Welcome to our group of misfits! (just being snarky) It's the greatest group of people you may ever meet.
Your posts sound a bit negative which is not surprising due to the situation with which you are dealing. However, let me give you a couple "positive" points about it.
1) You are YOUNG. Real young. (You probably don't like that since you even comment you are now an "adult".) But what I mean is that most of us here were not fortunate enough to awaken to TTATT until we were 40 or 50 or 60 and the best years or even the most years of our lives were behind us and had been wasted chasing a false promise. You, on the other hand, have decades ahead of you so there is less urgency for you to make any quick impulsive changes that you may later regret.
2) It's obvious your parents love you. Some moms would have already "ratted out" their child for those horrible "apostate leaning" comments. Of course, they would have thought they were trying to "snatch them out of the fire" and save them from destruction. Instead, your mother seems to be very tolerant. Most likely she is hoping and praying you will "grow out of" this phase. But, it seems obvious that your mom is very much on your side.
3) Living at home is cheap. You cannot begin to understand the expense there is of setting up your own housekeeping. I can't hardly fathom how young persons do that today. Living at home is a great advantage! This is especially true if your parents will support you in going to college or trade school (vs demanding you full time pioneer). You need to prepare yourself for the future. You will need a good career or trade that will care for your needs once you move out on your own. In the meantime, you may just have to "fake" the good JW thing. Even if that takes a couple years (trade school or community college) or even 4 years (a BA or BS), you will only be in your early 20's but in a significantly better position to move ahead in your life.
In the meantime, don't make the JW things you know are bullshit an "issue" in your household. Avoid arguments and "blowouts" over JW doctrine and policy. It's much more strategic to simply "question" the crazy ass shit. IF YOU MUST, just ask "sincere" questions about [the issue at hand]. Also, don't ever make or espouse a huge list of JW issues all at one time. If you question something, stick to the subject. Ask "sincere" questions and STFU and force them to research for a legitimate answer. (Wait on Jehovah, is NOT a legitimate answer.)
Good luck! Check in here often. We really admire what you have accomplished so far just by awakening at your time of life. We are willing to offer suggestions and support. AND, we are truly interested in how things work out for you!