JoinedTopics Started by logical1
Great arguments, play devils advocate for me
by logical1 inpretend you're a faithful witness and devils advocate these arguments for me to help fine tune them:.
fallacy of perfection:.
"there will be no more sickness and death in the new earth...".
Does the WT have spies here?
by logical1 indoes bethel have spies here that are exempt from the "no looking at apostate material" in order to "protect" the org?
their job is to view apostate material so they can find out who they can send copyright infringement claims to?.
Old family friend won't go away
by logical1 inmy mom lives far away and still "holds vigilant" to her beliefs, but i hardly ever hear about her going to a meeting (always has an excuse).. her friend that lives near my uncles house (i am often at my uncles house visiting him) is always coming by making small talk with them to leave magazines.
it's kind of hilarious because not only i, but the entire house now hides in the back when she pulls in the driveway.
i told my uncle that even though it's the "easier way" he shouldn't accept the magazines, since thats an open invitation for her to come back.. i like to compare her to the crackhead that visists my house every so often.
by jnrtigbfxd0 inhey everybody im new here.
currently a pioneer in my early 20's, started straight out of high school, now wanting to go to college and working on getting out of pioneering.
also a former bethelite, ill make a thread on that soon.. .
I submitted (this forum) to a directory
by logical1 ini work with some people that started a forum directory site.
it's in the process of growing (just barely launched this week) but they wanted me to help add to it, so i added jehovahs-witness.net to it.
if you guys want (and i would probably suggest) you can go and vote for the site (or leave a review for it).
I started a small blog with theories I have had over the years, would like input
by logical1 ini'm not going to post the link here as i both want it to be completely anonymous (no connection to me on any other website) and i don't want to violate forum rules.
they are theories i developed based on being raised as a jw and taking philosophy classes.
please reply to this if you'd like to check it out and give me feedback and i will pm you the link.. thanks.
Are You Afraid To Die Alone?
by minimus ini know of someone that is concerned that she will be all alone when she dies.. are you afraid to die alone??
How many double agents are there?
by logical1 inhow many are there on this board that are also still in the society, especially acting in a position of leadership?
i think it's pretty funny they always talked about how "jehovah would root out the wickedness" yet theres people on here getting invites to "zone visits" that many other blind and faithful people weren't invited to.. .
if any of you are on your way out and have the ability to give a talk before you go, you should cratifly morph a talk into discussion about the origins of the society, by the time its obvious what you're doing you will have given 100-150 people seeds of doubt before they yank you off the stage, and the fact that they would be physically escorting you off the stage when you were simply talking about the "founder" of the society should be alarming and suspicious enough to those watching.. .
Just got a knock at the door....
by Found Sheep init was omaha steak salesman.
i am home alone with the doors open.
they would not take no for an answer.... they made me feel uncomfortable!!.
The easy way out
by logical1 inbackground on me: mid 20's, raised as jw, never baptised.. .
a month or so ago, some jw's were calling on my street, i missed them at my door, but they had parked in front of my house while they hit up the rest of my block.
while they were at my neighbors door, i thought to myself "what is the easiest non-threatening simple message i could write on a piece of paper that would essentially give them "apostate" information, without them realizing what it was and shutting down?".