cantleave got it right! Almost all criminals are mentally or psychologically diseased. That fact does not give them the right to molest your children without consequences. Decent people who have illnesses get treatment, and do not use it as an excuse to hurt others.
Posts by Mum
South African cardinal suggests child abuse is illness not crime
by besty in
johannesburg | sat mar 16, 2013 11:54am edt.
(reuters) - a south african cardinal who helped elect pope francis this week has told the bbc pedophilia is an illness and not a crime.. cardinal wilfrid fox napier, the catholic archbishop of durban, told bbc radio 5 on saturday that pedophilia was a "disorder" that needed to be treated.. "from my experience, pedophilia is actually an illness.
Are the Witnesses Really Losing Their Young People?
by What Now? inthat article about jehovah's witnesses having the lowest retention rate for born ins keeps popping up every now again ... i'm just curious if any of you have noticed that this is actually the case.
in the congregation that i grew up in, i'm going to say that 95% of the young people in their teens to mid twenties are either regular pioneering, regular auxiliary pioneering, serving in foreign language congregations or where the need is greater.
both of my younger sisters are regular pioneers - and the young people in their hall even organize 8 pm to midnight service on friday nights of their own accord.
As a matter of fact, I know of at least three born-ins who have left. Two of them were members of my old congregation in the '70's. I found them both on Facebook, and they're clearly not JW's.
The third is someone I met on this board who lives near me. He said that he told his fellow elders that he completely disagreed with the disfellowshipping policies. He did it mainly for the sake of his young children because he did not want them to suffer or be stunted by JW rules.
AWWW the Joy of the Resurrection!
by hamsterbait inimagine the heartwarming scene.. a mother who died of cancer in the wicked old system is resurrected.. oh joy, oh rapture!!.
"where is my husband?
"he didn't want the truth, so he died in the great armageddon storm.".
Is the wreckage of all of the cities and towns, and dead humans (and other species?) cleared at the time of this resurrection? Or does this poor woman have to clean up that mess as well.
She'd probably rather go back to sleep.
In Greek mythology, the people going into the afterlife, floating down the river Styx, which apparently flowed into the river Lethe, had to drink the waters of Lethe, which made them forget everything. Forgetting was a part of being eternally blissful, of course.
Question about talking to JW
by darklight ini was raised atheist and never believed in any religion.
i've been studying the watchtower religion with a younger jw couple for some months now.. my main motivation was the fact i knew nothing about christianity, they knocked on my door and offered their "bible" study... so why not learn something, i thought.. .
and yeah, this is one crazy cult.... .
You won't learn much about Christianity from JW's. I have spent a lot of time with real Christians, so I know the difference. If you want to know how the JW organization operates, read 1984 by George Orwell. Then read The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses by Gary and Heather Botting.
I recommend college courses on church history, or even the textbooks for such classes from your nearest college bookstore if you want to learn about Christianity and its history.
The JW organization as it exists today bears little, if any, resemblance to the same at its start when it was known as the International Bible Students' Association. The IBSA consisted of groups doing independent Bible study and was founded by Charles Taze Russell. After Russell died, "Judge" Franklin Rutherford, an alcoholic psychopath, took over. Rutherford created an expectatation (i.e., false prophecy) that the Old Testament prophets would be resurrected before Armageddon. He had a mansion (called Beth Sarim, Hebrew for something like "House of Princes") built in San Diego, California to house the risen prophets when they came out of their graves. Of course, Rutherford lived in the mansion as Trustee of Abraham, David, and the other Old Testament prophets.
Rutherford also restructured the organization and instituted a hierarchy modeled after the Roman Catholic hierarchy. For every level of RC hierarchy, there is a corresponding JW hierarchical position. When this began, many JW's didn't know which arrangement was "true," and there was a mass exodus of those who wanted to retain the Russell model.
The JW organization is riddled with a history of so much garbage, lies, and human wreckage that it's enough to make you go into clinical depression.
Be kind to your JW buddies because they are deceived. But do some research as recommended by other posters herre and ask good questions.
Rabbi Makes Outrageous Comment About Child Abuse
by metatron in
oy vey!
such tall tales these children tell!
I don't know about others, but when I was a child, I was innocent. I could not have made up a description of sexual molestation because I had no idea what it was. If someone had explained the "facts of life" to me, I don't think I would have believed them.
I'm not denying that children lie and don't understand consequences, but how could they lie about what they don't know exists?
Just learned we are on the "skip that house list"
by truthseekeriam ini was just about to leave to pick up my daughter from school when i opened the garage door and came face to face with one of my favorite sisters from the kh we use to attend.
she greated me with a big hug and we had chit chat about the kids and their activities...nothing jw related.
this particular sister is not one of those all so perfect jws.
conscious of my spiritual need, what next?
by stillhurts inso once you leave, what next?
have you found anything from a spiritual standpoint that brings you happiness and satisfaction?.
have you been so scarred by the teaching that "all religions are wrong", that you can't see the truth anywhere?.
I recommend reading the sacred texts of as many religions as you can. My favorite is the Tao-te-Ching because it is entirely about acceptance, acceptance of what is and the joys of living simply.
Reading about other faiths can teach you a lot. I believe Native Americans are some of the most spiritual in their traditions because they respect life in all of its forms and the earth just as it is. Here are the Native American Ten Commandments:
1. Take responsibility for your actions. (No more "I was tempted by Satan" nonsense.)
2. Be truthful and honest at all times.
3. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good. (This does not mean hawking religious literature, I'm sure.)
4. Look after the well-being of mind and body.
5. Do what you know in your heart to be right.
6. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
7. Work together for the benefit of all.
8. Show great respect for your fellow beings.
9. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
10. Treat the earth and all that dwell thereon with respect.
I suffer from depression - Should that stop me marrying and having kids?
by usualusername ini am so unsure.. .
i am sure that my misery will spread to my potential wife and kids.. .
decisions, decisions... .
I am not a mental health professional. However, I have suffered from depression in the past, and I can share what I've learned.
My depression, I believe, was situational. When I changed my circumstances and began to feel in control of myself and my life, I was no longer depressed. I tried some medications, but they made me worse. If you go on medications, be sure to communicate with your doctor if you have undesirable side effects, and he or she can change it.
As to marriage and children, there may be some things to consider. You need to advise a prospective mate of your problem and be sure she accepts you just as you are and does not think she can change you or cure you. If you need some alone time because you're not in a cheerful frame of mind, allow yourself to have it, and be sure your wife understands in advance that this may happen from time to time.
If you have children, do you have a support system so that someone else can care for them if you are not up to it? Children are inclined to accept their parents no matter their problems. They just need your unconditional love and acceptance. They do not need you to be perfect.
Take care of yourself. Wishing you the best,
Make Your Contribution Really Count.
by Slidin Fast inif you don't live in the uk you won't understand what is going on.
it seems the whole country is pouring money into "comic relief".
currently 66m has been donated tonight and that is likely be doubled when the dust settles.. the refreshing thing is that every penny goes to make a difference.
Your To-Do List Upon Exiting The Cult
by rubadubdub indid you have a to-do list upon exiting the cult, and have you accomplished your goals?
if you are still "in", have you started your list?.
my list:.
Since exiting, I have:
Obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree
Done several kinds of volunteer work (pulling weeds in the park, operating a booth at ArTown, teaching English to refugees to name a few)
Moved to Las Vegas (recently; before that, I moved to Reno - loved it!)
Taken up gambling (A friend taught me a pretty good "system" for video Keno)
Traveled across the U.S.
Visited British Columbia, Canada; London, England; and Paris, France
Participated in the 2003 Silentlambs march in Brooklyn; at the same time, took my daughter to NY for her 30th birthday (She loved it!)
Become a grandmother and a great grandmother
Taken up French and Spanish
Learned machine shorthand theory (I'm practicing speed building so I can make it a retirement career - there's a shortage of court reporters)
Most importantly, been open to ideas and learned that an open mind is a treasure.
Welcome to freedom!