the fds has never claimed to have all the answers.
HA HA!!!
i took a look at my wies isaiah book where she had it marked and checked out tonight's assigned material.
it's astonishing to me that anyone with even an average intelligence could choke this stuff down.
does anyone really take this tripe seriously?
the fds has never claimed to have all the answers.
HA HA!!!
the one thing that jws claim is the love they have for one another.
i am well aware of some of the things that have been done in the congregation for members and i believe real love was shown.
in times of natural disaster jws have been very good at caring for their own.
Wow dyan4help. What can I say - the emotional blackmail some people use, lording their position to take advantage of people during times like you were in. What a gleam in the eye this PO must have had when you informed him of the life insurance. And you being made to feel that 'god' wanted you to give him the $$$.
I hope you and the courts nail him to the wall. I hope you retianed the contract, bad checks, etc!
come on admit it, if you were brought up a witness you were dead scared that you were going to end up like the men you saw prowling the assembles and congregations looking for wives.. there would always be men and women in there 30's and 40 who had never had a boy or girl friend.. i used to know quite a few.. the horror of their lives shocks me.. now i not dissing anyone who has chosen not to marry that is their choice.but these people i know want to meet someone and get married.. but the bad news is that the older they get the harder it is to find a wife .what makes it worse is that the choice is so limited.. many of these grown men are even affraid of women .
because they are taught that even to look at a woman is to commit imorality let alone talk to one.. i knew a brother who had never had a girl friend , he was about 26 at the a sister asks to go out with him so he accepts.quite soon she wants to hold his hand.. this brother now tells her off, for in the family book it says holding hands is only for people who are going to get married.. he doesn't go out with such a spiritually weak sister again.. what has the socity done to these peoples lives.. many people who were once happy teenagers hoping to meet the wife or husband of their dreams are now approaching 40 or even older and have never even had a girlfriend.theri only hope is the new system and i don't want to breack the news to them but its not coming.
One reason for the mass meat-market that is the JW assemblies. The ONLY reason I attended. To scope out the chicks ...
Too bad I was too shy/akward/ill-equiped(not smooth w/ the ladies) to get laid should have been taking lessons from Francoise!?
/edit ...
Uh - 'ill-equiped' to get laid sounds awfully bad - let's just say the equipment wasn't the problem - I just never got to unwrap it
i've always been curious as to the reasons why only "the anointed" were permitted to partake of the emblems at the memorial.
we all know that the wtbts says the "other sheep" are the non-anointed christians who merely observe the memorial (by the way, by "other sheep" jesus was talking about the gentiles that would become part of the new covenant; he wasn't referring to some strange class of non-anointed christians).
they've often compared the situation to the foreigners in the congregation of israel who were not permitted to observe the passover (see exodus 12:38, 43 -- they draw this correlation because the memorial is the replacement for the passover observance).
Henry I listened to the talk and got sick - then the cheap wine and nasty crackers made my stomach worse. No thanks, I'll pass this year!
first off i'd like to say how exstatic i am about finding this site.. finally i can get this off my chest, and to people who might understand.
well here goes.. my name is aaron and i am 25 years old.
i was born in and raised in san diego.
Aaron, your story sounds so familiar ... I'm fairly sure now that my parents divorce (me 3 years old) was largely due to the JW wackyness. I suspect the failure of the 1975 thing pull the nail in the coffin of JWness for my real father. When I see how badly my mother suffered/suffers for the JW printing corporation it does make my blood boil. But she still buys into it lock stock and barrel. The big A is 'any day now' you know.
Growing up sifting scriptures, sitting still for hours, preparing talks, grueling 10+ hours days of FS in hot/cold weather, being told the Bethel was the place to go (temped once - hated it), and living under constant fear of the big A - what if you were jerking off when it came - god would surely kill you! Demons under every rock, guilt for every small wrongdoing ... it's a wonder any of us are still sane!
opinions of counsel.
volume 10 - opinions of counsel sbrps no.
these opinions are subject to revision and editing changes prior to publication.
To be honest, I don't see what the big deal is with this. A religion needs some form of registered clergy.
I think the big deal is that the JWs try and proudly play the 'we are the true religion because we don't have a clergy' card. While ecveryone KNOWS that the elders are in fact 'higher' than the normal persion, and you must 'respect their athority'. How can someone have athority over you while saying out of the other side of their mouth that they are 'your servant'. As usual, the JWs try and pretend one thing while reality is the polar opposite.
i hadnt thought there was much worth posting about this past weekends sad on the theme 'submit yourselves to god - oppose the devil.
' pretty standard stuff, i didnt take any notes and nodded off towards the end.
but i do remember one item that ill share.
Fresh from success of taunting a man of God, they went on with supreme confidence to taunting two she bears. This gang had many members, much more than fourty-two as the text states. They were not playing hopscotch when those bears attacked.
Ha ha, this is classic 'reasoning' to try and 'interpret' the bible and force it to meld into a person's scrambled views of a 'loving' god. Since it's impossible to put a 'loving' god as resposible for these acts, you MUST then pretend fact about things that are NOT specified. NOWEHERE does it even pretend that the attack on these 'children' where from their taunting the bear, and you do not accept the text at it's face value. So why even pretend to believe the bible at all? You just totally threw out the bible's version of the event and invented one in your own mind? SO why not just write your own bible? You know more than the people who wrote the one we have apparently! I find this quite humorous
received this as an email (obviously directed to americans):.
below is a list of automobile manufacturers showing how they contributed to the relief and recovery efforts of september 11, 2001.. .
1. ford- $1 million to american red cross matching employee.
Totally false.
Here's my rule of thumb - if I receive a forwarded email from ANYONE that 'just has to share some important information' and then proceeds to try and tell me some shocking 'facts' I immediately dis-regard it because it's CRAP.
Forwarded emails set my BS detector onto HIGH setting.
here are scans of the "advance medical directive" (blood card) for 2001 and 2002. also shown is the "identity card" for minors for 2002.. note that the watchtower society cancelled distribution of the 2002 cards, and instructed that jws use the 2001 card until further notice.. card for 2001, page 2:.
card for 2002, page 2:.
card for 2002, page 1:.
Alan, when you say
carefully compare the differences in wording between the '99 and '01 versions of the card
do you actually mean to compare the 2001 vrs 2002 cards?
you got to love these folks.
>>interesting remarks at morning worship from tom & esther chin:.
I know when the WTC happened, my mother was quick to point out to me that "Oh did you know that 13 brothers/sisters died in the WTC?". All I could think (especially w/ emotions at that time) was how incredible rude and crass that was. I wanted to say more, but I simply said, "Yes, I know (I knew before she did thanks to this board ), but what about the other 5000 people who died that day?". She didn't have much to say at that ... the funny thing was, I knew before we talked she'd have to point out the 13 JWs that died to me, and yet it still made me mad when she did it.
I do find it so funny that 'they' are so quick to use these urban legends/tall tails to 'prove' they have god's favor, when there are just as many stories (probably more actually) of JWs where things don't go so hunky-dory in their lives. Like someone said - what about those JWs that did die in WTC? God didn't love them? Couldn't fit it into his busy schedule to manuver their lives so they would quit their WTC jobs? What a bunch of BUNK!