JoinedTopics Started by vanyell
How the house of cards comes crashing down, in the WTS' own words.
by poopsiecakes in"rejecting or trivializing the genesis account about adam and eve creates a domino effect that undermines nearly every major teaching in the bible!
such a way of thinking leads to a host of unanswered questions and a faith with nothing to stand on.".
footnote: "these include teachings about gods sovereignty, human integrity, good and evil, free will, the condition of the dead, marriage, the promised messiah, a paradise earth, gods kingdom, and many others.".
Iran vs Israel and the USA = WW III (Should we be worried?)
by Me Myself and I inthis particular bowl of soup has been bubbling for some time now, with various posturing and toing and froing.
looking at the media and the subsequent comments from israel regarding iran, it looks clear that something is going to happen soon, very soon..... with iran having the ears of both china and russia, israel having the us and of course we (uk) as the states poodle on the other side.
i wonder if this could be the beginning of the end?.
The Catholic More Righteous Than Almost Any Witness
by metatron inlast night on "60 minutes",..... they featured the catholic archbishop of dublin.
he exposed his own church, his own "organization".
he exposed documents and testimony about how his church covered up child molesting priests throughout ireland.. he went to a school, to remind himself of what an 8 year old boy looked like - because he was aware of one nasty case involving a boy of that age.. when he was talking, he paused..... because he held back tears.. if you are still a "loyal" witness, i have two things to tell you.
Watchtower Doctor on Blood
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower doctor on blood.
today i added a new article to my blog about a newly published book containing a chapter on jehovahs witnesses.
what makes this chapter interesting is that its written by a licensed doctor who is one of jehovahs witnesses.
Bioethics of the refusal of blood by Jehovah's Witnesses: Should bioethical deliberation consider dissidents' views?
by Celestial inkeep themselves from what is sacrificed to idols as well as from blood and what is strangled and from fornication.
acts 21:25. .
keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication.
Surprise biblical discovery
by stillstuckcruz in
Latest Watchtower page 30... They have some nerve to put this!
by TimothyT inone thing that i have always noticed even when i was a jw is that the jw org has lots and lots and lots of rules for allsorts of stupid petty rules which make no difference.
when you read the bible you see how they are clearly in the wrong here and are acting like the pharisees themselves, who imposed so much pressure on others to conform to the law.
am i missing something here!?!?
"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12
by yourmomma inhave anyone of you read, the absolutly jaw dropping paragraph in this article about a women who was hit by her husband?
its in page 25 of the 2/15/12 wt study edition (i read the dumbed down version).. .
if there was any question, that the watchtowers stance is for wives to simply take it when their husbands abuse them, this makes it crystal clear.. who the hell is scanning these things before they go to print?
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff inestimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
Notice this Contradiction on How Jehovah's Witnesses View Marriage
by flipper inin the new book released at the witnesses assemblies this year , " keep yourselves in god's love " notice this bit of counsel given on possible separations in marriage .
it says on pg.
221 , " absolute endangerment of spiritual life.