sure a beautiful part of Canada.
let's try this again...most of us are aware that all available evidence points to the time of jerusalem's destruction at the 586/7bc time frame.
overwhelming evidence includes astronomical phenomena, achaeological evidence, bank records, the bible itself.. some hold to 607bc, for obvious reasons- the implications it has.
thoughts on how this would effect the average witness if forced to conclude 607 is wrong?
If WTS were to change the date and they would go about doing so very swiftly they would shake things up and many people would awaken of their long snooze. Many would leave realizing that 1914 was a lie. Now if WTS were to change it gradually, which in most cases that's exactly how they do things. Majority would view things as changing light and would accept the "correction" as a time of test and sifting and they would want to stay loyal to the organization. With slow fading of 607 only small percentage of followers would leave, maybe 10%? Since most would be still drowsy enough to follow the GB deception 90% retention would surely be acceptible. If the change came suddenly, I would guess that closer to 30% would re-examine their religion and greater number would leave and more likely there would be a very bitter division(s) with possible law suits and all, especially when clusters of watchtower witnesses would realize that they've been ripped off for many years. When one or two leave they tend to be odd balls but if a whole congregations leave it's more likely that these would want some sort of justice - would these possibly take over a kingdom hall since these are seperate charities not totally linked to the WTS corporation?? Could these "rebels" sell the building or fight to get control of it?? I would guess that it would be a mess.
That's probably why GB chages doctrine in steps so their hypnotized victims get used to the small changes before the entire scheme unfold and the victims don't even realize that they've been dubbed.
this is going to sound somewhat crazy.
having faded completely around two years ago i found myself with new found freedom and if was fun.
i developed new friendships and hobbies and did some stuff that was frowned upon by those in the truth.
You know that WTS teaches lies about their dates and if you go back you know you will have to be fake and keep your knowledge to yourself otherwise your friends there most likely will end up just like the friends you had on the outside. People are people and few your can trust your life with and most you can't and that is everywhere whether within the WTS or outside of it.
Within WTS confines you will be viewed as part of the group as long as you follow their line of thinking including 1914 and all the other dates that they teach are truth which you obviously must know they are not, will they accept you if you disagree with them and can you have an honost conversation with someone about everything involved with the BS dates?? Can you honostly say that Christ returned in 1914 and not feel your conscience bothering you? Can you honestly say that FDS was appointed in 1919 and honor men that you know decieve men through their dates and other doctrines that don't align with the bible? You think you will have greater spiritual freedom within the WTS congregations?
It's one think when one leaves WTS to have a good time and to be free to do whatever one pleases but it's another thing when one leaves knowing that WTS doesn't teach all the truth that they claim they do and I would assume that GB knows very well that their dates are all bunch of lies. How can someone knowing facts about WTS want to go back to only find a mate? Or find a girlfriend? You think going back in to find a mate will make you happier in a long run even if you were to marry within? You know sooner or later your knowledge of WTS will come out and it may break your relationship with a girl or a wife - depanding on their alliegence to WTS!
Most important be honost to yourself why you want to go back in, because if you're doing it for wrong reasons you'll end up leaving again.
is it feasible that with the watch tower corporation owning all or most of the assets of the organization, including kingdom halls and their property, they could just take the money and run?
since dividing into multiple corporations, and the wts separating from the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses, do you think this could happen?.
All they need is a shadow bank account in some offshore land where US government can't see the transactions. IMO if they can do it slowly overtime they will use BS excuses why they need to sell this and that asset, report increased expenses for missionaries and such if they have to report anything to the feds, while at the same time bloat a shadow account or a holding company offshore. I don't think they will shut the doors over night but very possibly cash in, in many places and make watchtower witness congregations squeeze into one building instead of two or three. Excuses can very with most likely BS story being that it being done for the benefit of the people who cannot affort the upkeep of all these building due to global crisis. As the crises continues to worsen they will continue making watchtower witnesses do with less and still try to fleece them at the conventions/assemblies which may end up being rented instead of being owned as they are now. I truely believe that this crises as it worsens will give GB one last excuse that the end is near and it will be a repeat of 1975 on a grander scale.
They have enough lawyers and accountants to know the ins and outs of the way of moving money around without getting caught - it can't happen over night and that's one drawback for them.
i posted this on another thread.
this guy claims to know the real truth about russell, just another jw apologist.
he refutes the information about russell being a adulterer.
Charles beginnings -
Rose Ball incident was in the 1890s if I remember correctly which may have been an act of unfaithfulness but Maria Russell didn't seem to have more prove than him gropping Rose as Rose asserted so that may be the reason why Maria denied him being an adulterer. It appears that around that time possible in early 1900 he took a vow of celibacy and Maria couldn't stand living with him so she had to leave and file for divorce.
I'm not certain how he aquired the majority stake in the WTS but it's possible that Conley walked away and Charles by default took over as his father handed him his shares. I haven't as of yet done enough research how Charles aquired 47,000 shares when originally he only had 50 or 100 shares. I will only guess that when he "donated" his money to the Watchtower "charity" he issued himself shares accordingly. But it doesn't appear that he forced himself to be the president.
many claim that the watchtower organization is a business disguised as a religion?
is this the most accurate way to describe it?
or would you say it is a religious institution with some corporate or business strategies thrown in?.
I didn't realize there is a difference! What religion doesn't make money of their flock? If they didn't they would be out of business. Religion is business under the banner of God. You can study bible for free, if you want to be with a religion it will cost you.
both jim and marilyn [penton] were becoming increasingly unhappy with the leadership of jehovah's witnesses during the late 1970s, however.
neither believed the watch tower society's assertion that the present world would probably end in 1975, and both were taken aback by the fact that for years the society refused to admit any fault in the matter.
both also became distressed over the watch tower's methods of cajoling ordinary witnesses into going preaching from door to door, the society's lack of love and concern for ordinary persons, and the mistreatment of their older son, david, for attending university.
Never heard of James and I lived in calgary for over a decade. :( Witnesses must not talk about it
this video on youtube is pretty interesting.
the part i'm referring to is right at minute 9, where he calls out the "ants printing the watchtower" and says they never should have been dealing with generation.
so why do they keep talking about it?.
1914 is fading amongst the witnesses IMO that is why GB was able to delete generation. I didn't even remeber that they did that years back when I was going to the meetings. I wonder how many witnesses can say that generation doesn't matter anymore? I would guess that 1914 comes up only when witness studdies with the new ones but that must be a short part in programming people to accept everything coming from GB. I still feel that in due time they will have to eliminate 1914 as it will be a sore point in teaching it to the new ones. As more and more people wake up to the scam, more will leave and there will be a harder time for the ones left behind to sucker new ones in with 1914 dogma.
If they get rid of 1914, many will leave. WTS will sell off buildings and downsize, combine congregations and transfer funds to offshore accounts or some holding company(s). This may be the end of their false prophecies.
If they don't, many more will start to question the dogma and will start looking for answers as to 1914. Many more will find these answers on the internet and many in the Western world will flee. Result will be, similar to the above as KHs will need to be sold off and congregations combined and GB will call it a great testing and a sign of the end being nearer than ever because the love will be cooling off.
WTS only hope is that China opens up but that most likely won't help them with recruitments since many don't have a "christian" background there so it would be similar to the Indian responce to WTS message - poor reception. South America is their strong hold since there are many poor ones without an ability to have internet or have a way of finding the truth - hell it's hard rnough for a practicing JW here in the western world to find out about WTS without breaking GB command of not snooping around on the net! So how much harder is it for a poor South American without an easy internet hookup to find truth about the WTS con?
As Seventh Day Adventists were able to keep their belief as long as they did, I really doubt WTS will be able to pull off the same style following for that long. Adventists are since around 1840s but I don't think they teach Christ reurned in any particular year (I don't know anything about them so correct me if I'm wrong) but WTS kept a date foolishly enough and they can't con that many people for that much longer. Maybe another 30 years with a major decline in numbers??? I'm guessing this economic downturn will be a global depression and this will be enough for WTS to point to the nearness of the end I'm guessing that in the next few years, prior to 2014 they may have a bigger increase as more DFed will return thinking that this will be it and more studies will get baptized to get themselves saved but as this time passes slowly and no end in sight many and many will just leave being very disappointed. My call is 2014-2015 for a big disappointment and a start of the decline in numbers
i just learned there was a service meeting part last week on how to treat df ones.
the person i heard this from said it was very hard on many in her congo.
did anyone attend that meeting or has there been discussion here?
My wife wasn't happy when she returned from the meeting. I guess an elder said that if there is a df male (husband) saying a prayer (home situation) others listening should say their own prayers in silance! LOL She was surprised to hear that but I told her that was the case for as long as I remember it, it's just now she can see through much of their BS since I've learned the truth about the "truth" and she is starting to see the deception, and hopefully it will be sooner than later she will have nothing to do with them but I have to wait for that day.
As more information becomes available through internet there should be more and more of these sort of articles for congregations to pay attention to. Ap 15 article is total shit! I was thinking of slipping a copy of Knorr's signature to the oath of allgiance where WT points out how "faithful" kids don't pledge the allegiance at school lol
should elders be held financially responsible for actions and decisions that they get wrong?
in my very last congregation we needed some form of heating, in the body of elders there was no air condition expertise at all.. this did not stop them buying a 3,500 unit for this purpose, there was at the time two refrigeration engineers in the hall (myself and another), we were not approached for our input into this purchase.. the outcome was as usual a complete white elephant, it did not work.
3,500 pounds lost.
I could never figure out how they come up with such high numbers for buildings and renos. If they use JW as suppliers (when possible) usually they'll get a discount. Labor most of the time is free, so where do they get these high costs of remodeling?
As for being accountable - well you don't question those appointed by the "spirit" or you may just have an apostate attitude! They should have a article titled "Questioning is a Disfellowshipping Offence!" But seriously, elders should bring any of the planned <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-size:10.0pt; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> expendituresto the congregation for a vote. There should be someone to second the motion and so forth, at least in Canadian congs. that I've been it's been presented like that.