This is Spinner again---I know this is all very hard to believe, so I am giving you a small part of the research I gave the Society :
IMMUNODEPRESSION: Study on carbohydrates shows 100 grams of
orange juice significantly decreased the capacity of neutrophils to
engulf bacteria. After 5 hours, the control values were still below
normal. Hospital librarys contain the research data you can request:
Study on carbohydrates: Sanchez A et al. Role of sugars in human neutropilic phagocytosis. Am. J. Clin. 26:180, 1973 also: Cheraskin
E. Sucrose, neutrophilic phagocytosis and resistance to disease. Dental Survey 52(12):46-48,1976
SMOKING CAUSE AND CURE: Hyperestrogenism can be experienced by both men and women, and symptoms are anxiety, irritability and nervous tension, etc., Ingested animal fats are synthesized by anaerobic bacterial flora producing female hormones in the cancer causing form, estrone, estradiol and 17 methoxyestradiol. Smoking, exercise, and
vitamin B6 all lower endogenous estrogen levels and decrease risk for
cancer. Research of GE Abraham, Premenstrual tension syndromes;A Nut-
tional approach. Anabolism 5(2):5-6,1986. Also, Cramer DW et al. JAMA April 11, 1986. also, Follingstad AH. Commentary: Estriol, the forgotten estrogen? JAMA239(1):29-30, 1978; Cole P., MacMahon B. Estrogen fractions during early reproductive life in the aetiology of best cancer. Lancet 1:604-6,1969 and more upon request.
Research suggests the removal of caffeine, sugar and reduce salt, and
reduce or eliminate dairy, and calcium. Also, animal protein ingestion produces 50% more hormones in the bloodstream, most likely because of the fat.If you think you need meat, boiling the trimmed, lean-type meat might have tolerable amounts of fat.The use of olive oil(studies show inactivates bacteria) instead of butter or margarine goes along with this. Digestive enzymes should be taken with every meal , or use Adolf's meat tenderizer (protein enzymes) on cooled meat. And Abraham suggests B6 500 mg. sustained release form daily will decrease symptoms. RBC magnesium was found to be significantly lower than normals, 400mg.daily ( eat whole grains, high in mag ) suggested by Abraham GE, Lubran MD. Serum and red cell Mag. levels in patients with premenstrual tension. Am, J. Clin Nutr. 34:1264-66,1981 (studies also show water with chlorine kills enzymes-so avoid drinking. You might have to boil water if spring water not available
or bottled).Exercise moderately, frequently!! Good Health to You!!
To withhold this info (not only promotes illness )but someone is choosing who can be in good standing by not telling them research is available to easily quit smoking. They are playing GOD. Spinner