They permanently canceled the "lifesaving" bookstudy because Gas went up a bit in the USA. Snow is a much better reason.
The Elders are simply following the lead of the Governing Body.
the meetings were cancelled in this area with only 2 inches of snow for the "storm''.
a month ago the co had the meeting cancelled because it was a bit tracherous, which i thought was a good call..... years`ago, if we cancelled a meeting it took until one hour before the presiding overseer would finally decide to cancel.. today's jws are wimps..
They permanently canceled the "lifesaving" bookstudy because Gas went up a bit in the USA. Snow is a much better reason.
The Elders are simply following the lead of the Governing Body.
from talking to several fading jws over the years, it really does appear that assembly talk assignments are usually given to those pos who consistently hand over the thickest envelopes to the co at the end of his week-long visits.
if the envelope was too thin (or there was no enevelope at all), chances are that no one in that congo would get an assemby talk assighnment.
also, if the co and his wife were treated well or taken to expensive restaurants during their visit, that apparently increased the po's chances of getting an assembly talk assignment.
People are people. C.O.s and D.O.s are people- we like to be around people who make us feel good about ourselves. It all boils down to who makes them LOOK good and FEEL GOOD.
LOOK Good- Great speaker...with no skeletons in the closet that they KNOW about. Hopefully they have HEARD the speaker deliver at talk or two and he is a pioneer or he talks a good story about "going to Pioneer soon".
FEEL Good. - The brother makes the C.O. & D.O. laugh, and flatters him or feel liked. Golf, Ski trips, Cruise, etc. Many times that INCLUDES a shopping trip with a gold card or envelope. My Father in law was prominate in the Borg for handing out VERY fat envelopes with thousands of $$ to the right people in Brooklyn, telling jokes and while entertaining them.
I have known a couple of new Elders rise from obscurity to Circuit speakers in a matter of weeks for the cost of a great dinner and new suit of clothes for the C.O. and his Wife.
just a (slightly) quick introduction for now.
i am a 4th generation born in.
father an elder since i was an infant.
okay so i think it might be the concussion making me go on this rant...not too sure.. the girl scouts started selling their cookies yesterday and for the first time in my life i will be ordering cookies.....i mean wtf is so wrong with ordering cookies from them?
i love the thin mint's and guess what?
you can only buy them from girl scouts!!!!!!.
The Mrs bought 2 boxes yesterday! She told me it was the first time in her life......! She realized how ridiculous the Rutherford era prohibition was....and found the cookies yummy.
No doubt some JW saw her and she will be hunted down
for those of you who are following our annual jw global survey, you will be pleased to know that the results have been published, and are available on the link below....
i would urge as many as possible to take part in our new survey, which has been enhanced to implement some of the suggestions we received from those taking part in last year's poll.. anyway, i hope you find the 2012 results helpful and enjoy taking part in our new survey.. by all means share your thoughts on the results on this thread, not to mention any suggestions that will help make the 2014 survey better still!
i am new here and this is my first post although i have lurked here for a couple years.
i started having doubts about the org back then and my curiosity overcame my fear of so-called apostate websites so here i am.
i just resigned being an elder 2 weeks ago.
Welcome!! Be sure to treat the wife to a little vacation!
courtesy of millions now living are dead from several years ago (thanks to randy for re-posting on free minds:.
ode to the 192 page book.
once i wondered what life was all about.
... depressing if you are the governing body that is.. the australian census figures from 2011 are available.
this is taken every 5 years, and i have been doing a comparison over the last 15 year period.
for 2001 and 2006 the number of jw's fell in australia, but this time it has risen, which jws may find encouraging.
Thanks for the facts JW facts!
Lots of piercing going the big house...
you read the title correctly.. my daughter is a prosecutor who right this moment is prosecuting a dui crash with major injuries.
the defendant--the drunk driver--just tried to place an awake magazine with her while both of them were in the courtroom.. .