Crumpet -
How has your life changed since you started at this board 7 years ago old-timer?
Me health is much better. I am no longer depressed because I have to keep going to the meetings. In so many ways, my life has literally done a 180 since I've left. I enjoy everything I do know. And I've met a ton of new people from the board that I would probably never would have met otherwise. I still remember my first "apostate" meetup. Outnfree was my first official contact.
Gill -
I'm jealous Jourles that you escaped crazy dub land seven years ago! If only!
Well I didn't fully escape until a couple of years ago. I had to fade for about 6 years before getting the axe. And I would probably still be fading today if I hadn't started up
Zico -
You must have seen a lot of changes here
Something like that. It has been mostly people coming and going. In some ways I'm glad that someone can leave this board and enjoy their life without thinking about their past jw experience. And on the other hand it's sad when a long time poster leaves for good and you never hear from them again.
Dismembered -
Has your hair turned grey yet?
Oh yeah. It's been a slow process. I honestly think it slowed down after I was df'd. Honestly. Lack of stress, maybe??
Emma -
I still thought the wtbs might be right but knew I'd never go back.
And then you smack yourself on the forehead and tell yourself, "What am I thinking? The WTS might be right?? LOL!"
Exnjjw -
WOW Jourls your'e an old fart!!!
Great, rub it in.
Butt -
I think its been over 2 years for me
You're such a n00b.
Zagor -
After that long deprogramming started that lasted well about 7 years.
Why does it take so long to fade? It definitely sucks. You must have had a lot of family 'in.'
Lonely -
I like seeing you old timers still posting!
Geez, again with the old grey man comments!
Junction -
I was also on the old "H2O" board back then
Yep, me too. I leaned on the apologetic side during the H2O days. But when it started to falter, I was in transition mode not knowing what to believe anymore.
Nos -
this board had nothing to do with my leaving
I admire those who left before the advent of the www. You had to do it your own way. You didn't have hundreds of other people coaching you on how to leave. Not only that, how were you going to find all that dirt on the WTS without help? Kudos to the ones who left in the 'early days.'
djk -
I have been here 1 month and I can't believe how much the WTBTS has changed in 33 years
And you probably haven't read most of the dirt that's out there yet. Welcome to the board.
desertflower -
Thanks for letting me vent.
That's what the board is here for!
abr -
fight for my daughter in custody and start over.
Are those aspects going well today?
princess -
I still scan it most days. Hardly post at all anymore. It has totally served it's purpose for me but I like to keep up with what's going on. I'm glad it's still here because it is clearly helping so many people.
You took the EXACT words out of my mouth. I have nothing else to comment on.
Ona -
Talk about being put through the gamut.
I like to call it, "Life Experience." How could I possibly help someone else if I haven't been through it myself? Is a drug addict going to listen to someone who hasn't been a drug addict themselves? I certainly feel well-rounded in my jw-to-exjw transition.