I made a similar calculation some years back, and came to the same conclusion, that the CSA and other Abuse problems were far more prevalent among J.W's than other religions and secular organisations such as the Scouts etc.
Of course 100% solid figures cannot be obtained, but when you add in the number of cases where J.W Elders persuaded parents etc. to sweep the incidents under the carpet, the problem in the J.W Org. was HUGE, and I cannot see that it can have been reduced much in recent years, they have taken no steps to put in place a real Safeguarding Programme, where a safeguarding Officer is active and on duty at all events where J.W's are together, plus the other things such Officers do.
The question is WHY NOT ?? Here in the U.K even small churches and small clubs and Associations have such a system going, there is simply NO EXCUSE for them not to protect the vulnerable, for which they have a Duty of Care.
The J.W Org. always was and remains A Paedophile Paradise.