Yes, Witnesses tell you they want you to "make the truth your own".
It was this idea of not being handed a religion that really appealed to me. Always lusting for knowledge and research, and a real love of what the Bible had to say, I was convinced this had to be "the truth" because they were so straight forward and honest, and it was so easy to open your Bible and read it for yourself.
However, when you start to realize you are only getting one side of the story, and start asking questions, and told that it's your "lack of faith" that keeps you from understanding, you study even harder. When you begin to realize that the lens you have been given to read the Bible with, is only one of many and you still ask questions, then you decided maybe this isn't "the truth--what is truth?"
You go to the meetings and hear parts from the platforms to new ones that "your family may not understand your choice to become a Witness, they may even threaten to disown you--but clearly the love of Jehovah and everlasting life is more important--plus you will have a whole new family to love and cherish you, the important thing is to be understanding of your families feelings, they obviously had different hopes for you, but eventually if they are reasonable they will come to respect your choice to become a Witness" -- You think to yourself, what a loving organization! They will accept anyone. And surely if they realize how hard it so for children to choose something different from their parents, if I were to choose something different, eventually they too would come to understand.
When you kindly explain to your family, and friends you have had since birth who really do feel like your brothers and sisters, that you can't make this "your truth". You've tried, you want to--oh you want to so badly! "Everyone else believes it, why can't I?" slowly pounds in your head. You doubt your heart, your faith, your intellect--everything. Well then, that's when the verbal beatings begin. You've made the wrong choice! You've been told all your life the choice is yours to make, but no one ever told you there was a wrong answer, it was always implied, but you put your faith in them, that if you tried your best, and came to your own decision they would except it, well you are in for a serious wake-up call.
Your family will threaten to disown you. Your friends will no longer speak to you. You will be "dead" in everyones eyes. A failure. A lost soul who die in Armegedon because you lacked faith and commitment.
This is no longer searching for "the truth", this is not "making the truth your own"--this is conforming, and being handed your religion which is something you thought you were trying to avoid.