Topics Started by Rags
Hello all, I am new here
by mbst ini have been reading all the stuff i see on this place for a while.
i am a jehovahs witness in good standing in my congregation.
i just need to come on in here and ask for a little advice from anyone who might know what i am feeling.
1975 End of World!!
by Rags indoes anyone have any personal experiences as to the effects that the 1975 end of the world announcement had on them??.
for starters..i was a 7 years old little girl in 1972 when they were starting to announce it...i remember my dad buying 5 foot long cheese (we are italian)...about 100 salami's...because they said we would first suffer with the starvation and all that and needed to be prepared for it.....also i remember every thunderstorm my mom would run to the window and yell..."maybe this is it..maybe this is the end of the world starting!!
"...and one day i literally got so scared that i locked myself in the cellar and shit my little pants.
JWs vs Pokémon now (not Smurfs!)
by Scully in .
from: elsamu (original message) sent: 23/01/2002 11:23 .
hello, brothers&sisters.. .
Rumors that they spread about you. When you left.
by jerome infor some time now i have been reading numerous indivisual life stories relating to their experience with the jws and one obscure ( or at least not directly elabourated upon) detail keeps popping up.. it would appear that whenever a person leaves the organisation by da/df/ia that people take it upon themselves to start spreading "nasty rumours" about the person in question.. it always seems that so much of these said rumours that were frabicated and then propagated throught the local jw community that the poaster almost never seems to have time to goint any detail about what exactaly was said about them in detail.. i would like to invite the posters here on the board to shed some light on their experience regarding their reputation after leaving the kh.. it would appear that once disfelloshipped that the jw community must make it abundantly clear that the person is of absolutely deplorable character inorder to justify their inhumane treatment of the df'ed indivisual.
saying that there is no honourable way to leave the oragnisation this seems to be rather common place.. i am also informed that even if the df'ed person were permitted to return that their reputation within the jw community would never be the same due to the tarnishing of their name and the stigma attached to being df'ed.. i may not be entirely too shure about this one but it would seem that if while still in good standing should the indvisual to become "publicly reproved" or "marked" that this would also be an invitation for the local jw community to begin the same process of defaming the character of the person in question.. would anyone care to discuss your personall experience relating to any private information which became public knowledge after you left the jw community or any half truths that were deileberately propagated to tarnish your name in the vacinity of the kh.
and even worse yet blant lies that were imagined and promoted about you inorder to permanatently damage your character.. i would also be interested in who exactly you think were responsible for the iniation of these rumours.. was it the elders?
by Rags ini am 36 yr old female originally from toronto ontario canada.
was raised jw till i was about 14. has anyone else had this happen in their hall?
the mom's (thank god never mine!
banana bread and red kool-aid
by onelove ini mean they should have figured it out that if they gave me that much sugar before the book study, instead of after, maybe i would've stayed awake.
i remember feeling like i didn't deserve the food if i had slept through the book study.
we also used to have lipsync parties where the congregation would meet at the legion hut and wear costumes and then do lipsyncs.
UN and WT investigation
by DevonMcBride inlast october when the un/ngo story broke, i recall reading that the un had planned to start an investigation and possibly file charges on the watchtower society for failing to follow the charter.
does anyone else recall reading this?
what was the outcome?.
OK, what the hell is this about???
by 2SYN inv. interesting.
does anyone here have any theories as to what this might be?
since i live half a planet away, i can't exactly go to the states and see for myself, so any demystification would be much appreciated!
Bring Food Back to the assemblys.
by Tin Man ini really miss the chesse danish's and the choclote pudding, and hoggie sandwichs, and people spilling their cokes behind me and it flowing into my kids blankets.. it was not comendable for the gb to do away with our food, dam them all them anyway, hell they were making good money on our eating their food, only a few of the items tasted any good, the rest tasted like goat shit.
tin man
What Do "Disfellowship" and Child Cus...
by outnfree inin common?!!!
a search on the wtbs site for "disfellowship" returned this:.
search results.