Yeah, I get the monsterst too. Mine have not been so bad since I left the borg.... interesting huh? So it proves stress is a major
trigger for them. I can tell sometimes when one is coming on, my right side goes numb,,,,I can see flashes of light hours before it hits,, sometimes my personaility even changes ,,I get moody. I have had them so bad the only thing to knock it out is a good shot of
Demerol and Phenergan. But when they are not that extream, I go lay down in a dark , cool room. Over the counter things dont help alot,
good ole asprin is the best. A hot cup of tea is comforting. If I am
lucky , and happen to have a Lortab or some kind of muscle relaxer on hand that can help too. But doctors are so leary of giving you anything at all. Sometimes I just have to wait it out and get a good
nites sleep, benedyrl can help you fall asleep easier. If you notice that your headaches are coming more often,it could be due to stress,
even good stress,like planning a trip and even a wedding!! Give yourself some extra TLC , and take breaks ,, lay down and rest even
if you dont sleep , just to not wear yourself out. My hubby snores ,,
so i invested in a air purifier machine to put by my side of the bed,
and it is quiet loud but it filters out his snoring and anything that is going on in the house ,,,I think this helps me to block sounds out,, which when you have a headache are amplified. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Migraines anyone?
by Billygoat inyesterday (memorial day) i awoke to a slow, dull, thudding headache.
it wasn't terribly bad...i ignored it really.
neil fixed me a brunch of bacon and eggs and we sat down to eat around 12:30 or so.
Being called Jehovah's Witness, embarrasssing?
by LyinEyes ineven though i was raised to beleive everything the watchtower ever.
said, ... i always doubted that god would destroy everyone at armeggedon.
i couldnt understand how my granny , even thou she was .
Even though I was raised to beleive everything the watchtower ever
said, ... I always doubted that God would destroy everyone at armeggedon. I couldnt understand how my Granny , even thou she was
Catholic would deserve to die. When I asked olders ones about this they said well, it happened in Noah's day,,, only God's choosen people with His name were saved. This just did not seem just to me.
So in my heart all the years I was a faithful witness, I felt they were wrong about at least that teaching.Tonite , I was watching a special documentary on the Sept. 11 tragedy. It looked like a scene from what armeggedon would look like. There were people, many people, crying, speechless and dazed.
People that held up pictures of family and friends that were gone,
but they were still hoping for the impossible , that they would be
found alive.But what got to me the most was when they showed all of the volunteers. People who didnt have any personal reason to look for
family or friends. Just New Yorkers, others from all over the country too, just wanting to be helpful. Grown men, crying at feeling so hopeless, that they would risk their lives just to make a
difference. There was a picture of several truck loads of volunteers
, all races, men and women, going to help . You could see the love
on their faces, the true feeling that they had lost something precious, the loss of life.
But these are the ones that will die in armeggedon!!!!!
NO WAY!!!!!!
I will never beleive that ever ,,,, I will never go back to being
a Jehovah's Witness, for they are so smug in their ,, "we love our
fellow man so much we preach" crap. What I saw on t.v. tonite was more of what I think Jesus meant when he spoke of loving our fellow man. I know God will not destory good hearted people like I saw on that day,,,, And these are the terrible people the WT warns you about , the "worldy" ones. I am now proud to say I am part of the
"world", being called one of Jehovah's Witnesses is embarrassing.
I make it a point to tell people , that I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness. -
Met Leander Today&Experience w/ family
by Reborn2002 injust thought i would post this experience for the board.. today was the first time i actually met someone from this website, and oh what an interesting time it was.. seeing as in how leander and i live only a matter of minutes from one another, after talking on the phone for several weeks, we finally arranged to meet.. leander's personal experience leading him to write a formal letter to his local congregation last week has sparked a flurry of events for him in recent days, and i felt obligated as a person to try and support him through his process.. possessing a vast library of wtbts literature dating back well over 50 years, i was able to show him in person the contradictions so readily apparent within their articles, and demonstrate how time and again the jw-sect have wavered back and forth, hither and thither on doctrine allegedly inspired by the very hand of god.. it was a very fruitful experience, but this is where it gets interesting.. trying to determine an acceptable place to sit down and go over the documents.. his place was rendered impossible because his hardcore, loyal jw wife and her family were at his home.
being a saturday, the library was closed, and with a literal totebox full of books (well over 40lbs) and brochures, anywhere else public such as a bar or bookstore (can you imagine walking in with a totebox of books?
) was not logical.
Now this is true "brotherhood", I am so glad you two guys got
to met. I am sure in the future you will give each other the
support that you both will need, with you moving out reborn and
Leander's new path. This is the love that Jesus talked about, the
real caring for our fellow man, even if they are not blood related.
I think us "apostates", appreciate that lesson Jesus taught , so much
more now. We can now really see how unloving the JW's really are. -
Here is my sad but true story!!!
by dissedsis ini was born into a well off family in the wee year of 1979. my father was a water/oil well driller and worked days on end so i rarely ever got to see him.
by the time i was waking up in the mornings he was already at work and when he returned home at night i had already gone to bed, so most of my days where spent without him.
i had sister that was 14 years older than i was and she had severe brain damage and had to be placed in a state home when i was 18 months old, so i do not remember to much about home life with her, other than it was like we had a "big" baby at home with us.
Hey girl!!, so nice to have ya here. Sorry to hear how much pain
you have been thru, it is a common story , especially for the women
raised in the borg. I was too, and an elders daughter!!!! I can
relate to alot of what you went thru,,, I too have memories of a
something happening to me while in the care of a "loving elder and his family". I am beginning to have dreams about things and I think,
it is my mind, finally after years of denial, saying it is time for
me to heal from it all. I was beat and punished too. I live in Louisiana , not far from Dallas, at all.. I have heard of some of the witnesses sending their kids to this doctor over there to deal
with their mental breakdowns, that are not breakdowns at all, just
kids who got in trouble or dont wont to be witnesses anymore. This one girl went , when her mom made her go, she caught her with a boy
friend. Just a guy she met at work, nothing had even happened physically between them. The witness parents are the ones who need the help of a good doctor , not the kids. I enjoyed your story , and hope to get to know you better. I am proud of your dad,, wish
mine stood by me like that. It is a true treasure . -
Do I have a sign on my back??????
by noidea inok..someone please tell i have a sign that says elder's please drop by any time unannounced..if it's there will someone please take it down..[>:(].
everyone wave to him.
i guess they know that i can't make an appointment to a gynecologist on a sunday..well that excuse worked once.. ok here is the question he is asking as i'm typing this right now..your husband has been to the meeting two week-ends in a row you haven't been there either time and i wanted to see if your ok.. answer "same as the last 9 months of no attendance..never felt better..thanks for asking"..yes, i'm trying not to giggle.. maybe i should show him my picture in the paper from the press conference in ky.. ~~~noi~~~.
LOL at what refiners fire said!!!! Good idea though. But be careful,
I did the drop to the floor and roll out of sight thing too, but
hit the couch instead , then the floor, and got carpet burns on
both knees. Of course I was laughing my ass off and crying at the same time, but I didnt want to get a visit . Every time I see my knees, I remember that day, still have scars . So I save the drop and roll out of sight for the ones who just wont take no for an answer. -
Thinking about God, gives me a migraine..really
by LyinEyes ini am serious, i have have noticed a distinct pattern in my headache.
flare ups here lately.
when i decide to start reading the bible or give spiritual mediation a try, i start to get sick.
I am serious, I have have noticed a distinct pattern in my headache
flare ups here lately. When I decide to start reading the Bible or give spiritual mediation a try, I start to get sick. Usually I get in kicks when I could care less about religion, JW, being a Christain, etc. etc. But then the spirtual side of me comes out, and I begin to wonder about it all again. Then soon, I start to get more headaches, and muscle pain, tension in general. I know many will say... then dont think, dont read the bible... LOL.... but I just wondered if others find it easier to put it on hold? I have only been out for a year, raised JW.... maybe I should give myself
some more time to get to know myself before I start on trying to study again. What do you think, have any of you experienced the same thing? -
WTS engages in terrorism on NYC landmarks!
by Tallyman inno, those are not the terrorists.. they are the people fleeing the terrorist.. here are the terrorist strikes against famous nyc landmarks:.
we wonder why the terroristic watchtowerkult propaganda.
I have saw pictures like this my whole life , being raised as
a JW. I agree with Dawn, these pictures left trauma in my mind
as a child , that I am just now realizing. My youngest son, 7 yrs
old is preoccupied with death , he has nightmares all the time.
We left the JW about a year ago, but the damage was already done.
He is afraid of armeggedon, and who will die, and how , he wants
to know in graphic detail , how big the hail stones will be and if
his friends will die!!!! It brings tears to my eys, I am know telling
him that all good hearted people will not die like that and that
Jesus will save us all. More or less that such a terrible destruction
would be coming from Satan's hands, not God's. I just dont know what
eles to tell him, he has to hear something, and since I am not sure
about what I really beleive , this seems to calm him down. But you
made the point Tallyman, about it being child abuse----- absolutely!!
I am a year later still dealing with a child that is extreamly
sensitive in nature and dealing with the aftermath of all he heard
and saw being in the JW. I hate them for that. Weekly meetings, talking about doom and destruction,, not for a young child to hear.
I didnt understand that at the time, I was brainwashed too. I am
trying very hard to reverse the WT bullcrap out of his head, but it
is taking awhile. I hope that this issue will also be addressed, by
Silentlambs. Because this kind of fear tactic destroyes a childs
self esteem, their personaility, their innocence. IF only I would have seen , this earlier, the real truth about the WT, ... but
all I can do now is pick up the pieces. How can a child ever love
God or Jesus, by the way the WT depicts them???? Maybe that is why
so many of us as adults are having such a hard time with our relationship with God???!!!! -
Happy Birthday, Noidea!!!!!
Have a wonderful day!! -
Have your prayers changed?
by eyeslice inthis is a sort of follow up to "jesus- ignored, forgotten & unemployed at wts" posted by metatron.. it strikes me, that since i have re-appraised many of my religious views that my prayers have changed significantly.
and whilst i am still an active jw, i have wondered whether my family has noticed, though they have not said anything so far.. jws prayers are not only very stereotyped (despite what jesus admonition about not using the same words, or by extension the same thoughts, over and over again) but also extremely introverted towards the watchtower society.. for example, a typical congregation prayer will include the following thoughts;.
1. bless our congregation.
Yeah my prayers have changed. I dont pray as much,,, but I still
try to pray . Most of the time I dont feel like anyone hears me.
I now pray to Jesus too. I still pray to God, but I address them both since I am not sure who is "in charge", and who we are supposed
to be asking for help. Mostly I ask for faith, for a sign I am doing the right thing. I do feel more peace, within myself. So maybe
I am on the right track. As a witness , it was a no no to pray to
Jesus, I always felt that was wrong. -
To My Mother
by MrMoe inat about 6:30 this evening my mother passed away.. .
the best mother and the best wife anybody could ever be blessed with.
she was not only my mother, she was my friend.
Moe, so sorry to hear about you losing your mother. I really agree
with what you said about her still being with you on the inside.
My mom , died many years ago. Through the years I have still kept a
relationship with her, by never forgetting every little thing she
did , she said and even what I thought she would say. It has been
over 16 years now, and I truly feel like I know her better , by
becoming a mother myself, things I didnt understand about her, I do
now. Your mother sounded like someone who left many great memories
for you and lessons that will carry you through the hard times, until
you can be together again someday. Thinking of you , with very much
sympathy,,,,, Dede