JoinedTopics Started by professor
are you sitting down?........PRINCE is a JW!!!!!
by lisaBObeesa inhello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
Field Service is Officially Over Forever!
by professor ini hereby urge every single one of jehovah's witnesses nationwide to stop going out in field service!
according to the january 1, 1989 watchtower, our obligation to field service officially ended last year!:.
the apostle paul was spearheading the christian missionary activity.
Bad, naughty, nasty, Internet.
by philo inwtbts arguments against internet correspondence.. .
1. you never know for sure with whom you are communicating.. 2. they may be apostates.. 3. they may lie to you, and you won't be able to tell.. 4. they may be boys pretending to be girls.. 5. they may be porn pushers.. 6. they may be child abusers.. 7. they will waste your preaching time.. 8. there's "nothing quite like" face to face speech.. duck shooting season is upon us friends.
roll up, rollup for the summer quack-attack.
Who is running the Watchtower now?
by professor inwho is the head honcho and/or big kahuna?
watchtower presidents:.
charles t. russell (1879-1916).
by teejay ini came upon the idea for this topic in backward fashion.. not long ago, someone was attributing greatness to one of us .
because of all that one had done to bring about the end of the .
by peaceloveharmony inhey people .
well, um, ya, so i'm just gonna offer some free, unsolicited adive here...... quick aside: for those of you that don't know me, here's a little background (short and sweet version)....raised a jw, baptized at 15, da'd at 17. .
here is a little plh philosophy:.
WT Information site......FAQ's......ahhhhhhg!
by qwerty incan you spot the wt double speak in the two faq's?.
or anyone else like to comment?
(not open to fred, coz we've heard it all before!).
by Norm insome times the inconstancies and contradictions in the watchtower literature seems almost unbelievable.
the double standard of the watchtower writers seems to be without limit.. one of the explanations for this is that some watchtower articles deals with how jehovah's witnesses want to be perceived and how they want to be treated by society in general, and the contradictory articles deals with how the faithful and loyal witnesses should regard their enemies and outsiders.
in psalm 139 this is spoken of as a complete hatred.
JW Boyfriend is being brainwashed !
by Camay inmy boyfriend and i live together and have been for about 3 years.. he wants me to convert, after research i will not.
(i was raised bapstist) he hasnt went to the hall in two weeks, last nite he went because a "elder" called him, why did they have him in a meeting till.
11 at nite, he came home and told me he confessed and he is in trouble.