Hi Beroea,
I knew it was a joke thread. Well kind of.
But I had to add a serious kind of response to it
anyway. Just for the fun of it.
Now on to more serious things.
What's this about good beer?????
Can I find it here in the US?
harming loyal jw part 2. i little voice from europe.
hope you understand black talk as we call it.
we have a special humour here in the northern part of europe.
Hi Beroea,
I knew it was a joke thread. Well kind of.
But I had to add a serious kind of response to it
anyway. Just for the fun of it.
Now on to more serious things.
What's this about good beer?????
Can I find it here in the US?
you are harming loyal jw.
i have been taken a closer look at many of the posters here on this board.
most of you are very critic about the jw and special about doctrines.
Howdy Beroea,
You said two things that are interesting.
First you said, "We need to recieve information from GB."
" They are wise and won't give wrong information."
Then you said, " You don't have the right to show other kind of information even some maybe as facts."
So you are saying that the info. from the GB is correct but then you're saying that people here are stating facts.
Sounds like you are hoping that the GB is right but you really know that they are not.
Because there are plenty of facts to be found that shows the WTS is
not Gods chosen orginization.
And if there are facts that prove the WTS is a falsehood, do you really think that God would want you to be part of it?
Ps. I also think that this is a joke thead.
a simple message to the witnesses who gleefully wait at the sidelines.
a message to the "you knows" of the world who see tragedy and can only think of their "bets.
" the world can be a harsh place.
What can be said after seeing these pictures?
To know that the pain caused by this insanity is felt
by others around the world is truly comforting.
Thanks for posting this Naeblis.
"i'm robert peterson".
when i left, wendy said it had been a happy day.
i'm robert peterson.
Hi ladonna,
Thanks for posting that.
It really puts things in perspective.
one comment i hear from my jw son a lot is that "the organization (capital o!
) is made up of imperfect men, so they make mistakes.
" what are some answers to that?
Hi patio,
One thing you can ask your son is,
If the Orginization is made up of imperfect men and they make mystakes,
does that mean that you don't have to believe what they say?
And if you don't believe a certain teaching, does that mean that you can tell them so
without having to worry if they will take action against you?
And one more question that you can ask is,
If they are imperfect,does that mean that the Orginization can be wrong
about them being Gods chosen orginization?
If you ask him these questions and he answers,
please let us know what his answers are.
i've been given some sketchy information that says the cbc is presenting its program straight talk tonight, possibly 7 pm eastern time.. in that program james kostelniuk's book and personal story will be covered.. "sheep among wolves," the story of murder in a jehovah's witness community.
perhaps someone in canada could check this out and publish details below, or correct this
How can that program be seen in the US?
Is there a station here that carries CBC programing?
the oct. 1, 2001 watchtower magazine, pg.
22 par.
"loyalty to god also includes loyalty to his organization...".
Hi bjc,
As Englishman has said all we have to do is open the Bible and follow
the scrirtures that tell us to follow the WTS because they are our
way to God.
So I know that scripture must be there.
After all, the WTS wouldn't say to give loyalty to it as we would to God
unless they had the scriptures to back it up,would they?????
Here, let me find the scriptures for you.
Wait a minute,I'm still looking.
They must be here somewhere.
I know. Let's ask Fred Hall and You Know.
Hey guys, could you tell us where those scripture are????????
keeping a balance in what is allowed and what is not is very difficult and is more difficult if i have to take action against one person when i have let other things go by others.. it would help a lot if we could stop the personal attacks and some of the name calling & insults that are thrown about.
i know personalities do and will clash but please disagree about the subjects being discussed and not get personal!.
if you think someone is deliberately trying to cause arguments please do not respond to them as this is giving in to what they want.
This is your home.
You built it and you did a terrific job doing so.
You have been gracious enough to invite All of us to
visit and to consider this our home also.
As visitors, we all have the responsibility to behave ourselves
and treat other visitors with respect and dignity.
After all, this is your home and we have NO right to abuse anyone here.
If I or anyone else refuses to be respectful of other visitors then we have NO
right to be here.
And you have every right to ask us to leave.
Those that want to be insulting and act like complete imature idiots
can go and start their own site.
Thanks for letting us enjoy your home Simon.
PIP PIP TAlY HO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here is a rough version of a letter i intend to send to the society regarding an article in the july 1 2001 watchtower about doubt.. any suggestions on how i can improve the letter?.
also what are the odds on getting in big trouble in sending this?.
dear friend ,.
Hi sleepy,
You didn't say if you're going to sign your name and put your congregation
on the letter.
Odds are if you do,you will recieve a sheperding call.
After all, the WTS can't have followers thinking on their own now. Can they?
I think it's a well thought out letter.
It brings out a very important question.
Why is it the WTS says to those in other religions,that they must not blindly follow them?
They must question everything.
And yet to their (WTS) own followers they DEMAND unquestioning obediance.
interesting comment made in the chat room yesterday.... it was noted that during a talk by a bethelite at a recent dc he made the following point - the reason we are not on the other side of armageddon is that we (jws) do not and have not listened to authority.. now it has to wait like the disobedient israelites had to.. until the next generation.
now, i would presume this is some more of this 'new light' because i'd never heard this thought before... has anyone else heard it?.
can anyone elaborate further.... i wasn't there myself.... interesting implications though, the disobedient israelite generation did not get into the promised land did they?
Shame on those bad JWs.
For shame,for shame,for shame.
I mean, the WTS must be right.
Musn't it???????? (Is musn't a word?)
After all, the WTS says it gets their info. from God.
Don't they????
So if they say, Armageddon hasn't come because of the individual JWs, I'll buy that.
After all, the WTS has declared it. So it must be right.