you might be interested to see that I placed the Armstrongian group within the Adventist umbrella.
Regarding other points from your post, not that i feel any need to justify certain choices, but with my daughter's website, what many do not understand is that I do not know all of the friends and family of my ex-wife who are from abroad, or whom she may have told about the site, or whom in my large extended family might be interested or who might google it up, so for that reason and others it is "public." (Who knows if I keep it going maybe one day someone will offer to put her in commercials or something - that would be good for her economic future.) Anyway, if you read carefully my comments regarding the site "being for family" earlier in this thread and in response to criticism you will see that they were not so much about the website itself but about the particular page which states explicitly that "family and friends" who wish to contribute to her college education fund can do so. (That would obviously only be something that family and friends would want to do and by not passwording it, it allows them to see that they can do it without jumping through any hoops.)
As for my JW info site, as you can see I am still in the process of creating content, not even 5% of it is done yet. All of it gets refined over time, even as new information comes to my attention or as I continue in progressing in my personal study of these issues, or even as a result of the feedback that I am getting. It's a work in progress.
Regarding the topic of this thread, it seems a common problem that people are unable to appreciate nuance and distinction. I am not defending the booklet itself or in whole and have stated many times that I think it is pretty crappy for a number of different reasons. (In short to take a specific side on a one issue or a small excerpt of something larger does not mean that one holds that same position with regard to the larger thing. Get it?)
I have tried to keep an open mind as to why many (and certainly the majority here) insist that the booklet in whole or in part is "misleading" and can see and agree with the points made to a certain extent. My issues were with the specific paragraphs cited in the original post of this thread and how I felt that that specific citation did not lead to misleading the court or advocating that JWs lie to the court. that is all of my point and I have stated why i believe so ad nauseum now.
(just an aside, a recent contribution to this thread suggested by someone, seems to imply that it is wrong to have a different emphasis or change in information in different situations. I think the comment was somehting like that JWs should say the same thing from the platform as in court. It just seems to me that it isn't wrong to recognize that different situations call for different communication and that in such communication certain things might be stressed while in other circumstances those points would not be stressed.)
(aside to AuldSoul, I think you give too much weight to a single word "care" which is not really there. the point being made by the paragraph in question would be no different without the word care as it would if it had been exaggerated "give extra care" for example. that point again was to let the child know that this court or child-custody setting, unlike a theocratic one, is a setting where they do not have to feel obligated to emphasize their theocratic activities or goals. (one of my criticisms with the brochure is that it is poorly written.) Regarding your comments about pioneering, that I take issue with because it is very obvious that not every JW parent accepts the Society's push towards pioneering and many JW parents do not goad their children or push them into full-time service.)