Glad you had a great time! Maybe the answer to your question is... they are possibly on their way "out" but are not willing to mention it out loud yet. : )
Posts by JBean
VERY COOL JWs!- my trip to Montana!
by TR init was a wonderful event that took place on the top floor of the sheraton hotel in billings, montana.. now, this wasn't your typical jw marriage.
in fact, it wasn't even remotely a jw marriage or wedding.
a little background:.
Last visit to KH today - DA letter - Official XJW
by alliwannadoislive inwell, i've been procrastinating this for some time now and taken my counsel from you fine people here but i finally made what will be my last journey ever to the kingdom hall today and posted my disassociation letter into the postbox.
with fine tuning over past weeks, this is what finally went into it:.
dear xxx.
Alliwanna... beautiful letter... and it made me cry. It is such a bittersweet feeling, isn't it? I hope that well my time arrives to make the final break, I can do it in as elequent and loving a manner as you have. Please let me (us) know how you feel as the next few days progress. Love & peace to you and your family... Jbean
My Father's Funeral
by teenyuck inas many of you know, my father passed away last monday.
i found out monday evening and flew into chicago wednesday morning, from columbus, ohio.
my dad's sister mary, and his best friend ed were close by and started handling all the funeral arrangements.
Wow. I hope that typing that out was a release for you. You sound like you held it all together magnificently. May you have peace on the road ahead... Jbean
Puffs... I, too, missed your initial post. Losing a parent is something we all try to avoid thinking about, and when it happens, it is indeed very sad. I hope you both were on good terms before he passed. It will make the memories all the nicer. Hugs... Jbean
Darkest before the dawn
by joelbear inwell, this day started out really bad with a panic attack about 8am at my doctor's office and a dark mood that lasted all day.. it ended with me getting a job as a data base and marketing assistant with a national banking association where i get to work from home part time with full benefits while i am going to school.. thanks for always letting me voice my feelings here.
i think getting it out helps me.
maybe someday soon i won't need to do it anymore.. take care and thanks for caring about me.
Joel... congrats on your new job!!!! I hope it turns out to be as exciting a year from now as it is today!!!
Remember... when things are at their bleakest, hang on, 'cos "what a difference a day makes!" Love to you--- Jbean
Is this the beginning of the end?
by Stealth ini have been doing the fade for about a year now from the jw religion.. today i atteneded the service of a non-denominational church and my dub ex-wife's boss was there and saw me.. so i fully expect that by tomorrow that the local gestapo elders will be aware of the fact that i was at another church.
what do you want to bet i will be getting a shepherding call next week, even though i have not seen these loving bothers in many months.
what a joke!.
My thoughts are the Celtic is right... pray. Ask for God's/Jesus' direction in the matter and follow your gut. Remember, if you are a spiritual person, the bible does say that whatever you as for in HIS name, he will give it to you. Best of luck...Jbean
All JWs have already been disfellowshipped!
by Pablo inive been visiting this site for about 8 months, just taking in all your comments and the issues that are of importance to those who have been jehovahs witnesses and the problems that you have identified with the religion.
i was brought up in the truth in the 60s and 70s but my parents left before i reached the age when i would consider being baptised.
subsequently my parents divorced but have remarried separately and are both back in the religion.
Pablo... thanks for posting the site link. I'll be trying to read through it soon... : )
I have been Shunned again
by radar ini was reading through the local newspaper the other day, when to my astonishment, i saw a full colour picture of a jw couple.
they had won the valentine of the year competion, run by an international food store.
the picture showed, the happy couple recieving a presentation of a bottle of champaine and some flowers from the store manager.. i shared the article with my wife, and we smiled, because we knew this couple very well, they belonged to our former congregation.
Stuff like this always happens when you least expect it, doesn't it. I ALWAYS say to myself afterwards..."I should've said this or that..." If you ever see this guy again, you should yell "Hey, how was that bottle of bubbly you received for Valentine's?" ahaha!
please help my friend know she is not alone.
by hungry4life ineveryone on this board has always been there for me when i needed help and i appreciate it so much.
now it is my friend that is in trouble.
(the same one that i wrote about in most of my other posts particularly the ones about ray franz and coc).
Horrible. Thank God you are there for your friend. I agree with some of the posters, that she needs to get OUT. There is definitely NO EXCUSE for any physical abuse, and it will only happen again. period. She needs to speak with a professional about this. She might want to inform her husband that he was never "like this" before he started in with the witnesses, and just look what he's become. An abusive, domineering man with more anger than love. Is that what the JW's teach!?!?!?!? Please convince her to get out, at least temporarily.
Do JW's Actually Believe This Stuff?!?
by Mister Biggs inthis was just forwarded to me.. (we need more comets to help take all of the stupid people away from among us!).
this comes from the branch in canada....... in england one of our blind brothers had a seeing-eye dog that would.
faithfully guide and take him to the meetings each week.
I just pulled out a printed copy of an essay called "Waiting for Armageddon" that I pulled off of quite a while ago. It is an extremely funny story about what J-dubs are doing while waiting for the main event. It says the author is someone by the name of [email protected]. Hats off to this person! Everyone that hasn't seen this yet should try to find it on the freeminds site... it will be worth the effort!!!!! (Not EXACTLY about urband-legend type stuff... but close enough!)