i started a thread saturday morning about eyegirl and i getting ready to attend our brother's 30th bday party.
what a blast we had!
lot of laughs (omg...... only strange thing of the weekend was heading over to our grandma's for lunch on sunday, driving up and seeing mom and dad's truck parked in the driveway (they are still active dubs).
I wish to comment on this one... Michael Jackson has a mental disorder which disables him from having an accurate "image" of himself... similar to an anorexic who looks into the mirror and sees a "fat" person, when in fact they are dangerously underweight. There is a diagnostic term for it that I don't have memorized.....
I DO know that he has altered his appearance - at least to some degree - because his (former) resemblance to his father made him gross out.
I relate to that; I am way too thin for my height because when I'm at normal weight, I am reminded of my father, whose guts I loathe, when I look in a mirror. I have compassion for Michael Jackson. His childhood was a freakin nightmare. Think about how screwed up it must have been for him to try and be a "faithful" jw in the crazy arena of super-stardom while being beaten on a daily basis by a freak parent
He didn't ask to be born, and has no access to "normal" relationships. How do I know these things? It's too long a story to tell right now, but believe me, if you knew some stuff, you'd have a LOT more empathy and compassion....
I've got a bunch of hemp clothes - they are better than cotton-
Some hemp Lip Gloss (no I am NOT kidding!)
Hemp candles, baskets, and probably some rope...
There is no justifiable reason why hemp (the can't get you high kind) is not a major product in this country. It's very eco-friendly.
I also love the other kind of "hemp"..... passes one on over to orangefatcat and michael3000 and of course, district overbeer. It is the perfect medicine for what ails you.
I voted for the first time in twenty years today! Minnesota is cool in that you can register on the same day as elections.... it felt weird, but good!
I LOVED Paul Wellstone.... sob.... I didn't know a lot of the other people on the ballots, so I just used the same techniques I used when choosing wine (if it has a pretty butterfly on the label, it must be good and I wrote in the Green party guy on a lot of the other things.
a blond girl comes back from school one evening.. she runs to her mum and says: "mummy today at school we learnt how to count.. well, all the other girls only counted to 5, but listen to me:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 !
this is the best movie ever,,,its about a son and his controlling mother ,,,she runs his life completely and he just hates his life is always trying to show his mother how much by trying to kill himself ,,,well as the story goes he meets his mate but she is like 50 yrs older (ruth gordan) and what a great and wise older lady ,,,they love to go to anyones funeral and well go and rent the video there is music by cat stevens in it.....always loved his songs......, i think when you watch it you will catch alot of similarites between controlling jw parents and their inadequate and socially retarted children ,,,but in the end the song says ,,,if you want to be free,,,, be free...... thats our motto right gang ,,,,really get the movie..... its worth it
I haved loved Harold and Maude for more than twenty years... I've probably watched it like 40 times, I swear.
It was a great "sixties" movie.... to those young enough to remember those years, (LMAO HA HA HHAHHAHH) ahem. .. the movie is so full of awesome stereotype-parody...... Cat Stevens..... *sigh*
It's a very life-affirming movie, and HEY ! "maude" is actually 80 years old... she hints at her upcoming choice to become a new thing on her 80th birthday. She looked pretty good for 80, huh? Ruth Gordon is amazing.