Welcome, So Confused!
Yes, the Bible does say the heart is treacherous, but since the governing body selectively claim not to be prophets, isn't it possible that their hearts are treacherous too? Despite many backtrackings and changes of mind, they seem to have a problem with lowering their crests enough to admit they were wrong!
I'm not a jw but did raise my children as a single parent, and I understand your need to keep your son happy and safe. Perhaps you could read through some experiences of jw childhoods - they don't sound all that happy to me!
Also remember that many young born-ins are leaving the organisation, even when both parents are still believers. My SIL is a JW (brother is not) and their children have chosen not to be JWs. If you could remain a believer, would you ever shun your child?
Best wishes, and keep researching. God gave us brains for a reason!