Nic, sorry you are so depressed and lonely. I think most of us,if not all in this room ,have been there. The truth of the matter is that it comes and goes, that is just part of the recovery. Some even well intending doctors do not understand the profile of someone involved with a cult. And that is what JW are all about, plain and simple , they are a cult. Give yourself time to work out your own issues, only you can do it, but know you have friends here. We may not no one another personally, but our stories are the same, almost down to the tiniest details. You are not alone, many times during my day , while I am taking care of my kids, washing dishes , whatever,
my mind is on those I have talked with in chat or read their experiences on the board. When you post how you feel, it does help others, gives them something to think about. I just cant stand to not speak up when someone is down. I lost my mother due to serious depression and borgdom. She couldnt take it anymore , and just gave up. Dont ever , ever give up. Fight and be happy, it takes alot of effort and takes time, but God , I feel so much better than I have in my whole life. I wish that for you and all those out there that are victims of JW brainwashing . Life is beautiful. I have a suspicion that God wants us to be happy..............shhhhh dont tell the JW"s!!
Lots of love to you Nic. :)
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Why the hell do I have this pathetic life?
by Nicolas ini' so tired of this.
sometime, i'd just like to say goodbye cruel world but, it would be too easy to do this.
when i was in the borg, they were telling me that when someone go out of the org, he have a lot of problems and that's exactly what happen to me.
I survied an heart attack. !!!!
by rekless inyes sir ree bob tail, i had a big one.
i had four hours into my brand new job making $18.00 and hour which would have topped out at $25.00 in two months when i got this quezzy feeling in my chest and became light headed and weak kneed.
one of the girls looked out her office door and said, "do you need help?" raising my head off the the lumber pile i answered, "yes, i think i'm having a heart attack?" the pari-medics arrived within minutes ushered me to dessert spring critical care center in las vegas, nv.
OMG !! Thank God you are ok. When did this happen? Are you the one with the son who is a black belt or brown belt? I sure hope you will be on the road to recovery.. Much love to you and your family. Take care.
Twenty things making Irish Women Superior
by Hyghlandyr intwenty things that make irish women superior, according to catydid, the third person of the trinity of my cult (thetruereb and myself being the other two persons of said trinity).
this was taken from a chat in yahoo a few weeks ago.. 1... we are prettier.. 2... we have balls.. 3... we can cook like nobody else.. 4... we tolerate our [irish] men and their idiocy better than any woman.. 5... if i tried, me like most irish, can drink most of you non irish men under the table.. 6... we have pride in ourselves that few women have, being that most women are fucked in the head, because they try to be feminine.
we are feminine naturally, so we dont need to work on our femininity, thus we can put our efforts into better things.. 7... we stand our ground.. 8... but at the same time accept anothers conflicting view.. 9... we dont take shit in the way most women do,meaning most women say 'i dont take shit' yet are manipulated.
I have been waiting for this one!!!! I have got to meet this woman!!
She has got it down just right! LOL -
"FLUFF" Who is your favorite author ...
by lydia ini personally like sue grafton and patricia cornwell, along with tim lahaye and jerry b. jenkins.... i like the first two as i really like the mysteries...and the second 2 for the ideas.... justwondering... lyd
Oh yeah , Ann Rule is very detailed, that is what I love about her writing she doesnt skip around and doesnt leave anything out.
I dont remember where you are from , Franc, but in the USA you can go to the super center wal-mart and always find several of her books to choose from. They are the perfect book , to pass the time to read before you go to bed. I love to get a glass of tea and lay out by the pool when I am away from home and read chapters a day , until I finish it. That is the only problem with these books , you dont want to put them down. Enquiring minds want to know!!!!! But if you like true crime stories , you will love her style. Sometimes a book will be about one person or event and sometimes she has several smaller stories in one. Happy reading. -
by detective init occurred to me that perhaps one of the differences between a catholic confession(s) and a jw confession before an elder(s)is that the priest tries to figure out what's appropriate for forgiveness, whereas the elder(s) try to figure out what's appropriate for punishment.
forgiveness versus punishment.
would you say that's a relatively accurate assessment?.
I dont like the idea you absolutly have to confess to the elders . And you do or you die in armeggedon. But what blows my skirt up , is
the RESTRICITIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Jesus forgave someone ,he said you are FORGIVEN, GO ,andDONT SIN ANYMORE. How refreshing that must have been to get the help you needed and to be free of the sin. Where did Jesus ever say you are forgiven,but for 8 months you cant answer at the meetings or give a talk, or pray before the field service group.
Which after 8 months of being on restrictions, or being punished,
everyone and their dog knows you are in trouble. That is humiliating
and why many dont confess. It is such bullcrap. -
"FLUFF" Who is your favorite author ...
by lydia ini personally like sue grafton and patricia cornwell, along with tim lahaye and jerry b. jenkins.... i like the first two as i really like the mysteries...and the second 2 for the ideas.... justwondering... lyd
Charlotte Bronte - Jane Erye
Anne Rice
Anne Rule( Non fiction murder investigations)
King David -
How petty is JW's God............
by LyinEyes ini hope that i will be able to properly express this thought on the board , that has been stuck in my head.
as a jw , i was always so concerned with pleasing jehovah.
was i paying strict attn at the meetings, was my heart in the ministry, all the other works you are supossed to love to do.
I want to beleive in God , more than anything I could ever wish ,for
I want to have deep faith in Him. My point is , it is hard to try and understand . I am sure we have no idea of the way God thinks. I feel that the Bible does not tell us enought about what He really wants for us. Or maybe it is as simple as Jesus says it is, beleive in Me and you will have everlasting life. I dont know. But i envy those who are so sure of all. I hope one day I will find the peace of mind to accept it all.The story of the young morman boy, broke my heart into. That is what kills me, who had more faith than that boy, and for some reason God couldnt give him peace. But JW will say that if you dont get peace from God ,it is your fault . YOu are not good enough, you are not trying hard enough. I just dont beleive that.
Should Jws breastfeed
by badboy ini understand that breast milk contains white and possibly red blood cells(if i remember rightly from crisis of concsience)(i hadn't got my copy on me).. should jws therefore breastfeed, violating the coventant with noah or whoever it was.
I think it is great , but please put a time limit on it. I mean it just looks strange if the child is still breastfeeding and shaving.
How petty is JW's God............
by LyinEyes ini hope that i will be able to properly express this thought on the board , that has been stuck in my head.
as a jw , i was always so concerned with pleasing jehovah.
was i paying strict attn at the meetings, was my heart in the ministry, all the other works you are supossed to love to do.
I hope that I will be able to properly express this thought on the board , that has been stuck in my head. As a JW , I was always so concerned with pleasing Jehovah. Was I paying strict attn at the meetings, was my heart in the ministry, all the other works you are supossed to love to do. I was so sure that Jehovah actually took a personal interest in those silly, really petty things.At the time I didnt think it was silly, but since leaving the borg and sitting back looking at the real world,I have to ask myself , why would I think God almighty would care about my field service time? I mean , women in 3rd world countries are being raped, and young girls mutilated. There is all the unanswered crys for help by so many other innocent children. People are dying and suffering, and I am sure they are begging God to help them. Many times I am sure they think God is not listening to them. It just makes me wonder if God really cares about us anymore, being JW we are told God loves us so much and he wants to make things better. I understand that, but why so long? If it were my children ,i dont know I could make them suffer sooooooo long. Even if time is shorter for God, his people feel like it is forever in waiting. Right now my faith is shaken , my faith in the bible and even if there is a God. I find it hard to beleive that God is concerning himself with answering prayers about moving up the theocratic ladder, brother so and so getting his house paid for so he can pioneer, etc. And they actually attribute these things as acts of God, prayers answered by the Sovereign. All the while , it seems to me God could be healing the little girl who has cancer , well too many worldwide horrors to narrow down. I think God could restore someones faith , if they ask , but the JW God is only concerned with those petty things that seem so insignificant on the large scale of things. At least it makes me see that Jehovah's Witnesses are not being blessed by God. I am sure that God has more important issues to address.
what movie, gave you the creeps and why?
by LyinEyes ini was just wondering if you have a movie or some movies that have given you the creeps.
did you see it as a jw or after?
do you watch " demonized " movies now?
I was just wondering if you have a movie or some movies that have given you the creeps. Did you see it as a JW or after? Do you watch " demonized " movies now?
The movie that gave me the creeps, was " Jacob's Ladder"
I cant explain why except that it was a pyshcological thriller and corruption of the mind is far scarier to me than demons!!!
I saw this movie as a JW , and it actually made me afraid to be alone, which usually never happens to me. I think it may have brought up some brainwashing issues that I did not understand at the time. BTW i have seen some vampire movies and some spirtistic movies, but still kind of scared of some of them too.