If I had been DF'd I would not have had a card to hand back, I never filled one in or carried one when I was a J.W.
It was strange thinking about it, I had never thought about the blood nonsense hardly, I did that after I left, and asked my Doctor to remove any reference to it from my Records, and any ref. to me being a J.W. he assured me no such records had ever been on there ! LOL, I hadn't done that either.
I think the reason I did not do any of that crap was the feeling that is natural to me, since I was very young, just a boy, to never obey "authority" if I cannot see good reasons as to why I should.
The move to stop all that, to do with Blood cards, was definitely the fear the Org. has of litigation, The Legal Dept. guide them on this, as in so much, where is the Holy Spirit one wonders ? LOL.
When the Org. makes ANY move, it is always about the $$$.