R is the first letter of my name -- Robert.
51785 is May 17, 1985 -- an important date in my life!
Robert aka r51785
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R is the first letter of my name -- Robert.
51785 is May 17, 1985 -- an important date in my life!
Robert aka r51785
early christians imitated jesus and popularized the custom of referring to almighty.
god as "our father".
this served to inspire people to think of god as their own father,.
The Watchtower is an American corporation. Like all corporations they seek to distinguish themselves from their competitors. This is basic marketing. In marketing you distinguish your product by its brand. The brand consists of the name and the attributes of the product. Joe Rutherford decided that to distinguish his company, which was suffering from lagging sales in the 1920's due to customer dissatisfaction regarding the failure of the world to end in 1925, he would re-brand his product. Hence he invented the name Jehovah's Witnesses.
Jehovah's Witnesses use the divine name like a brand. To them use of the name (brand) identifies the righteous and non-use identifies the unrighteous. You can almost imagine it like a TV laundry soap commercial. "My clothes are clean and white because I use Tide"/"I am clean and righteous because I am a Jehovah's Witness."
What are some of the attributes of the "Jehovah's Witness brand"
1. No part of world (whatever that means -- if they were really no part of the world why would they need so many lawyers?)
2. Sell literature door to door
3. No blood transfusions (Their refusal to eliminate this ridiculous policy would be called by a marketer "defending the brand." If they changed this integral part of their brand identity they would weaken the overall brand's power. Kind of like New Coke -- remember that one?)
I could go on and on with this but the key thing to remember is to view everything that the JW's do as what any corporation would do, because that is all they are -- an American corporation.
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Quotes left out of the Ministry School Textbook:
"Always remember brothers that sincerity is the key to our ministry. Once you learn how to fake it you will be blessed with great success."
what is christmas to you?
if you were raised a jw, as my children were, getting used to christmas takes time, and does not carry with it any memories.
for others who became jws later in life, it took time to get over christmas and learn to discredit the custom and lose feelings for it, and in some cases even learn to hate christmas as an evil pagan evoluton of apostate christianity.. .
Very well put Jim.
I have two small children, so to me Christmas is about the wonder in their eyes, the magic of the season which I never was allowed to experience, but through them it's as if my childhood has come back and everything special which I missed I can now enjoy.
I love Christmas.
if a baptist minister.....knocked on the door of a kingdom hall on "memorial" night, and said...."good evening, i know your probably busy at this time so i'll be breif.
since many celebrate the 'lord death' at this time of the year, many wonder how many true christians should actually partake of the emblems that are passed around?
we would like to offer you a pamphlet to read when you have time, and come back when it's convienent and discuss this further" .....( offers them a pamphlet).
Amazing points out that the JW's have a false memorial. I think it goes beyond this. The memorial as practiced by JW's is nothing more than a ritualized denial of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. The bread and wine are passed the vast majority of JW's publicly refuse to partake. They do this to follow the commandments of the ones who they truly regard as their "Christ" -- the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They ascribe their salvation not to the blood of Jesus but to the obedience to policies and procedures of the Watchtower Printing Company.
Yes indeed Larry Eitel is a Jehovah's Witness. I knew him when I attended the La Jolla, CA congregation about 25 years ago.
many of you who come to this site, no doubt, are deeply concerned about the future of the organization.
in addition,.
not a few who post here would like to see the watchtower society fade away into history.
There was a saying in the former Soviet Union:
"They (the gov't) pretend to pay us, so we pretend to work."
This could be updated for the Watchtower Society:
"They (WTS) pretend to pay us, (give us eternal life), so we pretend to work (preach)."
yesterday i saw catherine crier doing a phone interview with dr. firpo carr on court tv.
carr is defending micheal jackson.
here are some links about this you may want to look at: .
"Dr." Firpo Carr also was interviewed Thursday afternoon on the "The John and Ken Show" on radio station KFI in Los Angeles. I managed to call into the show and spoke to the call screener. John and Ken were not taking calls during their intervene segment with Carr. I mentioned to the screener the connection between Carr, Jackson and the Jehovah's Witnesses, pointing out that John and Ken had in the past pointed out the child molesting scandals within the Jehovah's Witnesses.
John and Ken did not mention the JW connection but did indicate that they may have Carr back. I must admit Carr is quite personable and an entertaining interview even if he had a hard time explaining why it was normal for a 45 year old man to sleep in the same bed as young boys who are unrelated to him.
well, the term used in theosophy is "levity", the polar opposite of gravity.
theosophy has ventured into gravitational field theory?
What is metaphysics?
I don't know either but Woody Allen once related the story of how he failed his Metaphysics final in college. Evidently he was failed for cheating because he looked into the soul of the student sitting next to him.,0,756824.story?coll=bal-artslife-books
mickey spillane is still at it, so, raise one for indomitability
by michael pakenham, sun book critic.
Good Lord, Could you just imagine Ayn Rand's opinion of Jehovah's Witnesses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!